1. —Does Jim have _______ ruler
    —Yeshe has _______ . 
    A. ansome      B. aone      C. a;/          D. anyone
2. There is _______  old bike.  _______ old bike is Mr. Zhao’s. 
A. an The          B. theAn      C. aThe      D. theThe
3. _______ apple a day keeps the doctors away. 
    A. The                B. A            C. An            D. Two
4. —How many books do you have
    —I have _______  book. That’s _______  English book. 
A. aan              B. aone        C. onean      D. oneone
5. At that time Tom was _______ one-year-old baby. 
A. a                  B. an              C. the          D.
6. _______ tiger is _______ China. 
A. Thea            B. Athe        C. Thefrom  D. Thethe
7. We can’t see _______  sun at _______  night. 
A. thethe          B. the;/      C. a;/          D. /;/
8.  _______ useful book it is
A. What an          B. How a        C. What a        D. What
9. One afternoon he found _______ handbag. There was _______ “s”on the corner of_______  handbag. 
A. aanthe        B. aathe    C. ananan      D. theaa
10.  _______ old lady with white hair spoke _______  English well at _______ meeting. 
A. Anana      B. The;/;an  C. The;/;a      D. The;/;the
11.  _______ Great Wall is _______  longest wall in the world. 
A. Aa            B. Thethe        C. Athe            D. Thea
12.  _______ new bridge has been built over Huangpu River. 
A. Thea          B. A;/      C. Athe            D. Anthe
13.  _______ woman over there is _______  popular teacher in our school. 
    A. Aan          B. Thea      C. Thethe          D. Athe
14. He used to be _______  teacher but later he turned _______  writer. 
A. aa            B. athe          C. /;a            D. a;/
15. They made him _______  king. 
    A. a                  B. the          C. an                D.
16. His father is _______  English teacher. He works in our school. 
A. a                  B. an          C. the                D.
17. Is he _______  American boy
A. an                B. a                C. one                D.
18. Does Tom often play _______ football after _______  school
A. /;/          B. /;the          C. the;/          D. a;/
19. They passed our school _______  day before yesterday. 
A. an              B. one              C. a                  D. the
20. Australia is _______  English-speaking country. 
    A. a              B. an                C. the                D.
21. She has _______  orange skirt.  _______ skirt is nice. 
    A. aThe          B. anThe          C. anA          D. theThe
22. This is _______  apple. It’s _______  big apple. 
A. ana          B. athe            C. aan            D. anthe
23. Look at _______  horse over there. 
A. a              B. an                C. the              D.
24. Don’t play _______  basketball here. It’s dangerous. 
    A. a              B. an                C.               D. the
25. There is _______  old woman in the car. 
    A.               B. the              C. a                D. an
26. Beijing is _______  beautiful city. It’s _______  capital of China. 
A. aa            B. thethe          C. /;the          D. athe
27. Shanghai is in _______  east of China. 
  A.                   B. an            C. a                D. the
28. I’ve been a student there for nearly two and _______ half years. 
A. a              B. an            C. the              D.
29. The museum is quite far. It will take you half _______  hour to get there by _______ bus. 
A. an;/          B. ana        C. a;/            D. /;/
二、 在下列句子空格填上适当的冠词,不需要的地方用“/”表示:
1. This is ______ old map. It is ______ useful map.
2. We have no classes in ______ afternoon on _______ Saturday.
3. ______ spaceship flies at about eleven kilometers _______second.
4. Beijing is ______ capital of ______ China. It is _______ beautiful city.
5. Roman was not built in ______ day.
6. Chinese is quite ______ difficult language for Mike.
7. Many ______ students will take ______ active part in sports meet.
8. There is ______ interesting picture on ______ wall.
9. Jenny found ______ wallet lying on ______ground. ______ wallet was Mr. Blacks.
10. Which is ______ biggest, ______ sun, ______ moon, or ______ earth?
11. --- Which picture is more beautiful? --- ______one on ______ left, I think.
12. --- Which is _____ way to ______ hospital?
--- Go down this road and turn left on ______ second crossing.
13. _______ more, _______ better.
14. _______ Turners are sitting at breakfast table.
15. Joe Hill was _______ fighter for ______ working class.
16. When was ______ Peoples Republic of China founded?
17. In China ______ first English textbooks were published in _____late nineteenth century.