Coyote girl 改
道具:水杯2 水缸1 两个篮子叶子和果子,风车
角:narrator: 薛瑶瑶
yellow corn maiden 徐一秀(snake 宋依纳)猎人一:宋友诚
blue corn maiden 吴俞铮(coyote 毛昕奕)猎人二:林晖grandamother spider 胡莉莎
,father, (夏子翔)mother, 张羿菲报幕( 蔡欣雅)
礼仪培训SCENE 1 in the Hopi Village( 蔡欣雅)
薛:Once, there was an old village called Hopi Indian in the United states.The Hopi people are called peaceful people. Because they live in peace.
薛:In the Hopi village there were two girls. They were was called Blue corn Maiden. She was good. The other was called Yellow Corn Maiden. She was bad.
徐:I’m yellow corn maiden.
吴:I’m blue corn maiden.
徐吴: we are best friends.
徐:Look, blue corn maiden. I have a nice cup.
吴:how nice. May I have a look?
薛:The cup was broken. They argued.
徐:I hate you! We are never ever friends.
吴: You must be kidding!I’m going home.(cry)
徐:Blue Corn Maiden is not my friend n ow. I’ll play a trick on her----a bad magic trick!
Secene 2 The next morning ( 蔡欣雅)
薛:The next morning,Yellow Corn Maiden went to Blue Corn Maiden’s home.徐:I’m sorry let’s be friends.
吴:I’m sorry,too
徐:Let’s go up the hill and I’ll show you a se cret.
薛:They went up the hill.Then Yellow Corn Maiden pulled something strange and beautiful from her dress. It’s a rainbow wheel with every colour of the rainbow.
吴:It’s beautiful! What is it?
徐:It’s rainbow wheel.Catch it!
吴:ouch. 转动身体,换上毛昕奕,然后倒地
徐:Ha,ha!Goodbye, Blue Corn Maiden.
Scene 3 Night-time( 蔡欣雅)
薛: Blue Corn Maiden woke up alone in the dark.
毛:Help! I’ve got paws! i’ve got four legs !I’m covered with brown(服装颜定) fur! 狼吼(高)
毛:Oh,no!I’m a wild dog,a coyote! Oh, no, oh, no ,oh no…. It’s not true.
毛:Help! Mother, father ,where are you. I;m afraid. I want to go home.
毛:oh, I’m a coyote now.
where is my friend? yellow corn maiden? Where is she?
毛:my friend betrayed me.
my friend betrayed me.
oh bring back my friend to me.
bring back, bring back,
oh bring back my friend to me to me.
bring back, bring back,
oh bring back my friend to me.
bring back, bring back,
oh bring back my friend to me to me.
bring back, bring back,
oh bring back my friend to me
薛:Blue Corn Maiden did to go home She walked and walked.At last she came
to a hut. She went in and fell asleep.
薛:Suddenly,two men came up.First Hunter points at the coyote girl.
宋:Look—there’s a coyote!Where are my bow and arrows?I’ll shoot it.
林:This is a strange coyote.Let’s take it to Grandmother Spider.
宋:who is grandma spider?
林::she is is a magic old woman in the deep forest.
Come with me little coyote
Secene 4 The next day,in the deep forest( 蔡欣雅)
薛:The hunters and the coyote walked all day, they came to a little hut.
林:Here’s Grandmother Spider’s house.
宋:很惊讶Are you kidding?. It’s a spider!
林:No,it’s Grandmother Spider! Take it easy!She can help us.
林:Grandmother Spider,we’ve got a strange coyote.
仔细看了以后慢慢说,Someone has played a magic trick on it.
Go to the forest and get lots of leaves and berries.
Come with me,little coyote.
Scene 5 In Grandmo ther Spider’s house( 蔡欣雅)
宋林合:Grandmother Spider,we’ve got the leaves and berries.
薛:Grandmother Spider put the leaves and berries into a big pot water.
She put the pot over the fire.
胡:Jump in, little coyote!The water’s warm.
薛r:Grandmother Spider sang a magic song. Later,a girl came out of the pot. First Hunter :i t’s a girl!
胡:What’s your name,little girl?
吴:I’m Blue Corn Maiden.My friend ……
胡:I know, This is cup is for you.
胡:Now, .Go home to your mother and father.
Secene 6 In the village ( 蔡欣雅)
薛: Blue Corn Maiden went home.Her mother and father hugged and kissed her. 张: oh, my dear. You’ve back.
夏Let’ s go home.
吴:father,mother I love you.
薛:The next day, Yellow Corn Maiden came to see her.
徐:Wow, Blue Corn Maiden ,you’ve back. Are you Ok?
吴:I’m fine.
徐:Let’s go to the river and get some water.
吴:All right.
薛:They went to the river. Blue Corn Maiden had a cup.
徐:Hey,that’s a beautiful cup.
吴:No—don’t touch it!Grandmother Spid er gave it to me.
薛:But Yellow Corn Maiden took the cup and drank from it.在地上打滚,滚到后面,宋依纳滚出来。
宋:Ssssssss! 痛苦状
吴:Oh,no! Yellow Corn Maiden is….a snake!
胡:Yes,I turned Yellow Corn Maiden into a snake.So remember this story.Do not hurt your friends.Be kind and live together in peace.