    成功励志英语故事翻译 成功励志英语故事:摘去多余的葡萄 1889年,爱德华·米其林在法国克莱蒙费朗创办了一家轮胎作坊,因 为需求量大,他的轮胎作坊没几年就成了一家大公司
    随着规模越来越大,爱德华接触到的业务也越来越多。后来,他发现 造船挺赚钱,于是成立了一家造船厂。他又觉得酿酒业很不错,又成立了一家酿 酒公司。随着项目的增加,他觉得运输业这笔钱也应该赚到,就成立了一家铁路 运输公司…… 爱德华的商业帝国越来越大,就在他慢慢成为克莱蒙费朗最有钱的人 时,问题开始出来了。他每天都忙得精疲力尽,可几年后,包括轮胎公司在内的 所有业务都开始亏损。“为什么我这么努力却还是做不好”爱德华纳闷极了。
    有一天,爱德华因为酿酒公司原材料的问题来到一座葡萄园考察,他 看到农户们把一些青葡萄摘下来倒掉,不无心疼地问:“这些葡萄看上去并没有 什么问题,为什么要把它们摘下
来扔掉” “如果不摘掉部分葡萄,所有葡萄都只会相互抢夺养分,最终都长不 大,不够甜,而摘掉一部分就能为其它葡萄省下更多养分,这样不仅产量高,价 格也能卖得更好。”农户们补充道,“如果舍不得摘掉它们,我们反而会损失更多 呢。” 农户们说着,继续忙活儿去了。爱德华则反复咀嚼他们的话,从中总 结出了一个道理——“这和我管理公司又何尝不是一样呢我总以为揽下的业务越 多就是越成功,其实这是在分散我的精力,结果连一件事也做不好了。” 那一刻,爱德华做了一个决定,摘掉那些分散自己精力的业务!短短 半年,爱德华就先后关闭了除轮胎以外的所有公司,全力以赴地做一件事,到现 在,他的轮胎业务已覆盖了全球200多个国家和地区。这就是被誉为“全球轮胎科 技的领导者”——米其林! “舍得放弃,才能拥有更多。”爱德华在晚年时这样教导子孙,“专注地做好一件事才能真正创造成就,贪心不足只能让自己一事无成!” 成功励志英语故事翻译:
    In 1889, the aidehua·miqilin in France Clermont Ferrand started a tire workshop, because of high demand, he tire of workshop a few years has become a large company. With the increasing scale, Edward reached for business is alsogrowing. Later, he found the ship was making money, then set up a shipyard. He thinks the wine industry is very good, and founded a wine company. As the project increased, he felt this money should al
so be made to the transport sector, on the establishment of a railway transport company ... ... Edward“s growing business empire, as he slowly become the richest person in Clermont-Ferrand, problems begin to come out. He was so busy every day exhausted, after a few years, all business, including tire companies are losing money. “Why am I so hard but still can"t do "Edward wonder pole. One day, Edward Brewer raw material issues came to a vineyard visit, he saw farmers picked out some green grapes, is lovingly asked: "these grapes look"s fine, why pick them away ” "If you do not take some grapes, all grapes will rob the nutrients, eventually grow up, and not sweet enough, while other grapes take part will be able to save more nutrients, not only yield high prices can sell it better. "Farmers added," If reluctant toremove them, we will lose more. ” Farmers say, continue to work. Edward ruminating on their words, sums up the truth-"this management company and I did not like it I always thought that more business is more successful under the range Rover, it"s distracting me energy, even onething that can be done. ” At that moment, Edward made a decision, take off those who spread their energy business! The short, Edward has shut downall but the tire company, go all out to do one thing, and
now,his tire business has covers more than 200 countries and regions in the world. This is known as the "world leader in tire technology"--Michelin! "Willing to give up, in order to have more. "Edward teach children in old age," concentrate on doing one thing can really create success, greed can only let myself do nothing! ” 成功励志英语故事:衣服也能高贵起来 他是黑人,1963年2月17日出生于纽约布鲁克林贫民区。