Beijing in Hebei Province to fight the Dragon Boat Festival free water, often in pre-pre-absorbed, is said to be well in order to avoid toxicity. Street hawkers selling on the Dragon Boat Festival Mulberry Cherry, Dragon Boat Festival is said to eat a cherry mulberry can be eaten throughout the year does not fly. Shop the sale of the oven fresh " cake", that is, worm pattern in five of the cake for decoration. Luanxian employed men and women have many relatives Chatham each other gifts on Dragon Boat Festival. Dragon Boat Festival, local officials will gather for a retreat to the South, the city invited literati feast, known as the "Tap Liu."
﹝河北省﹞ 北平忌端午节打井水,往往于节前预汲,据说是为了避井毒。市井小贩也于端午节兜售樱桃桑椹,据说端午节吃了樱桃桑椹,可全年不误食苍蝇。各炉食铺出售“五毒饼”,
手机应用分身赵且伐燕>黄云山Zouping County, Shandong Province, the Dragon Boat Festival, drinking a cup per person is required to get up early, legends can be believed. Sunshine children wrapped around the Dragon Boat Festival to seven-color line has always been to wear the first time to post solutions to rain down before throwing in the rain. Linqing County Dragon Boat Festival, the following seven-year-old boy with at ( doing Michael necklace), girls with but also the mother to wear yellow cloth shoes made by hand, using wool uppers five strokes on the worm. Qu Yuan by means of the ink to kill five worm. Jimo in the Dragon Boat Festival the morning wash your face with dew.
﹝山东省﹞ 邹平县端午,每人早起均需饮酒一杯,传说可以避邪。日照端午给儿童缠七线,一直要戴到节后第一次下雨才解下来扔在雨水里。临清县端午,七岁以下的男孩带符(麦稓做的项链),女孩带石榴花,还要穿上母亲亲手做的黄布鞋,鞋面上用毛笔画上五种毒虫。意思是借着屈原的墨迹来杀死五种毒虫。即墨在端午节早晨用露水洗脸。
State solution Dragon Boat Festival, Shanxi Province, Artemsia argyi wear for men and women, known as the "disease to" a hundred children were grade II in the neck, It is said that this is "tied Quyuan dragon." Xi State Dragon Boat Festival, the village festival Longwang and paper hanging in the fields. Dragon Boat Festival, also known as "while the rich." Dingxiang County Dragon Boat Festival, the students need for teachers gifts Boxing. Lu'an House steamed wheat flour to groups, known as the "white group", used in conjunction with each other gifts dumplings.
﹝山西省﹞ 解州端午,男女戴艾叶,称为“去疾”,幼童则系百索于脖子上,据说这是“为屈原缚蛟龙”。隰州端午,各村祭龙王,并在田间挂纸。怀仁县端午又名“朱门”。定襄县端午,学生需致赠节礼给教师。潞安府以麦面蒸团,称为“白团”,与粽子一起拿来互相馈赠。
生态清洁小流域Shaanxi Dragon Boat Festival Xing'an state, local officials led by watch races, known as "the stepping-stone." Xingping County Dragon Boat Festival in sewing silk damask millet small angle, then sewing on the following figures, a small, known as "playing dolls." Drag
on Boat Festival with county officials to Po Ai, paper paste cattle gate, known as "the town of disease."点穴瘦腿
﹝陕西省﹞ 兴安州端午,地方官率领僚属观赏竞渡,称之“踏石”。兴平县端午以绫帛缝小角黍,下面再缝上一个小人偶,称为“耍娃娃”。同官县端午以蒲艾、纸牛贴门,称为“镇病”。
Jingning Gansu State Dragon Boat Festival to pick a rose for yee pickled honey. Dragon Boat Festival County town of Shannon fan newlyweds gifts, Luo Qi, towel Pago, entertained the children and invited teachers, known as the "festival to enjoy." Zhangxian Dragon Boat Festival, cowboy mountain worship. Hill plot pay, before the cock burning, commonly known as "burning mountain."
﹝甘肃省﹞ 静宁州端午摘玫瑰以蜜腌渍为饴。镇原县端午赠新婚夫妇香扇、罗绮、巾帕、艾虎。子弟并邀集父兄宴请师长,称为“享节”。漳县端午,牧童祀山神。积薪丘,在鸡鸣前焚烧,俗称“烧高山”。
Jiading County, Jiangsu Province, the Dragon Boat Festival, rich or poor, must buy Shishou fish (commonly known as the sturgeon fish) cooking. Yizheng County there are "When the pants, to buy fish," the proverb. Nanjing Dragon Boat Festival, a box of various water are required to add a little Realgar, geese two eyes money, family size were washed with the eyes, known as the "eyes of fire break," said to be a year without eye protection. Wujin play there the night of the dragon boat, surrounded by hanging at the Dragon Boat races on a small lamp, and the songs with drums and flute.
﹝江苏省﹞ 嘉定县端午,不论贫富,必买石首鱼(俗称鳇鱼)煮食。仪征县也有“当裤子、买黄鱼”的俗谚。南京端午,各家皆以清水一盒,加入少许雄黄,鹅眼钱两枚,合家大小均用此水洗眼,称为“破火眼”,据说可保一年没有眼疾。武进有夜龙舟之戏,晚上在龙舟四面悬上小灯竞渡,且有箫鼓歌声相和。
The Dragon Boat Festival Gaoyou more special, there are 100 Department of paste, paste the address, sub-put-cured tobacco, eating "Red 12" and custom, child-hing, a "sub-duck network" is selected in a good-looking duck Color lines formed in the sub-network, hanging on his chest.
Sichuan pillars of "a traditional guy," the custom. From four to two bamboo poles Shop has lifted a large square table红毯. Bamboo blanket used for a Taoist priest riding a tiger. street processions. Old, western Sichuan are the Dragon Boat Festival "sub-typing" customs. Japanese, Chengdu people are buying plums, downstairs in the city of the southeast corner of the city, up and down on the throwing objects, together tens of thousands of visitors. Guangxu 2021 (1895) because of objects being thrown from Lee and foreign missionaries conflict occurred, and therefore to stop this vulgar. Leshan, Xinjin such as dragon-boat race at the Dragon Boat Festival, also held a grand trade fair.