1. All+抽象名词
抽象名词+itself  = very + 形容词
例句:He was all gentleness to her. 他对她非常的温存。
    To his superiors, he is humility itself对于长辈他极为谦逊。
    She is all smiles. 她一味笑。
    He is all eyes. 他盯着看。
2. Something of/much of                something like
Nothing of/ little of
例句:Mr. Li is something of a philosopher. 李君略有哲学家的风味。
    Mr. Wu is nothing of a musician. 吴君全无音乐家的风味。
    Mr. Lu is very much of a poet. 卢君大有诗人气派。
    Mr. Liu is little of a scholar. 刘君几无学者风度。
    This is something like a pudding. 此物略似布丁。
    这是表示程度的形容词短语,有时可以当副词来译。something of=to some extent,在问句或条件句中,则为anything of,中文可译为略有多少。至于nothing of,则译为全无 much of可译为大有,通常与否定连用。little of是它的反义词,可译为几无 something like=something approximately in character or amount,指数量或性质略同的事物,可译为似乎,略微
3. 属格的主格作用和宾格作用
例句:No one came to my mother’s rescue. 谁也不来救助我的母亲。(宾格)
    The love of money is the root of all evil. 爱财是一切罪恶的根源。(宾格)
    英语中的属格,要看文章才能决定是主格还是宾格。例如:林肯的名言The government of the people, by the people and for the people.既可解释为(sheep可数吗1)人民治理的(主格),也可以解释为(2)治理人民的(宾格)。更多例子:
    John’s fear (主格)约翰的恐惧 /  The fear of John (宾格)恐惧约翰的心情
    The commands of the general    (主格)    /    the command of an army (宾格)
4. (名词)A+of+a.+(名词)B
例句:That fool of a Tom did it. 这是汤姆那个笨蛋做的。
5. One thing… another
例句:It is one thing to know and another to teach. 自己知道是一回事,要教别人又是另外一件事。
6. of+抽象名词=形容词
例句:It was of great importance. 这是非常重要的。
        The earth is the shape of a pear. 地球是梨子形的。
    这种形式等于形容词。在“of从略+普通名词的形式中,一般与形状、年龄、大小、度、价格等有关的词都用这种形式。如同一大小,说“of a size”,如果要加上形容词,就要省略of。说成“the same size”Age, price, size等词,是没有形容词的,因此,”of age”, “of size”, “of price” 代替了形容词。
7. As… as的三种用法
例句:He is as kind as his sister. 他和他妹妹一样善良。(两个不同的人相同的性质)
    He is as kind as (he is) honest. 他又诚实又善良。(同一人不同的性质)
    He is as kind as his sister is honest. 他妹妹诚实,而他善良(两个人不同的性质)
    He is not so kind as you are. 他不象你那么善良。(否定)
    She is more shy than unsocial. 与其说她不爱交际,不如说她害羞。(对同一人不同性质的比较)
8. As…as any, as… as ever
As… as anything can be
例句:He is as great a statesman as any (or as ever lived). 他是一位稀有的大政治家。
    这种形式是不让不弱、甚至古今无双的意思。在“as …as any”后面,可以加上名词,如“He works as hard as anybody.”(他勤勉不逊于任何人)。如果后面接物而不接人,则有“as…as anything can be” = “as…as possible”,意为……愈佳。如“I will make it as clean as anything can be.”(我要尽量把它弄干净。) “as…as ever”,有照旧
的意思。如“He is as busy as ever.”(他照旧忙)。
9. As…, so…
例句:As rust eats iron, so care eats the heart. 忧能伤人,亦犹锈之蚀铁。
    这里so的意思是“in the same proportion”“in like manner”“in the same way”(亦复如此)。
10. As much
As many
Like so many
例句:I thought as much. 我亦作如是想。
    Those five days seem to me as many years. 那个五天对我好像五年一样。
    They work like so many ants. 那些人就象那么多的蚂蚁一样在做工。
    As much = as much as that, 有三种意思: (1) the same degree or quantity of; 表示同样程度的,同样分量的。(2) as well, equally; 表示同样或同等。(3) the same thing, just so;表示同一事,意为亦然
    As many = the same number of,表示同数,意为其数相同Like so many意思是好像同样数目的,又可译成宛如……似的
11. As good as
As well as
例句:It is as good as done.
    It is broad as well as long.
    I have understanding as well as you.
    Work in moderation is healthy as well as agreeable to the human constitution.
    As good as = (1) amounting to; 意为等于同样几如不欠缺(2) virtually, essentially,意为实际上一年级中秋节手抄报画其实实在
    As well as = (1) no less than;意为等于不下于 (2) both… and; 意为二者皆(3) not only… but also,即…………,注意翻译时要把顺序颠倒。
12. 句首的as it is
句尾的as it is
例句:If I were rich, I should do so. As it is, I do nothing.
    The painter does not copy nature as it is. 画家描绘大自然,并不是完全写实的。
用于句首,接在假设语气之后,意为事实上实际上。类似的表达还有:as matters stand(在目下的状态中), as the case stands(在目下的状态中), as things now are
在目下的状态中), as things go(以目下的情形而论)。
用于句尾,接在名词或代名词之后,复数是as they are.意为照现状
13. 名词等+as+主语+动词等
例句:Child as she was, she was more than a match for him.
    Strange as it may sound, it is true. 听来虽觉奇怪,确是千真万确的。
    Try as you may, you will never succeed. 你尽可以试试看,不过你绝难成功。
14. May well+ 动词 have good reason
And well+主语+may
例句:He may well be proud of his success.他获得那样的成功是很可以骄傲的。
    He is proud of his success, and well he may.他对于自己的成功感到骄傲,也是应该的。
    She might well ask that. 她这样问一声,也不为无理吧。
    May well+ 动词 have good reason,意为那样也是有理由的无怪。内容如果是指过去,May可以改为过去时态的might。不过有时候,过去时态的might,不一定指过去,而是一种客气的说法。见第三句例句。