六一儿童节活动总结光辉灿烂Name Class Grade :请在此处直接输入班级姓名
手机开不开机怎么办To clean houses on the New Year Even is a very old custom dating back to thousands of years ago. The dust bid farewell their houses, sweeping the floor, washing daily things, cleaning the spider webs and dredging the ditches. People do all these things happily in the hope of a good coming year.
春节打扫房屋这个非常古老的习俗甚至可以追溯到几千年前。灰尘在传统上与“旧”联系在一起,所以打扫房屋和扫除灰尘意味着辞“旧”迎“新”。春节的前几天,中国的各家各户都打扫房屋,扫地,清One of the house decorations is to post couplets on
doors. On the Spring Festival couplets, good wishes are
usually posted in with good luck 房屋装饰之一就是在门上贴对联。在春联上,