1. Wash mugwort leaves and cut them into small pieces; grind the leaves using a grinder; while grinding, add a little water to make the process easier.
2. Add glutinous rice powder to the grinded leaves. Knead them firmly; be sure to add a spoonful of oil into the flour for good color;
3. Divide the dough into blocks of the same size;
4. Stuff the dough blocks with fillings in the same way you make sweet dumplings and put the stuffed balls on bamboo leaves.
5. Steam the balls for 15 minutes. Now they are ready to be served.直销管理条例>手机触摸屏失灵
1. 艾叶洗净,切成⼩块;再⽤研磨机研碎。研磨时加少许⽔,可以使研磨过程省⼒很多。
清明节 英语自由的反义词2. 在研碎的艾叶中加⼊糯⽶粉,揉⾯,⽤⼒地揉。⼀定要记得在⾯团⾥加⼀匙油,这样⾊泽会更好哦!
3. 将⾯团分割成相同⼤⼩的⼩⾯团。
4. ⽤包汤圆的⽅式将馅包进去,包好后放进蒸笼,垫上⽵叶。阳光生活
5. 蒸上15分钟就可以上桌了。