
一.单项选择:从所给的四个选项A.B.C.D. 中,选出一个正确的。
1. How long ____ English when you ____ to London
A. have         B. had you went 炖甲鱼汤
C. did have gone..    D. had
2. Tony ____ who I was, for he didn’t say hello to me when we met last night.
A. must have forgotten       B. cannot have forgotten
C. must forget             D. cannot forget
3. The real sadness of fifty is not that you change so much ______ you change so little.
A. that    B. but that     C. than that    D. but
4. We promise to help you ____ getting “butterflies” in your stomach whenever you speak in front of a group, and have you ____ your self-confidence.
A.       B.  
C.     D.
5. She ___ onions very much when she was a child, but now she even hates them.
A. used to love      B. would love    读书文案C. was used to love    D. used to loving
6. ______, they lost no time in training themselves.
A. Ropes in their hands             B. Ropes in hand 
C. Take ropes in hand             D. Taken ropes in their hands
7. The sale usually takes place outside the house, with the audience ______ on benches, chairs or boxes.
A. having seated    B. seating   C. seated    D. having been seated
8. ______ such a good chance, he planned to learn more.
A. To be given   B. Having been given  C. Having given   D. Giving
9. Having no money but ______ to know, he simply said he would go without dinner.
A. not wanting anyone    B. not to want anyone
C. wanted no one        D. to want no one
10. A dream of the Red Chamber is said _______into dozens of languages in the last decade.
A. to have been translated     B. to translate
C. to be translated           贺州姑婆山D. to have translated
21. ____ our satisfaction, the motion was eventually ____ at the Senate.
A. past       B. To...passed
鹤科C. In...passed       D. At...past
22. The professor leaned towards him and ____.
A. patted his shoulder        B. patted him on his shoulder
C. patted him on shoulder    D. patted him on the shoulder 营业员
23. If you ____ a crime you can never escape being punished.
A. do     B. perform    C. act     D. commit
24. I am ____ that Congress has passed the legislation.
A. aware    B. conscious   C. alert    D. awake
25. We’ll have to find someone to ____ Francis tonight as he’s ill.
A. fill out for   B. fill in for    C. fill up   D. fill with
26. He ____ art while at school.
A. took up    B. took on   C. took in  time is moneyD. took off
27. The speech the president made yesterday is really ____.
A. impressive   B. impressed    C. depressed   D. depress
28. Large amount of money has been ____ to that project.
A. used    B. committed   C. spent  D. disposed
29. Before you learn how to drive, you must learn to ____ the fear of driving.
A. win   B. conquer    C. go against   D. oppose
30. It was unsafe to walk on the floor, as some of the floor-boards had ____ away.
A. wasted    B. broken   C. destroyed    D. rotten
1.Not only has finger-feeding withstood the passage of time, but some scholars believe that it may be enjoying a comeback.
2. If one needs a lift over some obstacles that seems impossible to get beyond, the other won’t leave until the obstacle is conquered.
3..There are over 100 brands of pain relievers, and most come in various forms and various strengths.