广州版 最新版英语三年级 习题(1)

1. r  d  e                               2e  g  r  e  n                   
3u  p  l  r  p  e                      4 b  e  l  u                   
5仿宋gb2312字体、n  g  o  r  a  e                      6b  w  n  r  o                   

7c  b  l  a  k                          8I  w  t  h  e                   
9W  l  o  y  e  l                   

1. colour the,  let’s ,  yellow,  hair .                                              
2. a,  have ,  purple,  I , hat .                                             
3. bear,  Daniel’s,  brown,  is,  the .                                             
4. like,  what,  do ,  you,  colour ?                                             
(  )1No, it isn’t. It’s a doll.
(  )2No, it’s Jack’s
(  )3Yes, here you are.
(  )4It’s a purple.
(  )5It’s a robot.
(  )6It’s on the table, near the toy boat
A. Is it a robot?
B. Where is the robot?
C. What colour is the robot?
D. Is it Ben’s robot?
E. May I use your robot?
FAwhat is that?
五.读对话 用所给的单词填空。
picture    colour  idea  like  purple  don’t    it
--- What is this?
---it’s a         of a room.
--this room is nice. Let’s         it.
---Good         . What colour do you         ?
--I like purple. Let’s colour the walls()    .
---Great, Let’s colore the bed green.
---I         like green. Let’s colour it yellow
---OK. This chair is funny. Let’s colour           it white.
---That’s good.安全月报
广州版 最新版英语三年级习题 2

法定代表人证明书1  ---       
--- I am ten.
A. How are you old?    B. How are you?
C.How old are you?
2   ---Happy Birthday!
A. I am eight  B.Happy birthday!
C. thank you.
3  ---The toy car is for you.
A. It isn’t my toy car.    B. Thank you.
4  ---        is your teacher?
---She’s in Room 312.
A. Where  B. How  C. What
5  ---Happy birthday, Janet. The toy rabbit is         you.
---Thank you.
A. near  B. beside  B. for
6  Sally’s eyes         blue. 
A. do  B. is  C. are
7          this face.  It’s funny!
A. Look  B. Look in  B. Look at

Mary ---Happy birthday, David.
David ---        you , Mary.
Mary ---The crayons are         you.
David ---Thank you.
Mary ---How         are you, David.
David ---I am seven. What about you ?
Mary --- I am         too.
David --- Is this a picture         your family, David?
Mary ---Yes, this is my father and this is my mother.
David ---        this pretty lady?
Mary ---She’s my aunt, my mother’s sister.
David ---I         two aunt’s and four uncles.
Mary --- I have three aunts and three uncles.
(    )Yes, here you are. 
(    )I am fine.
(    )Thank you
(    ) I am fine. Thank you.
(    ) Yes, I do.电冰箱原理

A. How are you?
B. How old are you?
C. Do you have a telephone?
D. May I use your telephone number?
E. Happy birthday.
广州版 最新版英语三年级习题(3)

telephone是什么意思1. one pen----three        
2. one orange---two        
3. one pear---five        
4. one boy---seven       
5. one cat---sit        
6. one desk---two        
7. one book---some        
8. one ball---some        
9. one bus--- four        
one robot---two        

二.判断对话后的句子内容是否正确,如正确的,请打T 错的打F
Tom---Hi,Mary. Do you have Jack’s telephone number?
Mary.---No, I don’t. I have his sister Sherry’s number.
Tom ---OK, What is it?
Mary.---It’s in my telephone book. But where is my telephone book?
Tom ---is it in your bag?
Mary.---No, it’s not. Oh, here it is, under my English book.
Tom ---What is the number?
Mary.---Sherry’s phone number is eight four three two five six three.
Tom ---Thank you.
1. (    ) Mary has() Jack’s telephone number.
2. (    ) Sherry is Jack’s sister.
3. (    ) Mary has a telephone book.
4. (    ) Mary’s telephone book is an English book.
5. (    ) Sherry’s telephone number is 8432563.

1. It’s orange.
2. On the table.
3. Sorry, we don’t have grapes.
4. Yes, we do.
5. Great. Purple is a pretty colour.
国际禁毒日是几月几日6.  Fine. A banana for you.
Let’s colour the grapes purple.           
B. Mum, I want a banana.
C. May I have some grapes?
D. What colour is your orange?
E. Do we have pears?
F. Where are the oranges
广州版 最新版英语三年级 习题(4

1. A. grapes  B. dolls  C. boy  D. rubbers
2. A. green  B. brown  C. purple  D. colour
3. A. room  B. chair  C. desk  D. table
4. A. want  B. like  C. have  D. happy
5. A. five    B. number  C. eight  D. zero