一、哲学类(村支书述职报告25种,22册,1100元 )
1.理想国(Republic) 作 者:柏拉图(Plato)
2.形而上学(Metaphysics) 作者:亚里士多德 (Aristotle)
3.诗学(On the Art of Poetry)作 者:亚里士多德 (Aristotle)
4.诗艺(七年级数学下册期末试卷On the Art of Poetry)作者:贺拉斯(Horace)
5.论崇高(On the Sublime Longinus) 作者:朗吉奴斯(Longinus)
6.第一哲学沉思录(Meditations on First Philosophy)
作者:笛卡尔(Rene Descartes)
7.思想录(Pascal’s Penssees)作 者:帕斯卡尔(Blaise Pascal)
8.人性论(A Treatise of Human Nature) 会议记录范文模板作 者:休谟(David Hume)
9. 纯粹理性批判(Critique of Pure Reason) 作者:康德(Kant)
10.判断力批判(Critique of Judgment) 作者:康德(Kant)
1.理想国(Republic) 作 者:柏拉图(Plato)
2.形而上学(Metaphysics) 作者:亚里士多德 (Aristotle)
3.诗学(On the Art of Poetry)作 者:亚里士多德 (Aristotle)
4.诗艺(七年级数学下册期末试卷On the Art of Poetry)作者:贺拉斯(Horace)
5.论崇高(On the Sublime Longinus) 作者:朗吉奴斯(Longinus)
6.第一哲学沉思录(Meditations on First Philosophy)
作者:笛卡尔(Rene Descartes)
7.思想录(Pascal’s Penssees)作 者:帕斯卡尔(Blaise Pascal)
8.人性论(A Treatise of Human Nature) 会议记录范文模板作 者:休谟(David Hume)
9. 纯粹理性批判(Critique of Pure Reason) 作者:康德(Kant)
10.判断力批判(Critique of Judgment) 作者:康德(Kant)
11.精神现象学(The Phenomenology of Mind)Vol.1, Vol.2
作 者:黑格尔(Hegel)
12.小逻辑(The Logic of Hegel)作者:黑格尔(Hegel)
13.作为意志和表象的世界(The World as Will and Representation)Vol.1, Vol.2
作化归思想 者:叔本华(Schopenhauer)
14.查拉图斯特拉如是说(Thus Spake Zarathustra)
作 者:尼采(Friedrich Nietzsche)
15.非此即彼(Either/Or)Vol.1, Vol.2 作者:克尔凯郭尔(Kierkegaard)
16.普通语言学教程(Course in General Linguistics)
作 者:索绪尔(F.de Saussure)
17.纯粹现象学导论(Ideas: General Introduction to Pure Phenomenology)
作 者:胡塞尔(Edmund Husserl)
18.逻辑哲学论(Tractatus Logico Philosophicus)(德英对照)
作 者:维特根斯坦(L.Wittgenstein)
19.哲学研究(Philosophical Investigations)(德英对照)
作 者:黑格尔(Hegel)
12.小逻辑(The Logic of Hegel)作者:黑格尔(Hegel)
13.作为意志和表象的世界(The World as Will and Representation)Vol.1, Vol.2
作化归思想 者:叔本华(Schopenhauer)
14.查拉图斯特拉如是说(Thus Spake Zarathustra)
作 者:尼采(Friedrich Nietzsche)
15.非此即彼(Either/Or)Vol.1, Vol.2 作者:克尔凯郭尔(Kierkegaard)
16.普通语言学教程(Course in General Linguistics)
作 者:索绪尔(F.de Saussure)
17.纯粹现象学导论(Ideas: General Introduction to Pure Phenomenology)
作 者:胡塞尔(Edmund Husserl)
18.逻辑哲学论(Tractatus Logico Philosophicus)(德英对照)
作 者:维特根斯坦(L.Wittgenstein)
19.哲学研究(Philosophical Investigations)(德英对照)
作 者:维特根斯坦(L.Wittgenstein)
20.存在与时间(Being and Time)作 者:海德格尔(Martin Heidegger)
21.诗·语言·思(Poetry, Language, Thought)
作 者:海德格尔(Martin Heidegger)
22.存在与虚无(Being and Nothingness) 作者:萨特(Jean-Paul Sartre)
23.真理与方法(Truth and Method)作者:伽达默尔(Hans-Georg Gadamer)
24.科学革命的结构(The Structure of Scientific Revolutions)
作 者:库恩(T.S.Kuhn)
25.性史(The History of Sexuality) 作者:福柯(M.Foucault)
1.尼各马可伦理学(The Nicomachean Ethics of Aristotle坡道定点停车)
作 者:亚里士多德 (Aristotle)
2. 道德情操论(The Theory of Moral Sentiments)
作 者:亚当·斯密(Adam Smith)
20.存在与时间(Being and Time)作 者:海德格尔(Martin Heidegger)
21.诗·语言·思(Poetry, Language, Thought)
作 者:海德格尔(Martin Heidegger)
22.存在与虚无(Being and Nothingness) 作者:萨特(Jean-Paul Sartre)
23.真理与方法(Truth and Method)作者:伽达默尔(Hans-Georg Gadamer)
24.科学革命的结构(The Structure of Scientific Revolutions)
作 者:库恩(T.S.Kuhn)
25.性史(The History of Sexuality) 作者:福柯(M.Foucault)
1.尼各马可伦理学(The Nicomachean Ethics of Aristotle坡道定点停车)
作 者:亚里士多德 (Aristotle)
2. 道德情操论(The Theory of Moral Sentiments)
作 者:亚当·斯密(Adam Smith)
3.论人类不平等的起源和基础(A Discourse on Inequality)
作 者:卢梭(Jean-Jacques.Rousseau)
4. 实践理性批判(Critique of Practical Reason)
作 者:康德(Kant)
5.道德形而上学基础(Foundations of the Metaphysics of Morals)
作 者:康德(Kant)
6.功利主义(Utilitarianism)作 者:穆勒(Mill)
7.伦理学原理(Principia Ethica)作者:摩尔(G.E.Moore)
8.正义论(A Theory of Justice)作 者:罗尔斯(John Rawls)
9.无政府、国家与乌托邦(Anarchy, State and Utopia)
作 者:诺齐克(Robert Nozick)
10.追寻美德(After Virtue)作 者:麦金太尔(Alasdair MacIntyre)
1.忏悔录(Confessions) 作者:圣·奥古斯丁(St.Augustine)
作 者:卢梭(Jean-Jacques.Rousseau)
4. 实践理性批判(Critique of Practical Reason)
作 者:康德(Kant)
5.道德形而上学基础(Foundations of the Metaphysics of Morals)
作 者:康德(Kant)
6.功利主义(Utilitarianism)作 者:穆勒(Mill)
7.伦理学原理(Principia Ethica)作者:摩尔(G.E.Moore)
8.正义论(A Theory of Justice)作 者:罗尔斯(John Rawls)
9.无政府、国家与乌托邦(Anarchy, State and Utopia)
作 者:诺齐克(Robert Nozick)
10.追寻美德(After Virtue)作 者:麦金太尔(Alasdair MacIntyre)
1.忏悔录(Confessions) 作者:圣·奥古斯丁(St.Augustine)
2.托马斯·阿奎那要籍选(Basic Writings of Saint Thomas Aquinas)Vol.1, Vol.2
作 者:阿奎那(St.Thomas Aquinas)
3.迷途指津(The Guide for the Perplexed) 作者:马蒙尼德(Maimonides)ishare.iask.sina/f/10363521.html In studying each chapter, do not content yourself with comprehending its principal subject, but attend to every term mentioned therein, although it may seem to have no connection with the principal subject. 在阅读某一章时,你不仅要弄懂那一章的整个主题,而且要掌握论述过程中的每一字句,即使那个字句与那一章的主题思想无关。For what I have written in this work was not the suggestion of the moment; it is the result of deep study and great application. Care has been taken that nothing that appeared doubtful should be left unexplained.我之所以这样说,乃因为本书的讲述不是随随便便,而是极为严谨精确的,它最大限度地阐明了每一模糊之处。 Nothing of what is mentioned is out of place, every remark will be found to illustrate the subject-matter of the respective chapter. 除了出于某种考虑而做的特殊安排外,本书的一切论述都紧扣各章的主题。Do not read superficially, lest you do me an injury, and derive no benefit for yourself. 因此,你不必空费心神去想这里在讲什么,你如
作 者:阿奎那(St.Thomas Aquinas)
3.迷途指津(The Guide for the Perplexed) 作者:马蒙尼德(Maimonides)ishare.iask.sina/f/10363521.html In studying each chapter, do not content yourself with comprehending its principal subject, but attend to every term mentioned therein, although it may seem to have no connection with the principal subject. 在阅读某一章时,你不仅要弄懂那一章的整个主题,而且要掌握论述过程中的每一字句,即使那个字句与那一章的主题思想无关。For what I have written in this work was not the suggestion of the moment; it is the result of deep study and great application. Care has been taken that nothing that appeared doubtful should be left unexplained.我之所以这样说,乃因为本书的讲述不是随随便便,而是极为严谨精确的,它最大限度地阐明了每一模糊之处。 Nothing of what is mentioned is out of place, every remark will be found to illustrate the subject-matter of the respective chapter. 除了出于某种考虑而做的特殊安排外,本书的一切论述都紧扣各章的主题。Do not read superficially, lest you do me an injury, and derive no benefit for yourself. 因此,你不必空费心神去想这里在讲什么,你如
那样做,就既伤害我的感情,又对你无益。You must study thoroughly and read continually; for you will then find the solution of those important problems of religion, which are a source of anxiety to all intelligent men. 你要把该学到的东西都学到手,而且连续不断地研读此书。只有这样,本书才能向你讲明《律法书》中的大多数隐晦不明之处,这些地方即使对很聪明的人也都是难点。