1)[i:] ee / ea / e / ie, ei
three tree greensheepmeet beef seek
tea leavelead team mean speakclean
he she me Chines e
piecebeliev e︱receiv e ceilin g receip t leisure
不足为奇2) [i]i / y / e / a
sit pictur e list mix fix fit pig buildmiss myth many twenty happydictio narydefect decide delici ous
orange comrad e villag e
3) [æ ] a
hand ant happymap mad glad flag shall4) [e]ea / e / a *ai/ei
head breadpleasu re *said/leisur e
elepha nt electr ic rememb er sell hotelmany any
5) [ə:] ir / ur / ear / ur / or
girl shirtskirtthirty thirte en thirdbird
turn burn murder nurseturtle Thursd ay burger
learnearn earthheard
term her nerd serve
*work worm word world
6)[ə] (弱音) er / or / ou / ure / ar / o / a /
e / u
leader speake r farmer powder powerdoctor actormayorauthor
delici ous genero us variou s jealou s
pleasu re measur e leisur e cultur e
famili ar collar dollar liar
togeth er lesson contro l polite
accoun t ago banana Canada JapanChinaspider m en listen gliste n elepha nt
calcul us suspect maximum
7)[a:] ar / a / al *heart/clerk/sergea nt car farm card arm garden
last plant︱calm half
8) [ʌ] u / o / ou / oo
up supper lunchfun gun hunt cup bus come mother does brothe r love abovetroubl e roughflouri sh
9) [ɔ:] al / or / oor / au / our / ou / ar smallwall talk tall hall ball call walk shortlord horsefortysportmore storesore ︱door floor
sauce author caught autumn haunt
four mourncourt︱bought fought
*warmth wardro be quarte r
10)[ɒ] / [ɔ]o / a
hot lost lot fox box mop hop loss collar want wash what squand er
11)[u:] oo / o / u
groombroomdoom goosetoothballoon shoe do two
true truthblue full
12) [u]oo / ou / u / o
look good foot book首饰diy
should could
put full bull pull push
13) [ei] a / ay / ai / ey / ea
name cake late gate planeApril
play say may way︱rain paintplainthey grey︱greatbreak
14)[ai]i / y
bike fine find die nine lightnighthigh my try fly eye
15)[au]ou / ow
houseground accoun t countloud around flower down now cow how town
16)[əu] o / ow / oa
home cold go no phonehost ghostknow low belowgrow blow show flow
boat coat goal
17)[ɔi]oy / oi
boy toy joy oyster soybea n
oil soil voicechoice noise
18)[iə]eer / ea / ear / ea / ear / er / ier
森林防火简报beer deer ear idea near here fierce
19)[eə]ear / air / are / ere
bear pear pair chairair fair
care scaresquare prepar e
20)[uə]our / oor *ure
tour poor *sure
[æ] [e]
bad bed hand head man men land lend pan
pen sad said
[i:] [i]
it eat hit heat sit seat bit beat feet fit 3.辅音
1) [p] pear pour pull push
2) [b] boot breadbreak3) [t] ton town twenty city
4) [d] dull dose dictio nary
5) * [k] king kite look cook kitche n sky (字母)
card cat creamcorrec t climbcome accoun t accept (字母) fox box oxygen x-ray exerci se (字母)
school schedu le headach e chemis try psychol ogy(字母组合) cheque queuepictur esque antiqu e (字母组合)
6) * [g] girl good goal goat gradelong langua ge (字母) dialog u e guestv ogueguilty guidesafegu ard (字母组合) 7) * [m] man make moon mornin g move come (字母m)
comb climbautumn column(ist) (字母组合和)
女人喝豆浆的好处8) [n] pen ten nine fine
9) [ŋ] unclebank Englis h thinkthankjunk
sing king mornin g evenin g (字母组合)
10) [l] long land lend lord flag black
worldcold couldgoal soul able
11) [r] read red rightrun room
writewristwrinkl e wrong(字母组合)
12) [f] five fly fine flag frog fog roof knifelife wife
coughlaughroughtough physic photophone(字母组合和)
13) [v] very even everyvoicevest
14) [s] six sit studen t same seat kiss miss case scarf(发音字母s)
licens e city ceaseceilin g celebr ate piecejuicescienc e ace (发音字母c)
15) [z] zoo zebrazero zap closenose hose suppos e pausethosewhose
16) [θ] thinkthankthreethirty toothmouththroug h worth
17) [ð] that this thosethesethough worthy
18) [ʃ] sheepshould er ship shoe she brushwash *sure
nation attent ion statio n social specia l (字母组合和)
19) [ʒə] pleasu re measur e leisure closur e (字母组合)
20) [h] hot hop home househorsehow
who wholewhore(字母组合)
21) [w] window wind wood
when what wherewhisper (字母组合)
22) [j] yes year yell you your yolk yellow
23) [tʃ] childchicke n couch chairlunchouch catchteach
24) [dʒ] age langua ge cabbag e vegeta ble stagebridge
joy enjoyjoin July June junk joke
educati on during(字母)
25) [tr] tree countr y try treattracktrunk
26) [dr] dry dreamdrop drivedrink
27) [ts] studen ts bootsboatsgoatsnuts
28) [dz] goodswoodsfriends
4.容易混淆的辅音[v] [w] vest west vet wet vine wine [s] [θ] sink thinkmass math sort sought[z] [ð] closeclothbreeze breath e
元音字母及发元音的所有组合在非重读音节中基本上都读[ə] 或(少数)[i]
1)a [ei] [æ] [a:] [ɔ] / [ə] [i]
privat e bake grapenation statio n page active bank fan parent family glad flag fast dance classpast father (美音不同) wash what watchwant
accept format ive machin e cinema orange villag e cabbag e comrad e
2)e[i:] [e] / [i] [ə] 不发音
apprec iateextrem ely secret she me he letter left messag e genera te pebble decide pretty previo us result restor e proble m prospe rousstuden t confid ent active tablelate wife storelectur e
3)i[ai] [i] / [i] [ə]增资报告
high pricelibrar y ice wife size line
fist pickycity︱pianofiancé unit holiday beautiful
4)o[əu] [u:] [ʌ] [ɔ] / [ə] [əu]
host cold note okay old home
lose do who whoseproveimprov e love some othermother honeycompan y lost hot mock office soft honest
todaytomorr ow contro l collec t
photoz ero also
5)u[ju:] [u] [ʌ] / [ə] [i]
univer sityrefuse unique univer se huge put push pull full bull July
but brushbucket duck bubble
suppor t sugges t *busine ss busy
6)c[k] [s]
c在a/o/u及辅音前: camp cablecamera countr y courag e cultur e credit claw
c在e/i/y前: ceilin g celebr ate cell ceasecity cigarprivacy cycle
7)g[g] [dʒ] [ŋ]
g在a/o/u, ir,辅音前,或置于词尾: girl gradegorgeous garbag e flag frugal g在e/i/y前: villag e vegeta ble bridge gentle man gym germ
long song sing mornin g evenin g
8) l[l] 读音不同
listen learnlangua ge collec t gorill a
worldcold soil tall sell cool animal
9) n[n] (在[g][k]音前或ng组合中[ŋ]) moon nightnoodle number
unclehungry angryyoungthank
* singer finger
10) r [r] (元音与[r]音的组合,美语) rightread writegradeprogre ss
card boarddoor floorform northperfect
11)y[j] [i] [ai]
yellow year yell youngyolk
univer sitycountr y pretty happy
dye dyingfly buy by my dryer
12) h[h] 不发音
Grassh opper hockey︱hour honest
13) x [gz] [ks]
executive exist exactl y exaggerate重execut e textbo ok exerci se explai n oxygen carbon dioxid e
*anxiou s anxiety (tensio n) contro v ersi al ex中的x发[ks]时,(次)重音在ex上,ex 发[eks],不在其上,则发[iks]。
exerci se expect ation excell ent
except expect excel explai n exclude 元音字母与r的组合:
1)ar[a:] [ə] [ɔ:]
farm card garden mark
dollar collar popula r
warm warn quarte r
(worm word worseworker worthworld*sword/ worn) 在[w]音后的or, ar
2) er[ə:] [ə] [iə] *[a:]
deserv e servefierce person
teache r driver angersinger
seriou s experi encemyster ious
*sergean t clerk
3) ir [ə:] [ai]
shirtgirl skirt
admire desire
4) or [ɔ:] [ə:] [ə]
shortform corn born for
*work worldworm word worstworthy tracto r doctor actorsenior senato r
5) ur [ə:] [ə]
Thursd ay hurt turtle surf ︱sulfur
6) air repair
7) are [εə]
Scaresquare dare prepar e welfar e
8) ire [aiə]
hire fire requir e wire retire inspir e
9) ore[ɔ:]
shoreignore snoresore sophom ore