节约用纸英语作文 篇1
From learning to life, we can not do without paper, and paper-making raw materials are mainly bark and other plant fibers, but because people blindly cutting. Now less and less trees, so we have to save paper, everybody, from little things around us. "Saving paper" concept for us, than to save water and electricity to seem a little distant. Few people know to save paper and protect the ecological environment is directly related. Each of us every day in the paper, with a variety of different types of paper. You counted it? How much paper you use every day? How much paper you one week? How much a month to a year to use your paper?
The result is amazing. A piece of paper come from? Paper is from a tree "change" to the. A tree often takes decades to be a long human use. Human beings are relentless, the sound of saws, into dozens of older trees crashing to the ground. Those timber and transported to paper mills, into a piece of paper. Paper to bring the convenience of mankind, but to the forest caused great impact.
节约用纸英语作文 篇2
he earth is suffering, and we, the human beings, are suffering with it,too.The rivers on the earth are drying,then we have to turn to the Mars to search for water;trees on the earth are reducing,then we have to use plastics;the oil,coal and gas is getting less an less,then we have to be ready to go backward to the darkness.Everybody hates the pollutions but everybody is making pollutions.If you are responsible person for the world,for the next generation and for yourself,then stop making such mistakes.Let's all together save the environment, save the resources ,save the nature and save the earth as well.Only because that is to save ourselves!Come on,do something with the preservation of the human existence.
Everybody knows that we have only one earth on which we share with different kinds of animals and plants.With the development of the industry,we, the human beings, have produced more and more pollutions whci are harmful to the animals,plants and ourselves as well.The most serious problem that we have to face is that the earth is being destroyed by our so-called civilizations.Sometimes,you may find we are having more and more natural disasters on the earth.That is why some countries,like America,has begun to explore the Mars and the other planets.Remember,to save the earth is to save ourselves.
节约用纸英语作文 篇3
Mayor Bloomberg has been the mayor of New York City for nearly nine years, but for ten years he has been wearing the same shoes. This is really rare to be seen on a billionaire.
“The mayor owns two pairs of work shoes,” said the spokesman. “One day he’ll wear one, the next the other. When they got worn down, he has them repaired. He could buy any shoes he wanted, but he says since they are comfortable, and they work, there’s no need for a new pair.” According to the spokesman, the mayor saves in his footwear and he also k
eeps it up in his personal as well as governmental finance. “When he buys a cup of coffee, he chooses the smallest size. He buys only what he needs.”
Such is the mayor of New York City, who cares little about his shoes, avoids wasting money and focuses his attention on his work and his people in the city.
But what about our fellow students nowadays? Some wear super expensive clothes and shoes; besides, they buy as many as possible, far more than two pairs. They always want the latest, the newest and throw the old ones away though they haven’t worn them for many times.
节约用纸英语作文 篇4
The author introduces to us the mayor of New York City, a man who is rich but provident. The author also points out nowadays some students have the habit of wasting things.
When reading the passage, I am deeply moved by the mayor. Rich as he is, he has the virtue of saving. He spends money only on what he needs and never wastes money on wh
at is of no use. I think this is really admirable.
The mayor reminds me of the great political leader of China, Chairman Mao. As the chairman of China, Mao led a very thrifty life. He used to wear old clothes at home. When his clothes were worn out, he would have them repaired and continued to wear them. He always told others that saving was a good virtue of Chinese people.
Thinking about the two great leaders, I feel deeply ashamed. As a young student who still has to depend on my parents, I have been leading too comfortable a life. I buy whatever I like though I don’t really need them. Besides, I like new things; when things get “old”, I tend to begin to dislike them and stop using them. Now that I realize that this is wrong, I’m determined that I shall follow the examples of the two great leaders and start to get rid of the bad habits.
节约用纸英语作文 篇5
What is vividly revealed in the picture is that water is being reused in daily life at home. Afte
r washing rice, the water can be used to wash vegetables and then clean the mop and the toilet. What a harmonious scene it is!
It is not difficult to find that what the picture intends to express is the importance of saving and protecting resources. On the one hand, as we all know, water resource is limited and water shortage is still a serious problem threatening the existence and survival of the whole human being. On the other hand, the phenomenon of wasting water can still be easily found anywhere in our daily life. For example, water taps are frequently left on by careless users. Someone even assumes that they have the right to waste water because they pay for it o that it has nothing to do with others. In fact, so precious water is that we cannot afford to waste it. Water resource is not only indispensable in our daily life but also in the industry and agriculture. It is hard to imagine what the world would be like when there I is no more water.