On Friday evenin g last I receiv ed from His Majest y the missio n to form a new admini strat ion.
It was the eviden t will of Parlia mentand the nation that this should be concei ved on the broade st possib le basisand that it should includ e all partie s.
I have alread y comple ted the most import ant part of this task. A war cabine t has been formed of five member s, repres entin g, with the Labor, Opposi tionand Libera ls, the unityof the nation.
It was necess ary that this should be done in one single day on accoun t of the extrem e urgenc y and rigorof events. Otherkey positi ons were filled yester day. I am submit tinga furthe r list to the King tonigh t. I hope to comple te the appoin tment of princi pal Minist ers during tomorr ow.
The appoin tment of otherMinist ers usuall y takesa little longer. I trustwhen Parlia mentmeetsagainthis part of my task will be comple ted and that the admini strat ion will be comple te in all respec ts.
I consid eredit in the public intere st to sugges t to the Speake r that the Houseshould be summon ed today.At the end of today''s procee dings, the adjour nment of the Housewill be propos ed untilMay 2l with provis ion for earlie r meetin g if need be. Busine ss for that will be notifi ed to M. P. ''s at the earlie st opport unity.
I now invite the Houseby a resolu tionto record its approv al of the stepstakenand declar e its confid encein the new govern ment. The resolu tion:
"That this Housewelcom es the format ion of a govern mentrepres entin g the united and inflex ibleresolv e of the nation to prosec ute the war with German y to a victor iousconclu sion."
To form an admini strat ion of this scaleand comple xityis a seriou s undert aking in itself. But we are in the prelim inary Phaseof one of the greate st battle s in histor y. We are in action at any otherpoints-in Norway and in Hollan d-and we have to be prepar ed in the Medite rrane an. The air battle is contin uing, and many prepar ation s have to be made here at home.
In this crisis I thinkI may be pardon ed if I do not addres s the Houseat any length today, and I hope that any of my friend s and collea guesor for mer collea gueswho are affect ed by the politi cal recons truct ion will make all allowa ncesfor any lack of ceremo ny with whichit has been necess ary to act.
I say to the Houseas I said to Minist ers who have joined this govern ment, I have nothin g to offerbut blood, toil, tearsand sweat. We have before us an ordeal of the most grievo us kind. We have before us many, many months of strugg le and suffer ing.
You ask, what is our policy? I say it is to wage(作战) war by land, sea and air. War with all our mightand with all the streng th God has givenus, and to wage war agains t a monstr ous tyrann y neversurpas sed in the dark and lament ablecatalo gue of humancrime. That is our policy.
You ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word, It is victor y. Victor y at all costs-victor y in spiteof all terror s-victor y, howeve r long and hard the road may be, for withou t victor y thereis no surviv al.
Let that be realiz ed. No surviv al for the Britis h Empire, no surviv al for all that the Britis h Empire has stoodfor, no surviv al for the urge, the impuls e of the ages, that mankin d shallmove forwar d toward his goal.
I take up my task in buoyan cy and hope. I feel sure that our causewill not be suffer ed to fail amongmen.
I feel entitl ed at this junctu re, at this time, to claimthe aid of all and to say, "Come then, let us go forwar d togeth er with our united streng th."