英 [spel] 美 [spl]
比较级:more special最高级:most special第三人称复数:specials
形容词 特殊的; 专用的; 专门的; 重要的
名词 专车; 特价; 特刊; 特约稿
1. He is not a special friend of mine.
2. He has a special car because he cannot walk.
3. She works as a nurse in a special hospital.
1. Sri Lanka is currently under the spotlight over the UN Secretary General's special panel report which called for a war crimes investigation into Sri Lanka.
2. The main part of his act saw him appear on stage with a vacuum cleaner attached to hi
s member through a special attachment.
语文必修一3. The special dimensions of Hong Kong include a welcoming business environment supported by an effective legal system and a low and simple tax structure.
4. The longtime Republican district fell to the Democrats Saturday when wealthy scientist and businessman Bill Foster snatched the seat in a closely watched special election.
5. But a nomination can also be made through a special act of Congress and then bestowed by the president on behalf of Congress.
6. The elderly over 70 years old can buy half price tickets by showing their identification and go through a special access gate.
7. Some suggest that a special government agency needs to be established to act as the sole owner of the banks.
8. The government has just extended the special stamp duty and introduced a buyer's stamp duty to cool the property market.
9. The deflating discovery was that chocolate provides a buzz lasting up to four times as long as embracing the special person in our lives.
A:Are you free tomorrow night?
B:Yes, I am.
A:Shall we have dinner together?
B:Do you have a special restaurant in mind?
A:Yes, I do. I know a place that has excellent food.
B:O.K. I’ll be happy to join you.
In the Cafeteria-(在自助餐厅里)
A:What'll you have,sir?
B:I don't know. What's good today?
A:Why not try the beef pot pie? That's the special today.Lots of people come in on Mondays just to get our beef pot pie.Or, how about the oyster stew?
B:No, I'm hungry. That wouldn't last me the afternoon.I guess I'll have a hot beef sandwich with plenty of gravy.
A:Do you want it on whole wheat, white french, or rye?春夜喜雨古诗
B:Make it whole wheat.
A:Anything to drink?甜到炸的小情话
B:Yes, coffee, but I'll come back for it later.
拓展:特殊的课堂 Special classroom
Today, I'm going to talk about a special class. If you want to know how special this class is, please listen to me.
First of all, the location is special. I did this class at home. I sat at my computer desk and listened to the teacher's lecture carefully.
This special class is naturally different from the previous classroom model. In fact, this special class also has a name, which is called online class. As the name suggests, teachers teach online and students listen online.
Before this special class, I was full of curiosity. After all, this is a novel experience, how can I not arouse my curiosity? At the time appointed by the teacher, I was in front of the computer on time, just like I was in class on campus, waiting for the teacher to come to class.
When I saw the teacher's face on the computer screen, a kind of familiarity came to me. The teacher's action of operating the online classroom is still a little strange. I still rememb
er that when the first online classroom started, the teacher was a little confused. We need to know that teachers are omnipotent in our eyes. So when I see the teacher in the network to show some small movements, small expressions, then suddenly feel that the teacher is very cute.
Special classroom, but also special in each student's study. In this mode of classroom, the most important thing is to rely on the consciousness of each of our students. I always have classes in the classroom, supervised by the teacher from time to time. Now I have classes at home, totally on my own. But this is no problem for me at all. Even if I am alone in my study, my family are very relieved that I am a strong self-discipline person.