    1. Survival - 生存
    The main theme of the movie is survival. 主题是生存。
    2. Adventure - 冒险
    The young boy embarks on an incredible adventure. 年轻男孩开始了一次令人难以置信的冒险。
    3. Drift - 漂流
    After the shipwreck, the boy and the tiger drift in the ocean. 船只沉没后,男孩和老虎在海
    4. Courage - 勇气
    The boy displays immense courage in the face of danger. 男孩在危险面前展现出巨大的勇气。
    5. Survival instinct - 生存本能
    Both the boy and the tiger rely on their survival instincts. 男孩和老虎都依靠他们的生存本能。
    6. Adaptation - 适应
    The boy learns to adapt to his new surroundings. 男孩学会了适应他的新环境。
    7. Solitude - 孤独
    The boy experiences long periods of solitude while at sea. 男孩在海上经历了长时间的孤独。
    8. Resilience - 恢复力
    The boy shows great resilience in the face of adversity. 男孩在逆境中表现出极大的恢复力。
    9. Bond - 纽带
    A unique bond forms between the boy and the tiger. 男孩和老虎之间形成了一种独特的纽带。
    10. Faith - 信念
    The boy's faith helps him endure the challenges he faces. 男孩的信念帮助他忍受他所面临的挑战。
    11. Surreal - 超现实
    The movie has many surreal elements that add to its magical atmosphere. 电影中有很多超现实的元素,增加了它的神奇氛围。
    12. Visual effects - 视觉效果
    The film's visual effects are stunning and bring the story to life. 电影的视觉效果令人惊叹,使故事生动起来。
    13. Captivating - 迷人的
    The movie is captivating from start to finish. 电影从头到尾都很迷人。
    14. Poignant - 感人的
    The story has many poignant moments that tug at the heartstrings. 故事中有很多令人动情的时刻,触动人心。
    15. Symbolism - 象征主义
    The movie is filled with symbolism that adds depth to the narrative. 电影中充满了象征主义,增加了叙述的深度。