清明节 At Qing Ming英语作文
At Qing Ming
Qing Ming is a Chinese traditional festival,at which people would pay respects to the dead at their tombs.Every year,groups of Young Pioneers in Beijing,the capital,go to Tian An Men Square to commem-orate the revolutionary martyrs who gave their lives to the liberation of their motherland.They carry wreaths of colorful flowers,and place the wreaths around the Monument to the People's Heroes.Then with the hands playing National Anthem,the youth pay tribute to the heroes.sometimes ceremonies will be held for the new Young Pioneers to take oath.It is really a big moment,for the atmosphere stimulates the nerves throughout your body,and the spirits of the revolutionary forefathers in-spire your courage and ambition greatly.
史跋It has been proved that sweeping tombs is a good activity.It not only refreshes our memorie
s for the dead,but also inspires us,the liv-ing,to make faster progress.That is why the Chinese people make it a special festival and observe it year after year.
taylor lautner清明是中国的传统节日,这天人们陵墓死者致意,每年,在首都北京成结队的少先队员到天安门广场纪念为国捐躯的革命先烈们。少先队员们带去花圈,摆放在人民英雄纪念碑四周。然后随着乐队演奏国歌,少先队员们向先烈们致敬辞。有时少先队员在这里举行宣誓仪式。这的确是个不平凡的时刻,周围的'气氛使你精神振作,革命前辈的气概激发起人们的勇气和信心。