shennongjia scenic area
the shennongjia district in remote northwestern hubei has the wildest scenery in the province. with heavily forested mountains of fir, pine and hemlock -including something rare in china, old-growth stands -the area is known as a treasure trove of more than 1300 species of medicinal plants. indeed, the name for the area roughly translates as ‘ shennong’s ladder’ to commemorate a legendary emperor, shennong, believed to be the founder of herbal medicine and agriculture. according to the legend, he heard about some special plants growing up high on a precipice, so he cut down a great tree and used it to climb to the site and reach the plants, which
he added to his medical collection.
as part of a more modern legend, shennongjia is also famous for the sightings of wild, ape-like creatures - a chinese equivalent of the himalayan yeti or the north american bigfoot. the stories are interesting, but the creatures seem to be able to distinguish between peasants and scientists -molesting the former and evading the latter. nevertheless, there is a small base station set up in the reserve with displays of ‘evidence’ of sightings. more real, but just as elusive perhaps, are species of leopard, bear, wild boar and monkey (including the endangered golden snub-nosed monkey) that reportedly inhabit the area.foreigners are only allowed into the area of the shennongjia district near the town of muyuping, 200km northwest of yichang. there are two high peaks in the area, shennongjiashan at 3105m and laojunshan at 2936m. it’s a 10-hour bus ride to muyuping from yichang, or you can take a boat to xiangxi (five hours) on the three gorges and from there it’s a 90km ride to muyuping. from muyuping you will have to hire a car to get into the
banbiyan, 5 kilometres from liaowang tower, is famous for its stone forest and for sightings of the so-called wild man, the chinese yeti. the bamboo that covers the mountain and plain makes a great hiding place for
anyone wanting to hang out with bigfoot.
at nearly 2,600 metres, the grassy meadows of banbiyan frequently play host to a colorful festival of song and dance by the locals. custom
旅游开心的句子dictates that visitors are welcomed by song. not quite the sound of music,
but the spectacle is a once-in-a-lifetime experience for many.
the pyramid-sharp shennong peak covers an area of about 2 square kilometres, rising from the centre to china to a height of 3105 metres above sea level. clouds o
ften nestle at the summit where ridges stretch on into the distance. the area is covered by tiers of fir, bamboo and azalea. the firs, as tall as 40 metres, have dense leaves on branches that block off the sunlight. the azaleas blossom pink and violet in summer. the area is also home to some rare animals including the golden monkey, white bear
and antelope.
halfway up a hill just east of yanziya lies yanzidong, a cave famous for its golden swallows. a short 50 metre climb up from the road leads to the entrance - the cave itself heads backwards into the mountain for more than 3 kilometres. one of the few swallows that doesn‘t migrate seasonally, the golden swallow inhabits the cave all year round.standing inside the entrance, you will breathe in the damp air and watch steam rising from the walls, which gleam like glass. above hang the
birds‘ nests, warm and dry.
outside the cave you can watch the swallows dancing in the air, and
diving in and out of their dark home.
大家肯定会好奇这里为什么要取名叫做神农架呢?相传远古时期,炎帝神农氏在此尝草采药,医救民众时“架木为屋以避风雨,架木为梯以助攀岩,架木为坛以跨鹤升天”因此留下美名“神农架”,神农架是我国唯一以“林区”命名的行政区,在远古时期神农架林区还是一片汪洋大海,从印支运动末到燕山运动初,发生了强烈的褶皱和大面积的掀斜,奠定了区内的地貌骨架。第四季气候的冷暖变化,在部分地段残留了冰川地貌,致使区内地貌复杂多变。后经燕山和喜马拉雅运动,逐渐提升形成多级陆地,因此才形成我们现在看到的神农架。“山脚盛夏山顶春,山麗艳秋山顶冰,赤橙黄绿看不够,春夏秋冬最难分”的是神农架气候的真实写照。神农架茫茫的林海, 完好的原始生态系统,丰富的生物多样性,宜人的气候条件,原始独特的内陆高山文化,共同构成了绚丽多彩的山水画卷。也使神农架享有了“绿明珠”、“天然动植物园”、“生物避难所”、“物种基因库”、“自然博物馆”、“清凉王国”等众多美誉。在地球生态环境日益遭到破坏、环境污染日趋严重的今天,神农架正以其原始完整的生态环境而引人瞩目。
partion 接下来,我们一起细细游览吧!
足球健将 现在我们来到的地方是金猴岭原始森林,它是国家一级保护动物的主要活动区域之一,故得名金猴岭。这里海拔3019米面积约5平方公里,它是神农架原始森林中,最便于游客观赏的一个。不知道大家心目中的原始森林是什么样的?是不是古木参天,遮天蔽日的景象呢?其实,真正的原始森林必须具备五大特征:一是有自然倒状的大树,二是有地衣和苔藓的伴生,三是藤木绞杀的现象,四是有菌类生存,五是有兰科植物和地被植物。现在呈现我们眼前的原始森林主要以秦岭冷衫和巴山冷杉为主。这里山势高拔,气候寒冷,雨量充足,土地肥沃,山花野果漫山遍野,风景优美,是的主要分布地区。它们常在这里嬉戏、攀岩、栖息,吸引了不少专家前来考察。我想大家已经看到了前面倾泻而下的瀑布了,那就是金猴岭瀑布,你们可以在这里留下美丽的身影。