我要学炒菜  篇一:短小精悍美文集锦
埃索达怎么去   短小精悍美文集锦
   Describe dapper highlights
   A method is simple
   (翻译)Olive ridicule the FIG tree say: "you of the leaves to the winter when it falls bare branches, which can really ugly like green, round my beauty." Soon, a heavy snow falls, olive green leaves were all above, snow accumulation in the final result of weight is too big, the olive branches broke, the beauty is damaged. But the FIG tree leaves have lost due to the body, simple, snow fell on the ground, through the branches of the FIG tree unscathed. The beautiful appearance, sometimes not adapt to the environment is a kind of burden, and often because of trouble or disaster survival. Instead, often can live in freedom. So, let your appearance is beautiful, or the vanity is not real identity and status, builders to feel real simple life,
   believe that you will get more fun. The greatest (" management idea"
工场手工业   许多人不明白的浅显道理
   Many people do not understand the plain truth
   In 1930, the German critique of relativity published a book called the book, professor of 100 to prove Einstein wrong." Einstein know, shrugged said: "why?" the 100th multiplayer? Just to prove I really wrong, even a person to also enough." The sheep to the lion, but no threat. A hen's wings are as powerful wings hawks.
运动会入场式口号   This is the simple truth, but many people do not understand.
   要修养被尊敬的人格,需经过长时间的被信任,但要人格破产只需要做一件事。 一根火柴棒,是什么东西呢?它就是下列四项:1、无法自我控制的情绪;2、不经理智判断
   A match
   A match and great value less than a dime, house worth millions of dollars. But a
  match can destroy the house is small, potentially devastating effects, once the
   attack, its fortification, nothing can power of drowning royal.
   100 million to fold the dominoes, it takes a month, but only a few seconds over domino. Business success to the industrial, need to take several years, but only a wrong
   decision to collapse.
   Culture is to respect personality, after a long time, but the trusted bankruptcy
   only need to do a personality.
   A match, is what? It is the following four: 1, unable to control the emotions, 2, the reason of judgment policymaking. 3 and stubborn character, 4 and narrow minded