空气能十大名牌排名1)现在完成时说明的是现在的情况,是现在时态,因此不能和表⽰过去时间的状语如yesterday,1asr month,three years ago,in l960等连⽤。这些时间状语只能和过去时态连⽤,表⽰过去的动作。但现在完成时可和表⽰过去时间的副词just和before连⽤。如:
He has just come.他刚到。
We have seen the movie before,我们以前看过这个电影。
Have you ever been in a plane? 你坐过飞机吗?
珊瑚分几种The new books have not arrived yet.新书还没有到。
The Xisha lslands have always been Chinese territory.西沙岛⼀直是中国的领⼟。
Have you heard from him yet? 你接到他的信了吗?
They have already finished their experiment.他们已经做完试验了。
Many westerners have never seen a giant panda.许多西⽅⼈从没见过⼤熊猫。宁德个人房屋出租
We have often been to the Summer Palace.我们常到颐和园去玩。
屈原之死3)现在完成时可以和包括"现在"在内的时间状语连⽤,如now,today,this month,this year 等。如:
We have planted many fruit trees this year.我们今年种了很多果树。
Have you seen Benny today? 你今天见到本尼了吗?
We've had a lot of rain this summer.今年夏天⾬下得很多。
The conference opened this month.会议是本⽉开幕的。
Their farm set up a pumping station this year.他们农场今年新修了⼀个抽⽔站。
触手美女Where have you been? 你去哪⼉了?(询问经过情况。如说Where did you go?则只问地点) Why have you turned off the radio? 你⼲吗把收⾳机关了?(强调和现在的关系,意即收⾳机关着。如说Why did you turn off the radio?则强调关收⾳机这⼀过去的动作。)
过去完成时(past perfect tense)表⽰在过去某⼀时间或动作以前已经完成了的动作。简⾔之,过去完成时所表⽰的时间就是"过去的过去"。过去完成时由助动词had + 过去分词构成。