脸部麻木>邮箱格式Money is important, but it’s not the object of our life眼线液的画法
    There is much controversial discussion on money for a long time. Someone think little of money; someone think much of it. Then, how do you think of it? In my opinion, money is very important in our whole life, but we can’t make money the chief object of our life.
When I was a child, I realized how important the money is to my family because my parents were working very hard to make money every day. At that time, the money means all life supplies to me, such as clothing, food, learning materials, etc. Obviously, there is no way for my family to live without the money my parents bring to us. Therefore, the money is the foundation of our life.
    When I was growing up, money meant more to me, not only the basic life foundation, but also the support of the happiness of life derived from the exciting entertainments, beautiful gifts, wonderful travel, etc. It is unimaginable that how we could have all such kinds of fun without the money. In this sense, we might say money is the resource of our happiness.
After becoming the father of my child, I started working very hard as what my parents did to
个人先进事迹报告make money to support my family. The money, however, is not only spent on the basic life support, entertainment, but also the filial piety to my parents, the education of my kid, the investment in stock market and so on. If the money were spent on the education, the higher education would bring you more money. Also, the correct investment will definitely bring you great profits. In this way, we may gradually build up the higher and higher quality of life with more and more money.
萧山社保查询    As is stated above, money is seems to be almost omnipotent. However, in fact, it is not true. Money can buy anything but health, life, time, knowledge and so on. Money cannot buy real happiness. Money cannot satisfy us all kinds of need. Money is a good servant, but a bad master. The Bible says “the love of money is the root of all evil”. I often ask myself if the money could help us to build up great ideal, brave spirit, and self-realization? If so, why there are so many criminals related to the money have been reported? Even knowing it offends against the law, somebody still want to get money illegally and finally become the criminal. Those people include the corruption of government officer, smuggling, drug vender, etc. So, if the money didn’t get in an appropriate way, it would be
dangerous to a society.
    How to make money is one thing, how to spend it is another. What happens if we already have a lot of money? Just as mentioned above, the money will bring us private property, good life quality, happiness, and higher education, etc. Of course, they are all very helpful in building up our nice social environment. A few people, however, invest the money in illegal business, such as gambling, prostitution, or even terrorism. They are the enemies of the whole world. So the money will cause the disaster to human beings if it is not belong to a right people.
    For a well educated, honesty people, money is important, but the main purpose of his life is not making money. Just like we like dinner, but dinner is not the main object of our life. A good soldier, for instance, mainly wishes to do his fighting well. He is glad of his pay and justly grumbles when you keep him ten months without it; still, his main notion is to win battles, not to be paid for winning them. If money were his object, he would be bought over easily by enemy, he would be a betrayer. For me, I am a doctor, money is no doubt very important to me as I have said above, but money does not mean anything. I would liktime is money
e to do my best to cure the sick. I would rather save my patient’s life and lose money than kill him and get the money. Though there is much phenomena of disrepute in existence, we can’t say the doctor’s objective is getting money. No doubt, treating disease is the first, making money is the second. If a doctor confused his work with money, he would loss his reputation. So, we should not merely concentrate our effects on making money, while neglect the real significance of life.
In conclusion, I would like to say money is very important to the life of everybody, but money can’t be anything of life. It will be an evangel if the money comes to a right people and is spent in an appropriate way. As our ancestor has already taught us, a gentleman should like the money if it comes in a right way. No man should receive a dollar unless that dollar has been fairly earned