关于幸福的篇1 亲爱的,你才是我的幸福
she was dancing. my crippled grandmother was dancing. i stood in the living room doorway absolutely stunned. i glanced at the kitchen table and sure enough-right under a small, framed drawing on the wall-was a freshly baked peach pie.
她在跳舞。我那身有残疾的祖母居然在跳舞。我站在客厅的门口,被彻底惊呆了。我扫了一眼厨房的餐桌,果不其然,在餐桌上 墙上那幅小小的镶框画像的正下方 有一块新鲜出炉的烤蜜桃派。
i heard her sing when i opened the door but did not want to interrupt the beautiful so
ng by yelling i had arrived, so i just tiptoed to the living room. i looked at how her still-lean body bent beautifully, her arms greeting the sunlight that was pouring through the window. and her legs those legs that had stiffly walked, aided with a cane, insensible shoes as long as i could remember. now she was wearing beautiful dancing shoes and her legs obeyed her perfectly. no limping. no stiffness. just beautiful, fluid motion. she was the pet of the dancing world. and then she d had her accident and it was all over. i had read that in an old newspaper clipping.
当我推门进屋的时候,我听到了她在,但我不想大喊自己回来了,不想打断那美妙的歌声,于是我踮着脚尖走到客厅。我看着她那依然消瘦的身体优雅地弯下,她的手臂迎向从窗口倾泻而入的阳光。而她的腿 自我能记事以来,她总是拄着拐杖,穿着便鞋,走起路来腿脚僵硬。可现在,她正穿着美丽的舞鞋,而她的双腿完全听从着她的支配。不再蹒跚,不再僵硬。只有优美、流畅的动作。她曾是界的宠儿。可是后来她遭遇了一场意外,舞蹈生涯因此而结束。我是从一张老旧的剪报中读到这个的。
she turned around in a slow pirouette and saw me standing in the doorway. her son
g ended, and her beautiful movements with it, so abruptly that it felt like being shaken awake from a beautiful dream. the sudden silence rang in my ears. grandma looked so much like a kid caught with her hand in a cookie jar that i couldn t help myself, and a slightly nervous laughter escaped. grandma sighed and turned towards the kitchen. i followed her, not believing my eyes. she was walking with no difficulties in her beautiful shoes. we sat down by the table and cut ourselves big pieces of her delicious peach pie.
so i blurted, how did your leg heal?
那么 我脱口而出道, 你的腿是怎么好了的?
to tell you the truth my legs have been well all my life, she said.
跟你说实话吧 我的腿一直都挺好的, 她说。
but i don t understand! i said, your dancing career i mean you pretended all these years?
可是我不明白! 我说, 你的舞蹈事业 我是说 难道这些年来你一直在假装?
very much so, grandmother closed her eyes and savored the peach pie, and for a very good reason.
的确如此, 祖母闭上眼睛,品尝着蜜桃派, 而且是因为一个非常好的理由。
what reason?
your grandfather.
you mean he told you not to dance?
no, this was my choice. i am sure i would have lost him if i had continued dancing. i weighed fame and love against each other and love won.
she thought for a while and then continued. we were talking about engagement when your grandfather had to go to war. it was the most horrible day of my life when he left. i was so afraid of losing him, the only way i could stay sane was to dance. i put all my energy and time into practicing and i became very good. critics
寂寞的刺猬praised me, the public loved me, but all i could feel was the ache in my heart, not knowing whether the love of my life would ever return. then i went home and read and re-read his letters until i fell asleep. he always ended his letters with you are my joy. i love you with my life and after that he wrote his name. and then one day a letter came. there were only three sentences: i have lost my leg. i am no longer a whole man and now give you back your freedom. it is best you forget about me.
她想了一下,然后接着说道: 当你祖父不得不去从军参战的时候,我们已经到了谈婚论嫁的阶段了。他离开的那段日子是我一生中度过的最可怕的时期。我很害怕会失去他,能让我不至于疯掉的唯一方法就是跳舞。我把我所有的精力和时间都投入到了练习之中,于是我成为了很棒的舞者。评论家对我好评连连,公众对我钟情有嘉,可我唯一能感觉到的却是我心中的痛,因为不知道我一生的挚爱是否能平安归来。然后我回到家里,一遍又一遍地读着他的来信,直到睡去。他总是在信的结尾写着: 你才是我的幸福。爱你一生。
然后才是他的签名。但有一天我又收到了他的来信。信中只有三句话: 我失去了一条腿。我不再是一个完整的人了,所以现在我将自由归还给你。你最好还是把我忘掉吧。
i made my decision there and then. i took my leave, and traveled away from the city. when i returned i had bought myself a cane and wrapped my leg tightly with bandages. i told everyone i had been in a car crash and that my leg would never completely heal again. my dancing days were over. no one suspected the story i had learned to limp convincingly before i returned home. and i made sure the first person to hear of my accident was a reporter i knew well. then i traveled to the hospital. they had pushed your grandfather outside in his wheelchair. there was a cane on the ground by his wheelchair. i took a deep breath, leaned on my cane and limped to him.