1.It's impossible for anyone else to define YOU.
毛诗正义2.You are indefinable.You are the only one in this world who gets to say who you are.
3.You were born with everything you need.
4.You are whole and complete,and were gifted every talent and insight you needed to thrive in this world in the moment you were born.Your only job is to accept this truth and then allow it to unfold.Some gifts don't become apparent until later in life.Some insights only become clear to you once you have life experiences that unlock such wisdom from within you.Trust in this and relax.
北京apec5.Perfection is a man-made illusion.
大花芙蓉葵6.We are beautifully imperfect beings,operating in a very imperfect world,and that is just the way it is meant to be.Striving for perfection is a hollow goal,one that can never be achi
eved.Embrace your quirks,your flaws and the fact that life is a roller coaster at times.Strive for excellence,have high standards..but never confuse that with the crippling behavior of perfectionism.
教师节的意义7.You are NOT your thoughts.
8.You are the witnessing essence and consciousness behind the noise in your mind.Your mind doesn't define you,nor does it control you.It is not who you are.As soon as you recognize this,by watching your thoughts like an intrigued third-party observer,you will create instant distance from those thoughts and therefore no longer be identified with or enslaved by them.
9.Your beliefs can be modified to lift you up.
索性的近义词糖葫芦制作方法10.Whatever you believe to be true about yourself and life in the long-term becomes your reality.If your beliefs don't work in your favor,you can change them.