L1-1Welcome Welcome
Welcome welcome everyone
Now you’re here let’s have some fun
First we’ll clap our hands just so
Then we go reach and touch our toes
Welcome welcome everyone
Now you’re here let’s have some fun
L1-2 What’s New with that Baby
What’s new with that baby in the mirror
What’s new with that baby I see
What’s new with that baby in the mirror
The one is as cute as can be
L1-3Come Along and Play With Me
Come along and play with me
Play with me, play with me
Come along and play with me
My sweet baby
L1-4Baby bubbles
Baby bubble’s in the air
Baby bubble’s everywhere
See them floating in the sky
Watch them drifting by and by
Baby bubble’s in the air
Baby bubble’s everywhere
L1-5red and yellow
Red and yellow green and blue
Those are the colors over u
Red like an apple, green like a tree
Yellow like the sun, and blue like the sea Red and yellow green and blue
Those are the colors over u
L1-6I Have a Little Friend
I have a little friend
And Gymbo is his name,oh
And Gymbo is his name,oh
L1-7The Gymbo Dance
Gymbo the clown goes up and down
Up and down,up and down
Gymbo the clown goes up and down
And then he blows you a kiss
Additional Verses:
Gymbo the clown goes side to side
Gymbo the clown goes twist,twist,twist
Gymbo the clown goes bye,bye,bye
L1-8Open Shut Them
Open shut them, open shut them
right here waiting歌词
Give a little clap, clap, clap
Open shut them, open shut them
Put them in your lap, lap, lap
Creep them, creep them, slowly creep them
Right up to your chin, chin, chin
Open wide your little mouth
But do not let them in
L1-9London Bridge
London Bridge is falling down
Falling down, falling down
London Bridge is falling down
My fair lady
L1-10Twinkle Little Star
Twinkle, twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are
Up above the world so high
Like a diamond in the sky
Twinkle, twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are
L1-11Swing Low, Sweet Baby O
Swing low, sweet baby o
Swinging here at Gymboree
Swing low, sweet baby o
Swinging here at Gymboree
L1-12My Head, My Shoulder
My head, my shoulders, my knees, my toes (3x)
Let’s clap our hands together
L1-13Little Peter Rabbit
Little peter Rabbit had a fly upon his nose(3x)
So he flipped it, and he flopped it
And it flew away
Pat a cake, pat a cake, baker’s man
Bake me a cake as fast as you can
Roll it and pat it, and mark it with a “B”
Then put it in the oven for baby and me!
L1-15Where is Thumbkin
Where is Thumbkin(2x)
Here I am(2x)
How are you today sir?
Very well I thank you
Run away(2x)
L1-16This Little Piggy(chant)
This little piggy went to the market
This little piggy stayed home
This little piggy had roast beef
And this little piggy had none
And this little piggy went (pause)
Wee, wee, wee---all the way home!
L1-17Wake Up Toes
Wake up toes (2x)
Wake up toes and wiggle, wiggle, wiggle
Wake up toes (2x)
Wake and wiggle in the morning
L1-18The wheels on the bus
The wheels on the bus go round and round
Round and round, round and round
The wheels on the bus go round and round
All through the town
L1-19Tick Tock
Tick tock, tick tock
I’m a little cuckoo clock
Tick tock, tick tock
Now I’m striking one o’clock
L1-30Ten Little Horses(chant)
Ten little horses galloped into town
Five were black and five were brown
They galloped on up
And they galloped on down
And they galloped and galloped
Right out of town
L1-21This is the way
(Tune: Mulberry Bush)
This is the way we paint the babies
Paint the babies, paint the babies
This is the way we paint the babies
Here at Gymboree
L1-22The little baby birdie
The little baby birdie
Landed on the branch
He flapped his little wings
And he did a little dance
He saw a little worm
From the corner of his eye
Away flew that birdie
Fly, fly, fly
L1-23Round and Round the Garden(Chant)
Round and round the garden
cames the little bear
One, two, three, four
Tickle under there
L1-24I Hear Thunder
(Tune: Frere Jacques)
I hear thunder(2x)
Loud the thunder(2x)
Pitter-patter raindrops(2x)
Soft the rain(2x)
L1-25Hey Mr. Knickerbocker
Hey Mr. Knickerbocker boppity bop
I like the way you boppity bop
Show me how you bop
On the mats
Bop, bop bop bop, bop bop bop, bop bop
L1-26Tony Chestnut
Toe, knee, chest, nut
Nose I love you
Toe, knee, nose(2x)
Toe, knee, chest, nut
That’s what toe, knee, nose