失物招领的格式及范文英语 第1篇
    I happened to find a Chinese dictionary in our school this afternoon. There are some cards and other things in it. The loser will call me to claim it.
    I lost my student ID card in September yesterday. Loser, please call me and get Mike the loser.
失物招领的格式及范文英语 第2篇
    I lost a yellow handbagin the school library    are the keys to my bedroom and my bike,my student ID card,pens and some money in the small    things are very important to    finds it,I wish he/she would be kind enough to return it to me as soon as    will be very greatful.
年末祝福语    My name is Xiao Hong,Class Two of Gread    to my classroom directly or give me a    telephone number is    you very much!
失物招领的格式及范文英语 第3篇
    Recently, zz enthusiastic owners and property service center staff found more missing items within the munity. Missing items: 1, 2, 3 bank CARDS, mobile phone keys 4, football and so on a number of items. Realty service center staff has found the item's location and time and so on has carried on the detailed records, and properly kept.
    1, key gleanings location: second right drive shed a D, right to a hospital, right, right, a northward, right at the gate of a D5, tennis court, basketball court, left the island periphery, left three building B, right island west street, left a F2 unit doorway, island villa right, second left G3 right next to the transformer, a 'mailboxes, five area
    2, bank card gleanings location: left three A square building, right island
    3, mobile phones, gleaning location: island villas, right right island lake meadows, left, right two C3 unit near the door
    4, football gleanings location: second right at the top of the shops
    If there are any missing items in the above site owner (household) to the property servi
我国的传统文化ce center at the front desk consultation, after confirm your missing items, please submit your valid documents registered in the realty service center at the front desk to receive. Zz realty service center front desk telephone: * *
    近期,zz热心业主及物业服务中心工作人员在小区内拾获多件遗失物品。遗失物品有:1、钥匙 2、银行卡 3、手机4、足球等若干物品。物业服务中心工作人员已对拾获物品的地点准时间等进行了详实的记录,并妥善保管。
失物招领范文    2、银行卡拾遗地点:左三A栋、右岛广场
    如有在以上地点遗失物品的业主(住户)到物业服务中心前台咨询,确认您遗失的物品后,请凭您的有效证件在物业服务中心前台登记领取。zz物业服务中心前台通讯:** 造价员成绩
向前向前向前失物招领的格式及范文英语 第4篇
    I lost my wallet on my way to school this morning. There is some money, a monthly ticket and something else in it. I wish the finder would return it to me soon. Will the finder please e to No. 11 Middle School or call me? I'll pay him or her for it. Thank you!
    Name:    Wang Li
    Telephone: xxxxxxxxx
失物招领的格式及范文英语 第5篇