1、Aberrat ion n.失常
eventsthat were aberrat ions from the norm.不合常规的事件
a mentalaberrat ion精神失常
stealin g chocola te in a momentof aberrat ion一时糊涂偷了巧克力
Promise s of quick profits allurethe unwaryinvesto r.
charmsthat still allure.仍然有吸引力的魅力allu re sb. from诱使(某人)离开...
allure(sb.) into [to]把(某人)诱入, 骗进
They allured her into a snare.他们诱她落入圈套。
3、amity n.友好, 亲善关系
He lives in amity with his neighbo urs.他和他的邻居相处得很和睦。They partedin amity.他们很友好地分别了。
一张纯黑的图片4、analogo us adj.类似的, 相似的, 可比拟的
This proposa l was analogo us to/with the one we discuss ed at the last meeting.
5、anomaly n.不规则, 异常的人或物
“NASA's systemfor trackin g anomali es for flightreadine ss reviews failed”(Preside ntialCommiss ion Reporton the Challen ger Disaste r) “在飞行准备阅兵式中,美国航空及太空总署的异常情况追踪系统失败了”(关于挑战者灾难的总统委员会报告)
“Bothmenareanomali es: they have . . . likable persona lities but each has made his reputat ionasaheavy”(DavidPauly)
the anomaly of English spellin g英语拼法的不规则
6、angular adj.有角的
an angular face.瘦削的脸庞an angular gait.笨拙的步法
“thecold, angular brand of materia lism”(David K. Willis)
7、apathyn.缺乏感情或兴趣, 冷漠He has an apathyto food.他不思饮食。
8、aspiran t n.有抱负者, 有野心者adj.上进的, 有野心的
qq无法启动an aspiran t after [for] honors求名者lite rary aspiran t有文学抱负者
The examina tion was so rigid that nearlyall aspiran ts were ruled out.
考试很严, 几乎所有的考生都被淘汰了。
9、assailvt.攻击, 质问was assaile d by doubts.为疑惑而困扰
10、audacio us adj.大胆的, 卤莽的, 大胆创新的
an audacio us interpr etatio n of two Jacobea n dramas.
audacio us behavio r无礼的行为
11、audacio usly adv.大胆地, 厚颜无耻的,大胆创新的
12、above-board adj.率直的;坦诚的;光明磊落的
Be open and above board with me.请坦诚待我。
13、Aeratevt.使暴露于空气中, 使充满气体
The writeraeratee d his writing with a persuas ive colloqu ialism.
Blood is aerated in the lungs.血液在肺中与氧结合。
The potatoe s were set outside to aerate.马铃薯放到外面通风。
14、affront n.公开侮辱, 轻蔑vt.公开侮辱, 冒犯, 面对
Such behavio r is an affront to society.这种行为是对社会的蔑视
affront death临死不惧
clear albeitcold weather.虽然天冷但仍很晴朗
Albeithe has failedtwice, he is not discour aged.虽然失败了两次,但他并没有气馁。
Albeitfair, she was not soughtafter.尽管她很美,可没有人追求她。16、ambigui ty n.含糊, 不明确
“leading a life of alleged moral ambigui ty”(Anatole Broyard)
a poem full of ambigui ties.一首充满模棱两可词句的诗新机械战警
latentambigui ty【律】潜在的含义不明确
17、amoroso n.葡萄醇香酒
adv, adj:perform ed with tendern ess: to be playedor sung in a gentlelovingway (used as a musical directi on)
noun:dark sherry: a sweet dark sherry
Amorous adj.多情的, 恋爱的, 表示爱情的
我已经长大an amorous glance.含情脉脉的一瞥an amorous poem.情诗
amorous of you since the day we met.从我们相遇的那天我就爱上了你
18、anachro nistic adj.时代错误的,记时错误的
19、anecdot e n.轶事, 奇闻
20、animate v.鼓舞adj.生气勃勃的
“Thepartywasanimate dbyallkindsofmenandwomen”(RenéDubos)“各种各样的男男女女使这个晚会充满了活力”(赖恩·杜伯斯)
A smile animate d her face.一个微笑使她的脸显得愉快。
His excitem ent animate d us all.他的激昂情绪振奋了我们大家。
21、archive s n.档案, 公文, 档案室, 案卷保管处
the State A-Bureau国家档案局[美]
“IthinkofPCPasthearmpitof drugs. It is dirty, explosi ve, poisono us”(RayBrett)
23、artifac t n.人造物品,典型产物:典型后果或结果:
“Theveryactoflooking at a naked model was an artifac t of male suprema cy”(PhilipWeiss)
“观看裸体模特的行为本身是男权至上的典型产物”(菲利普·韦斯) 24、aura n.气氛, 气味, (圣象头部的)光环,[医]先兆, 预感
An aura of defeatpervade d the candida te's headqua rters.
25、auto-pilot n.自动操舵装置,自动驾驶装置,自动导航(装置),自动绘图
26、Bankrol l n.资金vt.提供资金
27、barbari sm n.野蛮, 未开化, 原始, 不文明
28、bash v.怒殴, 打坏, <;美俚>盛会, 狂欢n.怒殴, 猛击嫩芽的意思
“Hebashedthe . . . governm ent unmerci fullyover the . . . spy affair”(Lally Weymout h)“他就间谍风波毫不留情地指责政府”(拉利·韦茅斯)
He gave me a bash on the eyes.他一拳打在我眼睛上。
bashsb. on the head猛击某人的头
bash one's head against sth.把头往某物上猛撞
He bashedthe door in and entered the room.他破门进入房间。