If you like the idea of being able to read much faster, remember more easily, and being more creative, this list of Tony Buzan’s books might be inspirational to get you started.
Study Skills Handbook
This book does not focus only on reading efficiency but also covers the subjects of memory improvement and mind mapping. It is an absolute must for students of all ages.
Speed Reading
This popular book explains the principles of efficient reading. It allows you to improve your reading and retention (记忆力) skills immediately. The book gets right down to the practical matter of learning to read fast and remember what you have read.
The Mind Map Book
The Mind Map Book is a ground-breaking work on the basics of mind mapping suitable for everyone and introduces revolutionary techniques for planning and note-taking. It is one of Tony Buzan’s books that have taken the world by storm, selling more than 250 million copies. This guide will teach you how to use your brain properly and to maximum effect and additionally contains numerous practical exercises.
Use Your Head
Use Your Head is for those of you that feel as if you have not been able to reach your full potential. In this book, Tony Buzan teaches you how to think and learn from all possible sources of learning. You will also increase your creativity and your problem-solving abilities. Use Your Head has been translated into 27 different languages and is one of the most popular and best-selling Tony Buzan’s books on every continent. You will most certainly gain valuable advice on how to achieve your mental potential fully.
1.Which book can help students take better notes?
A.Study Skills Handbook.
B.The Mind Map Book.
C.Speed Reading.
D.Use Your Head.
2.What do we know about the book Use Your Head?
A.It offers different sources of learning.
B.It is the best-selling book on every continent.
C.It helps solve problems in different languages.
D.It provides tips on reaching full mental potential.
3.What do the four books mainly focus on?
A.Learning motivation.    B.Daily life skills.
C.Personal development.    D.Memory skills.
Teens often find themselves in difficult situations with friends where they struggle to communicate their needs or their values. Even when their gut(直觉)is telling them that someone is crossing a line, they may struggle to express that the situation is making them uncomfortable. For this reason, parents need to work with their teens to establish boundaries with others.
Although boundaries are different for everyone, when done correctly, they help teens set limits with others in order to protect themselves. Setting boundaries allows teens to communicate with other people about what is OK and what is not OK with them and is important to teen friendships.
What are boundaries? Boundaries are limits teens establish in order to protect themselves in some way from being hurt, manipulated(操纵), or taken advantage of. As an expression of self-worth, boundaries let other people know who they are, what they value, and how they want to be treated. Additionally, boundaries help to create space bet
ween teens and other people when they need it.
Learning how to set boundaries - both physical and emotional - is an important part of growing up. It’s also essential to developing friendships that are respectful, supportive and healthy.
Unfortunately, though, many teens have trouble setting boundaries with their friends; and when this happens, it puts them at risk for everything from unhealthy friendships to bullying(霸凌) or abuse.
Of course, setting boundaries isn’t easy. It’s uncomfortable and forces a teen to stand up for themselves. What’s more, communicating boundaries to other people can make for difficult conversations or uncomfortable situations. Yet, it’s one of the most important things that teens need to learn how to do.
4.Which of the following best explains “crossing a line” underlined in paragraph 1?
A.Sharing secrets.
B.Keeping in touch.
C.Behaving properly.
D.Going beyond accepted limits.
5.What do boundaries show about teens?
A.Their values and self-worth.
B.Their levels of independence.
C.Their ability to manipulate others.
D.Their physical and mental health.
6.What does the author think of setting boundaries?
A.Easy.    B.Rewarding.    C.Boring.    D.Unnecessary.
7.What is probably talked about following the last paragraph?
A.The benefits of setting boundaries.
B.The possible results of breaking boundaries.
C.Strategies for effectively setting boundaries.
D.The role of parents in helping teens set boundaries.
Andrea Speranza wanted to be a firefighter long before she had the right word for her wish. After one childhood adventure at a construction site ended with an iron nail embedded (嵌入) in her leg and an emergency call to the fire department, she found herself in awe. “As they gave me the medical treatment, I thought they could help everybody and do anything,” says the now 52-year-old.