A. 银行 B. 超市 C. 医院
2. 问题:两人为什么要见面?
A. 商谈合作事宜 B. 举办活动 C. 安排行程
3. 问题:男士何时离开?
A. 明天 B. 今天晚上 C. 下周
4. 问题:女士喜欢什么电影类型?
A. 喜剧 B. 科幻片 C. 爱情片
5. 问题:男士为什么要去图书馆?
A. 借书 B. 读书 C. 还书
6. 问题:女士打算去哪里度假?
A. 海滩 B. 山区 C. 城市
7. 问题:男士在做什么工作?
A. 文字编辑 B. 广告设计 C. 数据分析
8. 问题:女士需要什么帮助?
A. 工作 B. 学习语言 C. 订机票
9. 问题:男士多长时间能完成项目?
A. 一个星期 B. 两个星期 C. 一个月
10. 问题:女士准备去哪个城市旅行?
A. 上海 B. 北京 C. 广州
11. 问题:根据对话,男士将买给女士什么作为生日礼物?
A. 一本新小说 B. 一本杂志 C. 一本画册
12. 问题:为什么男士不能参加会议?
A. 他有工作安排 B. 他要出差 C. 他生病了
13. 问题:根据对话,男士正在做什么?
A. 听音乐 B. 听京剧表演 C. 看电视剧
14. 问题:根据对话,女士想吃什么?
A. 饺子 B. 冰淇淋 C. 炒面
15. 问题:男士对新来的同事有何评价?
A. 他很聪明 B. 他很搞笑 C. 他很帅气
16. 问题:这段短文主要介绍了什么?
A. 一本新书的内容 B. 一座著名的景点 C. 一条漂亮的河流
17. 问题:这本书适合哪些年龄段的读者?
A. 成年人 B. 儿童 C. 青少年
18. 问题:文中提到的景点位于哪个国家?
A. 美国 B. 英国 C. 中国
19. 问题:这条河流有多长?
A. 1000公里 B. 2000公里 C. 3000公里
20. 问题:这本书的作者是谁?
A. 李明 B. 张三 C. 王五
Guide to Healthy Eating
1. Eating a balanced diet is essential for maintaining good health. Here are some tips to help you make healthy food choices.
2. Vegetables and fruits contain lots of vitamins and minerals. You should aim to include at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables in your daily meals. Choose a variety of colors, such as leafy greens, red tomatoes, and orange carrots.
3. Whole grains provide energy and fiber. Replace refined grains like white rice and white bread with whole grains like brown rice and whole wheat bread.
4. Protein is important for muscle growth and repair. Good sources of protein include lean meats, fish, eggs, and legumes.
5. Dairy products like milk and yogurt are rich in calcium. Choose low-fat options to reduce your intake of saturated fat.
6. Limit your consumption of sugary beverages and snacks, as they can contribute to weight gain and tooth decay.
7. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your body hydrated.
8. Remember to practice portion control. Eating smaller portions can help you maintain a healthy weight.
9. Finally, be mindful of your eating habits. Avoid eating in front of the TV or computer, and try to focus on enjoying your meals.
10. By following these guidelines, you can achieve a balanced and healthy diet that benefits your overall well-being.
11. Eating a balanced diet is not important for good health. ( )
12. You should eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily. ( )
13. Whole grains are a good source of vitamins and minerals. ( )
14. Protein is essential for muscle growth and repair. ( )
15. Consuming sugary beverages and snacks can lead to tooth decay. ( )
16. Drinking a lot of water is not necessary to keep your body hydrated. ( )
17. Practicing portion control can help you maintain a healthy weight. ( )
18. You should eat in front of the TV or computer to enjoy your meals. ( )
19. Following these guidelines can help you achieve a balanced and healthy diet. ( )
20. Drinking milk and yogurt can increase your intake of saturated fat. ( )
When it comes to exercising, many people think of hitting the gym or going for a run. However, there are plenty of other ways to stay active and burn calories. Here are five fun and unconventional exercises that you can try.