只要你说你爱我                      How to Use Money  空字组词狼毒膏 
Nowadays, money is not everything, but without money we can not do anything. We live with money all the time, no matter where and when. So how to use your money is an issue. Whether to save money or to use tomorrow's money, is an argument among us.
time is money>助理值班员
沙场秋点兵As the survey shows, 67 percent of the students hold the idea that saving money is a good habit; others believe that using tomorrow's money is better. Well, I do choose the first one.
For one thing, saving is our traditional good quality. It doesn't only refer to saving resources but also money . Only saving money, can we get more and more money in our hands ,so we can do what we want to do without worrying the worries that how shall we do if we owe others' money. In other words, saving money can make us use the money more flexibly.
On the other hand, if we use tomorrow's money today, how can we insure we can pay off  the debt we have made. None of us could predict the future.  Notwaything is preditable, we might be alive today and pass away tomorrow. If it happens, who will pay back your debt th
en? Your family? Your friends? This can bring the unnecessary burden to them.  And how can you use tomorrow's money peacefully?
All in all, I will do as the 67 percent of the students surveyed do, saving  money.