八年级英语Unit 1课堂评估试题
考时:120分钟  满分:120  命题:旧司中学
班级_________  姓名_________  得分 ________
第一部分:听力 (25)
(  ) 1. A. I agree.              B. We are glad to.               C. Of course, we will.
(  ) 2. A. Not at all              B. No, I won’t.                C. Yes, I do.
(  ) 3. A. It doesn’t matter.        B. Not at all.                  C. Right.
(  ) 4. A. No, I won’t.          B. Not at all.                    C. I’d be glad to.
(  ) 5. A. Twice a week.        B. For a long time.               C. No, I don’t. 
(  ) 6. A. They are running.      B. They are fighting.        C. They are talking happily.
(  ) 7. A. No, he doesn’t.      B. Yes, he does.  C. No, he doesn’t, but Wang Junfeng does.
(  ) 8. A. Played basketball.       B. Flew a kite.               C. Swam.
(  ) 9. A. Milk.                  B. Coffee .                C. Orange juice.
(  ) 10. A. At 4:15.              B. At 4:20.                 C. At 4:30.
(  ) 11. Li Lei and Jane will play football on Sunday.
(  ) 12. Jane sometimes goes swimming on Sundays.
(  ) 13. Li Lei’ s father often go to see his brother on Sundays.
(  ) 14. Jane and her father often go out on Sundays by bike.
(  ) 15. Li Lei doesn’t think fishing is interesting.
(  ) 16. Who was a good player?
      A. Peter.           B. Sam.              C. The goal keeper.
(  ) 17. When did the match start?
      A. At three.        B. At four.            C. At seven.
(  ) 18. What was the result(结果) in the first half of the match?
      A. 1 to 0.           B. 0 to 0.              C. 2 to 0.
(  ) 19. When did Sam kick the ball to the right corner of the goal?
      A. In the first half of the match.        B. At the beginning of the match.
      C. At the end of the match.
(  ) 20. What was the result of the match?
        A. 0 to 0.            B.0 to 2.             C.1 to 0.
                  第二部分:笔试 (55)
(  ) 1. — Would you like to climb mountains with me this afternoon?
      — I’d love to. But I ____ play table tennis between classes.
      A. am going   B. am going to   C. am   
(  ) 2. He prefers ____ to ____.
      A. swim; to skate       B. swims; skating        C. swimming; skating     
(  ) 3. Ann grows ____.
      A. taller and taller    B. the tallest               C. tall
(  ) 4. — What are you going to do this weekend?
      — I’m going to Beijing to see ____.
      A. all the places of interests     B. all the places of interest  C. all place of interest     
(  ) 5. We will ____ the city football club. Would you like ____ us?
        A. join; take part in    B. take part in; join        C. join; to take part in
(  ) 6. We must tell people ____ important it is to protect our lakes(湖泊), rivers, seas and
      A. what               B. very           C. how   
(  ) 7. — What will you do ____ the coming trip?
      — At first make a plan, I think.
      A. /                  B. for              C. about    .
(  ) 8. — Shall we go to the park?
      — ____
        A. Yes, we shall        B. Good idea.        C. I’d love.     
(  ) 9. — Congratulations! Li Ming, you’re the winner in the running race. Are  you happy?
      — Yes, but very tired ____.
      A. as well             B. too               C. either   
(  ) 10. — Hi, I’m Xiao Li, I’m very glad to ____ friends ____ you.
      — Me too. I’m Xiao Wang.
      A. get; like             B. make; with        C. get; with   ;
(  ) 11. They are busy ____ now ____ themselves up.
        A. exercise; building      B. doing sports; cheer    C. exercising; to build     
(  ) 12. — Which do you prefer, singing or dancing?
      — I prefer singing.
      — Do you sing much?
      — Yes, ____.
      A. seldom            B. quite a bit                 C. never   
(  ) 13. This is a ____ passage(短文). Can you read it for me?
      A. 200 word           B. 200-word               C. 200-words 
(  ) 14. It’s bad for us to eat ____ chips.
      A. too much             B. too many               C. much too 
(  ) 15. Everyone knows China is getting ____.
      A. strong and strong      B. more strong and strong    C. stronger and stronger     
    It was cloudy that day. A man was sitting in a  16  office. He was telling the doctor about his  17 . “I like football, doctor,” he said. “Please help me. My life has  18  been a good one since I became  19  in football and it is getting worse and worse. I can’t even  20  well at night. When I close my  21  I’m out there in the football field  22    after a flying ball. When I wake up, I’m more  23  . What can I do now?” The doctor sat back and said, “You   24  to do your best not to dream about football. Before you are falling asleep, try to   25 about something else. If you do that, I think you will be better.”
(  ) 16. A. teacher’s      B. doctor’s        C. post            D. master’s
(  ) 17. A. problem        B. medicine        C. question        D. patience
(  ) 18. A. even          B. ever            C. never           D. already 
(  ) 19. A. good          B. interested      C. like             D. well
(  ) 20. A. read          B. awake         C. sleep            D. do
(  ) 21. A. eyes           B. doors           C. books           D. ears
(  ) 22. A. flying        B. jumping         C. riding          D. running
(  ) 23. A. careful        B. tired            C. important        D. quick
(  ) 24. A. have         B. must            C. may              D. can
(  ) 25. A. see          B. talk              C. teach            D. think
China’s tennis pair Li Ting and Sun Tiantian took part in the women’s doubles in the Athens Olympic Games on August 22nd, 2004. All the Chinese felt very glad because it was the first historic(历史性的) gold medal (金牌) for China from the Olympic tennis court.
Li Ting, born on January 5th in 1980 in Hubei, is 180cm tall and 72kg. She took part in many games and did very well. Her teammate Sun Tiantian was born in Henan on October 13th, 1981. Sun is 175cm tall and 64kg. The two girls seldom go home because they have to train(训练) for many kinds of games. They miss their families but they know training is more important than staying at home.
(  ) 26. Li Ting and Sun Tiantian took part in ____ in Athens Olympic Games in 2004.
      A. the women’s singles                B. the women’s doubles
      C. the men’s singles                   D. the men’s doubles
(  ) 27. They won the first historic gold medal for China from the Olympic ____ court.
仁爱版英语      A. table tennis        B. tennis        C. basketball           D. football
(  ) 28. Li Ting was born on ____ in ____.
      A. the fifth of January, 1980; Hefei    B. the twelfth of October, 1981; Hefei
      C. the fifth of January, 1980; Hubei    D. the twelfth of October, 1981; Hubei
(  ) 29. Both Li Ting and Sun Tiantian are ____.
      A. short girls      B. tall girls        C. tall boys        D. short boys
(  ) 30. The underlined(画线) word “seldom” means ____.
      A. often           B. not often      C. usually        D. always
    In the year 2050, what will things be like? Let’s make it the birthday of your little boy. His name is Alan.Alan wakes you at seven o’clock. “Happy birthday!” He say. “You’ll find your presents in the living room.”You don’t have to hurry(急忙). Why?Your job starts late in the morning. Machines(机器) do most of your work. You don’t need to work many hours.
While Alan opens his presents, you turn on your color TV. You watch and hear the morning news. “It’s time to get dressed(穿衣服), Alan!” you call at last, “Come to see the nice new clothes I have bought for you.”
    Guess what the clothes are made of. Paper? Glass? Or something we don’t even know about today?
    Alan’s birthday breakfast is not cooked. Why? The food may be all ready to eat. You may eat it like candy.
    At last you start for work. But you don’t go by car. You step onto a moving side walk. It moves you along to a train station. There, you take a train. How will it run? On the rail(轨道), high over the street? Or will it ride on air?
    Three o’clock comes. Your work is done for the day.
    “I’ll call home,” you say.
    Alan answers the picture phone.
    You and he can hear and see each other. “What shall we do for your birthday?” you ask. “Shall we put on our rocket(火箭) belts(带子) and take a short trip? Or shall we go for a ride in a flying boat?”
    Alan could say,“I want to ride in a rocket ship! Let’s fly to the moon!”
(  ) 31. What will your life be like in the year 2050?
      A. Life will be harder then.
      B. Everything will be more convenient(方便的) then.
      C. You have to spend more time on work and study.
      D. You needn’t go to work.
(  ) 32. In the year 2050, clothes may be made of ____.
      A. something very different      B. only silk
      C. cotton only                D. anything
(  ) 33. In the year 2050, you ____.
      A. must prepare your food yourself.  B. may not have to cook your meals
      C. needn’t go to stores for food.    D. can have anything for meal
(  ) 34. It will be ____ for you to take a ride in a rocket ship.
      A. impossible(不可能的)  B. necessary  C. possible(可能的)  D. must
(  ) 35. You step onto a moving sidewalk. The word sidewalk means ____.
      A. not the main road for cars    B. small road for people to walk on
      C. small railway    D. path(道路) at the side of a street for persons on foot
    In 1896, the first modern Olympic Games was held in Athens, Greece. From then on, many countries had successfully held the Olympics, such as England, France, Germany, Canada, the U.S.A., Spain and Australia. After more than a hundred years, the Games ret
urned to its hometown in the year of 2004.When a country hosted the Olympic Games, they always made an emblem(会徽). The emblem of the Athens 2004 Olympic Games was a white circle of olive branches(橄榄枝) in the sky.
    In 2008, Beijing will host the Olympics. Its emblem is “Jing”. It means the capital of China and it is also like a runner or dancer. The running figure(人形) of the emblem shows the spirit(精神) of the Olympics: Faster, higher and stronger.
36.When was the first modern Olympic Games held?
37. What do people make when they hold the Olympic Games?
38. How many years passed when Athens held the Olympic Games once again?
39. Does the character(图案) of “Jing” mean the capital of China?
40.What’s the spirit of the Olympic Games?
                      第三部分  写作(40分)
. 词汇。(15分)
1. Liu Xiang broke the Olympic r_______ and won a gold medal in the 2004 Athens
2. They are l_______ for Beijing the day after tomorrow.
3. He is going to be a scientist in the f_______.
4. When you get home from school, you should r_______ yourself with music.
5. Li Lei is always careless (粗心的), but his sister always works c_______.
6. He practices _______ (speak) English every day.
7. I felt _______ (excite) about the news.
8. Who _______ (invent) basketball in 1891?
9. He is going away for at _______ (little) a week.
10. Doing morning exercises is a good way to keep _______ (health).
instead of, leave for, have fun, follow the rules. be good for, cheer … on, take part in
11. Would you like to _______ our team _______?
12. As a student, you must _______ of your school.
13. Excising _______ our health.
14. Will you _______ our English corner?
15. My father _______ Shanghai yesterday.
A: Tomorrow is Sunday.  16______________________________?
B: I’ m going to visit my uncle’s farm with my father, Betty.
A: Where’s his farm?  17__________________________________?
B: No, not very far. It’s about half an hour’s walk.
A: May I go with you?
B: Sure.
A:  18________________________________
B: We’ll go there by bike.
A:  19___________________________________
B: Let’s meet at the park gate.
A: OK. But when shall we meet?
B:  20________________________ seven in the morning.
A: All right. See you tomorrow.
B: See you.

八年级英语Unit 1课堂评估试题听力材料
.1. Will you come and cheer us on?
2. Would you mind my smoking here?
3. I’m sorry for what I said.
4. Will you come and join our baseball club?
5. How often do you do sports?