英语单词的过去式过去分词(Past participle of English words)The past participle of an English word
[past tense]
The act or event of passing.
Example: I, met, him, yesterday., I met him yesterday.
摩擦力是弹力吗Verbs that represent the general past are usually expressed in the past tense of verbs, whereas the past tense of verbs is changed on the basis of the verb prototype. The past tense of verbs can be divided into regular verbs and irregular verbs. Regular verbs change in the past:
In general, the verb suffix -ed, such as:
Worked played wanted acted
The pronunciation of -e ending verbs, verb suffix -d, such as:
Lived, moved, decided, declined, hoped, judged, raised, wiped
With the consonant + y ending verb, change the -y to "-i" plus "-ed", such as:
Studied, tried, copied, justified, cried, carried, embodied, emptied
End with a consonant of the stressed syllable verbs, double consonant consonant, plus -ed, such as:
Stopped, begged, fretted, dragged, dropped, planned, dotted, dripped
Note: irregular verbs do not have a strong change of past tense. They should be more memory.
Go - went make - made get - got buy - bought come - came fly-flew is/am-was are-were see-saw bring-brought
(1) expressing action or past a certain time or a period of time that occur, usually with past said action time adverbial words, phrases or clauses, such as yesterday, the day, before last, last week, two days ago, you can clear context without time. I, worked, in, that, factory, year., last, I worked in that factory last year. I went, to,, the, Tian, Long, Mountain, yesterday.. Yesterday we went to dragon hill.
General past tense: the act or state of being occurring at a certain time in the past. The predicate verb should use the general past tense.
Time mark: yesterday (yesterday), last week (last week), last month (last month), last year (last year), two months ago (two months ago), the day before yesterday (the day before), in 1990
(in 1990), in those days (in those days) such that the last time.
Such as: I, was, born, in, 1990. (I was born in 1990).
When, did, you, go, to, the, park? (when did you go to the park?).炸鸡排的做法
I, went, to, the, park, last, week. (I went to the park last week)
In the above sentence, the first sentence belongs to the general past tense of the be verb; the second and third sentences belong to the general past tense of the notional verb.
The general past tense of a 1.Be verb
In a sentence without a notional verb, use the be verb; the past tense of AM is is was; the past tense of are is were.
我的青春我做主电视剧Composition: affirmative sentence: subject +was (were) + object
I, was, late, yesterday. (I was late yesterday)
Negation: subject +was (were) +not+ object
Such as: We, weren't, late, yesterday. (we were not late yesterday)
Interrogative sentence: Was (Were) + subject + object
Such as: Were, you, ill, yesterday? (were you sick yesterday?)
Sure answer: Yes, I was. (yes, I'm sick.). )
Negative sentence: No, I wasn't. (no, I'm not ill. )
Special question: special interrogative word +was (were) + subject + object
When: When, were, you, born? When were you born?
The rules of verb suffix plus -ed has three pronunciations:
1. read "[t]" after voiceless consonants. Such as: asked, helped, watched, stopped
2. read [d] after voiced consonants and vowels. Such as: enjoyed, studied, moved, called
3. read after t / D as [id].
Such as: wanted, needed
The past tense of irregular verbs is generally summed up in the following six ways of memory:
1. in the end of the word t, the past is the same as the original. Such as: put - put, let - let, cut - cut, beat - beat
2. change the word "d" to "t" with the word "d" at the end. Such as: build - built, lend - lent, send - sent, spend - spent
3. n at the end of the word, add t after the word. Such as: Mean - meant, burn - burnt, learn - learnt
4. turn the ow / AW into EW at the end of the ow / aw. Such as: Blow - blew, draw - drew, know - knew, grow - grew
5. with double letter words, will double to single write, in the ending t. Such as: keep - kept, sleep - slept, feel - felt, smell - Smelt
6. contains the vowel letter "O / I", which turns O / I into
a. Such as: Sing - sang, give - gave, sit - sat, drink - drank
[past participle]
The past participle of a regular verb consists of the prototype of a verb plus ed, and the past participle of an irregular verb is represented by an irregular verb table.
The past participle belongs to a class verb
1. past participle verb predicate and the subject of the sentence is passive, said the subject, not only passive, also said it has completed.
The, cup, is, broken., the teacup is broken
2. the past participle of the intransitive verb predicate, and