1.He is_________(our/ours) English teacher. _________name is Sam(男人名).
2. Jane (女人名) is my friend. She has got long hair. _______hair is yellow.
But_________(my/mine) is black.
(mine/my) dog is white .But_________(her/hers) is black.
computer is it ? Is it your father’s ?  --No,it’s not________.
It’s my mother’s. -- Oh, it’s__________. (it’s =___ ___)
5. -- Look ! _________car is it ? Is it__________(your/yours) ?
-- No,_________(our/ours) car is old (旧的).
-- It’s_________(their/theirs) car .__________is new.
1.--Are these___________(you) pencils?--Yes ,they are_________(our).
2. –Whose pencil is?—It’s_________( I ).
is__________( I ) friend.
Li often look after (照顾)_________(she) brother.
5.—Are these_________(they) bags ?
--No,they aren’t ________(their). They are______(we) .  (aren’t =______ ______)
6bike is my sister’s . It is________(she).
7isn’t_______( I ) book . ________(my) is in the bag.  (is’t =____ _____)
2.  These are your books, Kate. Put______in de desk,please. (they)
3.  ______must look after (照顾)_______things. (you )
4.  Wei Fang,  is that_______ruler ? Yes, it’s . (you)
5.  They want(想要) a football . Give_______the green one.  Please. (they)
6.  It’s Lin Tao’s bag . Give it to________. (he)
7.  Ispencil-box Li Lei’s ? No,_______is very(非常) new.(he)
8.  <="" span="" >too heavy(很重). I can’t carry(携带)_____.(it)  (can’t =_____ _____)
Don’t worry ,Let_______( I ) help_______. (you)
9.        ______is a boy. ______name is Mike(男人名).  Mike’s friends like_____very much(非常).  (he)
10.    My sister is in______room. _______is a teacher. (she)
11.    Jane is a little girl . _____mother is a nurse(护士). (she)
12.    We are in______classroom. ______classroom is bag. (we)
13.    My father and mother are teachers. ______are busy(繁忙).  (them)
14.    You are a pupil(儿童). Is_______brother a pupil , too ? (you)
15.    ate(eat的过去分词) all______sandwiches yesterday. (I) Can I have one of_______.(they)
16.    Jack(男人名) has a dog and so have I(我也有一只). ______(he)dog and_____(I) had a fight(打架).
17.    George(男人名)has lost(丢失了)_______(his) pen. Ask Mary(女人名) if (是否)she will lend(借)him_______.(she)
18.    The teacher wants you to return that book of________.(he)
19.    Mr and Mrs. Green(男人名)and a friend of________are coming to see us. (they)
20.    We are going to Paris(巴黎) to stay with a French(法国) friend of________(we).
1._______(她)is a student. _______(她)sister is a student too.
(我)want_______(你) to do it today.
(他)brother is a worker(工人).  ________are twins(他们).
(你们)are English. ________(我们)are Chinese.
6is______(我)book. That is_______(你).
pens are_______(他们).______(你们)are over there(在那边).
(你)read it for_______(我们).
1.----Whose bike is it ? Is it______(your/yours)?
  ----No,it’s not______.(my/mine)    _______is red.  Butbike is blue .
  ----Is it Jane’s ?
  ----Sorry, I don’t know. Maybe it’s_______.
  ----Jane,is this______bike ?
  ----No,it’s  can ask Bill(男人名). Maybe it’s________.
  ----Bill,isbike_______ ?
  ----Oh,yes,it’ you very mnch!
2.        ----Whose classroom is it ?  Is it_______(our/ours)classroom ?
----No,it’s not________.  It’s_________(their/theirs)
----__________(their/theirs) classroom is big.
----Yes ,you are right.
----But_______is small.
1.  Mary works in a bookstore(书店).  ______likes_____work very mnch.
2.  Jone and I are in the same(相同的) school.  ______go to school together(一起).
3.  She is a friend of_______. We got to know each other(彼此、互相) two years ago.
4.  Her sister makes all______own(自己的) dresses.
5.  I have many friends. ______are all good at(擅长于) English.英语练习题
6.  ----May I use(使用)_______bike ?
----_______is broken(故障、坏的).
1.  <="" span="" >这是我的爸爸。
2.  Is that bike _______? Yes,it’s_______.  那辆自行车是你的吗?是,它是我的。
3.  ______like_______car.  我喜欢他们的小汽车。
4.  Our school is here, and_______is there. 我们的学校在这儿,他们的在哪儿。
5.  Whose bike is?It’s______(=It’s____ ____). 这是谁的自行车?是她的吗?
6.  Is that car_______? Yes,it’s________. 那辆车是你的吗?是的,它是我的