*****学 院
题 目 浅析金庸武侠小说的侠义观
院 系 文学院
专 业 ****汉语
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申请学位 学士学位
学生姓名:***** 指导教师:*****
摘 要:自上世纪起,以金庸为代表的新派武侠小说就在当代文坛掀起了一场武侠小说阅读风暴,几十年来人们更是被金庸小说所传达出的侠义观所折服。本文从传统文化中对“侠义”的定义谈起,论述金庸的侠义观;重点以《射雕三部曲》、《飞狐外传》为例,阐述金庸侠义观所包含的“见义勇为,坚守道义”、“言出必行,重信然诺”、“拒绝利诱,坚持正义”、“为国为民,民族大义”四大内涵;最终目的是将金庸侠义观与传统侠义精神相对比并分析其进步性。
关键词:侠义观; 内涵; 进步性
From the point of Jin Yong’s martial arts novels of Jin Yong’s chivalrous view
Author’s Name: Linghua Zhang Tutor: Jinhua Han
ABSTRACT:New martial arts novels represented by Jin Yong stir up a novel reading storm in the contemporary literary field. People have been attracted by the chivalrous view conveyed in Jin Yong’s novels for decades. This paper discusses from the definition of “chivalrous” in the traditional culture, talks about Jin Yong’s definition about “chivalrous”, and uses the example of The Condor Trilogy and Other Tales of the Flying Fox to focuses on the four connotations contained in the chivalrous view which are "be ready to help others for a just cause and stick to moral", "practice what you preach", "refuse to inducements and adhere to justice" and “fight for the state and the people”. The ultimate goal of this paper is to contrast Jin Yong's chivalrous and the traditional chivalrous spirit and analyze its advancement.
KEYWORDS:chivalrous; connotation; 母子情侠 advancement