Someone says,“Time is money.”But I think time is ___1__important than money. Why? Because when money is spent, we can get it back, but when time is __2__, it’ll never___3__.That is__4__we mustn’t waste(浪费) time.
It goes without saying that the__5__is usually limited(有限的). Even a second is very important. We should make fuull use of our time to do___6__useful.
But it is a pity that there are a lot of people who__7___know the importance(重要) of time. They spend their limited time smoking, drinking, and playing. They do not know that wasting time means wasting part of their own___8__.
In a word, we should save time. We shouldn’t___9___today’s work for tomorrow.
Remember we have no time to___10___.
1.A.much    B.less    C.much less    D.even more
st    B.bought    C.gone    D.finished
urn    B.carry    C.take    D.bring
4.A.what    B.that    C.because    D.why
    B.time    C.day    D.food
hing    B.something    C.anything    D.everything
7.A.do not    B.does not    C.did not    D.do
8.A.time    B.food    C.money    D.life
9.A.stop    B.leave    C.let    D.give
建构10.A.lose    B.save    C.spend    D.take
All over the world people enjoy sports. Sports are__1__ people’s health. Many people like to watch__2__play sports games. They buy tickets__3__turn on their TV sets to sit__4__them.
Sports__5__with the seasons. People play__6__games in different seasons. Sometimes they play inside the room, sometimes they play outside. We can__7__sports here and there. Some sports are very interesting__8__people everywhere like them. Football, for example, is very popular in the world. People__9__different countries can’t understand each other, but after a game they often become very__10__to each other.
d for    B.good at    C.good    D.good to
2. A.other    B.others    C.the other    D.the others
3. A.and    B.but    C.orD.so
4. A.in front    B.in the front    C.in the front of    D.in front of
5. A.change    B.are    C.play    D.start
6. A.same    B.different    C.the same    D.the different
7. A.see    B.look    C.find    D.watch
8. A.because    B.but    C.or    D.and
9. A.from    B.to    C.outside    D.inside
10. A.friends    B.friendly    C.friend    D.more friendly
One day Mrs. Jones went__1__. When her husband(丈夫) came home in the evening, she began to tell him__2__a beautiful cotton(棉) dress.
“I saw it is in a shop__3__this morning,”she said. “And…”
“And you want to buy it,”said her husband. “How much does it cost?”
“Fifteen pounds(英镑).”
“Fifteen pounds__4__a cotton dress? That’s too__ 5__!”
But every evening, when Mr. Jones came back from work, his wife continued to__6__only about the dress, and at last, after a week, he said,“Oh, buy the dress! Here is the money!”She
值日生表was happy.
But the next evening, when Mr. Jones came home and asked,“Did you__7__the nice dress?”She said,“No.”“Why not?”the husband was__8__.
“Well, __9__was still in the window of the shop after a week,so I thought, nobody else wants this dress, I don’t want __10__, either?”
1.A.shops    B.town    C.buying    D.shopping
2. A.for    B.of    C.about    D.with
3. A.today    B.today’s    C.in    D./
4. A.for    B.with    C.on    D.of
5. A.many    B.much    C.high    D.good
6. A.speak    B.say    C.tell    D.talk
7. A.buy    B.got    C.chose    D.made
8. A.asked    B.angry    C.surprise    D.sorry
9. A.dress    B.this    C.she    D.it
10. A.one    B.a one    C.it    D.another
It’s a good idea to__1__a small present when you go to a __2__party in England or in the USA. Flowers are always nice, or you can take a bottle of wine(酒)__3__you know that the family__4__wine. You should arrive on time, or five to ten minutes late. Don’t get there__5__.If you’re going to be late__6__more than 15 minutes, you should call and tell the host or the hostess(女主人).
Try to relax at the dinner table. If you don’t know__7__to use a knife and fork(叉), just watch__8__and copy them. You can also ask the person next to you. If you like the food, say so.Befo
re you leave, you should thank the host and the hostess__9__the meal and their kindness. It’s a good idea to send a card or thang-you note(便条)the day__10__.
1. A.bring    B.take    C.carry    D.move
2. A.breakfast    B.lunch    C.dinner    D.supper
3. A.when    B.if    C.so    D.as
4. A.eat    B.ate    C.drink    D.drinked
5. A.lately    B.later    C.too early D.in time
卢鑫玉浩笑傲江湖6. A.in    B.for    C.at    D.on
7. A.why    B.how    C.what    D.when
8. A.other    B.the other    C.another    D.the others
time is money9. A.for    B.of    C.at    D.about
10. A.later    B.before    C.after    D.ago
One morning, John__1__his house with six donkeys(驴) for the market(市场). After a time, he got very__2__and got on one of them. Then he counted(点数) the donkeys, and there were only five, so he__3__off and went to look__4__the sixth. He looked and looked, but did not__5__it. So he went back to the donkeys and counted them again. This time there werte six. He got on one of them, and they all started.
After__6__minutes, he counted the donkeys again, and there were only five again. While he was counting, a friend of his__7__and John said__8__him,“I left my house with six donkeys, then, I had five, then, I had six again, and now I have only five! Look! One, two, three, four, five.”“But John,”said the friend,“You are sitting__9__a donkey! That is the sixth. You are the__10__.”
1. A.leaves    B.left    C.leaved    D.leaving
2. A.tired    B.was tired    C.tires    D.tiring
3. A.get    B.gets    C.got    D.is getting
4. A.at    B.for    C.in    D.to
5. A.found    B.find    C.finds    D.finding
6. A.a few    B.few    C.a little    D.any
7. A.past    B.passed by    C.passing    D.passes
8. A.on    B.at    C.from    D.to
9. A.on    B.in    C.to    D.with
10. A.seven    B.seventh    C.sixth    D.eighth
A good__1__is important for everyone.__2__can easily understand(理解) it. Till(直到) breakfast time you don’t eat__3__for twelve hours. Your body__4__food for your work in the morning.
One good breakfast may be rice, bread, an egg and a glass of milkor fruit juice. On a cold morning, a cup of hot__5__is useful to keepyou warm. So what you need to do is to get up early enough to have__6__to have breakfast.
A good breakfast__7__you to smile(笑) more easily. It helps you to be more friendly and also to work__8__and play more__9__. You whole day(整天) will be full of fun after you__10__a good breakfast.
1. A.meal    B.breakfast    C.lunch    D.supper
2. A.Man    B.I    C.You    D.They
3. A.anything    B.everything    C.something    D.nothing
4. A.has    B.keeps    C.needs    D.finds
5. A.cheese    B.drinking    C.oranges    D.drink
6. A.friends    B.place    C.money    D.time
7. A.helps    B.lets    C.keeps    D.makes
8. A.bad    B.good    C.better    D.best
9. A.sad    B.happily    C.wonderful    D.suddenly
10. A.enjoy    B.love    C.play    D.buy
Betty didn’t look__1__today. There was__2__wrong eith her. She had a headache and also got a fever, so her mother took her to__3__the doctor.__4__the doctor’s. Betty told the doctor that she felt sick.
“How__5__have you been like this?”the doctor asked. “Ever since yesterday afternoon,”answered Betty. The doctor__6__her temperature and said,“You__7__a bad cold, but don’t worry.__8__will give you some medicine__9__it. Take it on time, and you’ll get__10__better soon.”
1. A.good    B.nice    C.fine    D.well
2. A.something    B.anything    C.nothing    D.thing
3. A.ask for    B.see    C.go to    D.call
4. A.On    B.At    C.To    D.Of
5. A.soon    B.long    C.often    D.much
6. A.got    B.made    C.took    D.gave
7. A.did    B.grew    C.took    D.caught
8. A.Mother    B.It    C.You    D.I
9. A.to    B.for    C.at    D.of
10. A.any    B.very    C.much    D.little