labview计算机论⽂,基于LabVIEW的科学计算器毕业设计.doc PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 2
TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 内容摘要: h 1
关键词: h 1
Abstract: h 1
1.绪 论 h 2
1.1论⽂的研究背景 h 2
1.2仪器的发展背景 h 2
1.3虚拟仪器的发展及未来前景 h 3
2 虚拟仪器及LabVIEW的介绍 h 5
2.1虚拟仪器的介绍 h 5
2.2虚拟仪虚拟仪器的主要特点 h 5
2.3虚拟仪器开发平台 LabVIEW的介绍 h 6
2.3.1 LabVIEW的界⾯介绍 h 7
2.3.2 虚拟仪器开发平台LabVIEW8.5的程序构成与模块简介 h 7
2.4 LabVIEW的特点与发展 h 10
3计算器的介绍 h 12
3.1 计算器的起源 h 12
3.2计算器的功能类型 h 12
4.总体设计 h 14
4.1 设计思路与流程图 h 14
达雅克人4.2键⼊感应 h 15
4.3 数字的读⼊ h 16计算机毕业论文
4.3.1 数字1~9的键⼊ h 16
4.3.2数字0的键⼊ h 17梦见海浪
4.4操作类型 h 18
4.5 常⽤键的设置 h 18
4.5.1⼩数点(.) h 18
4.5.2等号键 h 19
4.5.3清零键C h 21
4.5.4退出键CE h 22
4.5.5开⽅键(sqrt) h 22
4.5.6倒数键(1/x) h 23
4.5.7反号键(+/-) h 24
4.5.8 backspace键 h 24
4.6簇中的各元素在条件结构中代表的序号 h 25
4.7去掉⼩数末尾的0的功能 h 25
4.8 框图结构 h 26
4.9 计算器的前⾯板结构 h 27
5.总 结 h 29
参考⽂献 h 30
致 谢 h 31
关键词:LabVIEW 科学计算器 虚拟仪器 四则运算。
Abstract: This paper is based on the LABVIEW scientific calculator, mainly the use of LABVIEW virtual instrument development environment to design a simple calculator, to achieve a number of two four operations and reciprocal, square root, negative for some basic simple arithmetic. And solve some of the problems in the implementation process of these operators practical LABVIEW program. The main idea is to programming formulation of an operational process is complete:The first input data, storage and display; then to operation type input and stored; and then the second data input, storage and display; finally, according to the "=" results or by other operations to continue.
Key words:LabVIEW Scientific calculator Virtual instrument Arithmetic.
1.绪 论