第一篇:A Red,Red Rose 浪漫英诗,带注翻译和英文评析
A Red, Red Rose
--Robert Burns
O my Luve 's like a red, red rose,That 's newly sprung in June;O my Luve 's like the melodie,That's sweetly play'd in tune!
As fair art thou, my bonnie lass,So deep in luve am I;
And I will luve thee still, my dear,Till a' the seas gang dry.Till a' the seas gang dry, my dear,And the rocks melt wi' the sun;
I will luve thee still, my dear,While the sands o' life shall run.And fare thee weel, my only Luve,And fare thee weel a while!
And I will come again, my Luve,Tho' it were ten thousand mile!5
Notes: 1 [luve](Scottish dialect)love.3 [melodie] melody [in tune] harmoniously 5 [art thou] are you
[bonnie] beautiful 6 [lass](Scottish)a girl or a young woman 5,6 [As fair art thou, my bonnie lass, /So deep in luve am I] My love is as deep as you are beautiful 7 [still] always
[a’] all
[gang] go
[w’] with[While the sands o’ life shall run] As long as I am alive.Sands: time.o': of.13 [fare thee weel] fare you well;farewell, good-bye to you.[tho’] though
Notes from 胡家峦编《英语诗歌精品》(英汉对照)
[Robert Burns](罗伯特·彭斯, 1759-1796)(also known as Rabbie Burns, Scotland's favourite son, the Ploughman Poet,)was a Scottish poet and a lyricist.He is widely regarded as the national poet of Scotland, and is celebrated worldwide.He is the best kno
wn of the poets who have written in the Scots language, although much of his writing is also in English and a “light” Scots dialect, accessible to an audience beyond Scotland.He is regarded as a pioneer of the Romantic movement.As well as making original compositions, Burns also collected folk songs from across Scotland, often revising or adapting them.His poem(and song)“Auld Lang Syne” is often sung at Hogmanay(the last day of the year), and “Scots Wha Hae” served for a long time as an unofficial national anthem of the country.Other poems and songs of Burns that remain well-known across the world today include “A Red, Red Rose;” “A Man's A Man for A' That;” “To a Louse;To a Mouse;” “The Battle of Sherramuir;” “Tam o' Shanter,” and “Ae Fond Kiss.”
Once I let a true love slip away before my eyes, only to find myself regretting when it was too late, nothing in the world can be as painful as this, if God wound give me another chance ,i would tell the girl three words,” I love you!”, if our love have to be setted a time limit , I wish it would be ten thousands years!
我爱上幼儿园The furthest distance in the world 世界上最遥远的距离
Is not between life and death 不是生与死
But when I stand in front of you 而是 我就站在你面前
Yet you don't know that I love you 你却不知道我爱你
节日贺词The furthest distance in the world 世界上最遥远的距离
Is not when I stand in front of you 不是 我就站在你面前
Yet you can't see my love 你却不知道我爱你
But when undoubtedly knowing the love from both 而是 明明知道彼此相爱
Yet cannot be together 却不能在一起
My favorite holiday is New Year, Chinese New Year we can eat dumplings and a lot of good things to eat, but alsoReceive lucky money, parents will accompany us to the amusement park, parks,We are very happy New Year everyone likes, and I also like the Spring Festival.我最喜欢的节日是春节,在春节我们可以吃饺子和很多好吃的东西,还可以收到压岁钱父母还会带我们去游乐园,公园,所有人都会很开心,所有人都喜欢春节,我也非常喜欢春节 篇一: August 12,2012 Friday Today, I did housework for grandmother.She is not very healthy and I decide to do housework for her more frequently.And she will feel happy and become better.Suddenly, an idea hit me that it’s terrible to grow old becuase you have to worry about both your health and others’ opinions.Once again, I make a decision to be a good girl.译文:今天,我帮助了奶奶做家务。奶奶的身体不好。我以后要常帮她做事。这样她就会高兴身体也会好一些。突然觉得,人老了真不好。不但身体不会好,而且一不小心就会惹得大家讨厌。我又做了一个决定,以后一定要做个乖孩子。