关于”时事的素材“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Material of current events。以下是关于时事的素材的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。
高分英语作文1:Material of current events
The rise and fall of a country is closely related to the future destiny of the individual and the country. Therefore, caring about national affairs is an important manifestation of patriotic consciousness of every citizen. Citizens should have the quality that we are social people.
If we can skillfully use events as materials in the front of things, the easier it will be to produce with teachers Students sympathize with each other, which requires us to accumulate enough events. First of all, high school students should care about what kind of events I think, politics,.
In recent years, the issue of whether the large amount of money in athletes' pockets is fair has aroused more and more discussion. Those who support high pay for athletes believe that athletes have won a good reputation for our country in the Olympic Games, and that athletes have to undergo hard physical and mental training. Nevertheless, they also encour
age young people to partite in sports activities, but everyone has different ideas.
They think that athletes have little direct role in promoting the national economy, so they should not get it With so much money, I think they deserve a high salary.