(20_ _届)
关键词: 楠溪江;古村落;保护;开发;价值
Nanxi river is known as the cradle of Chinese landscape painting with its owns  unique characteristics. It has a long history, now has also retained the buildings which built in Ming and Qing Dynasty and even in Song Dynasty.The perfect combination of landscape culture and ancient
village culture in Nanxi river not only reflects the rural life but also a perfect tourist attraction。In recent years, the ancient village tourism developed in a rapid speed。It is also in the background of current market  and competition  in the industry,the ancient village now has appeared a seriesof problems in the process of its conservation and tourism development 。For example, the cultural her
itage in the village and the customs damaged,the ways of Village tourism development unreasonable and the lacking awareness of  protection of local residents.
This paper based on the survey and extensive literature research and reference,
Analysing the problems appeared in development and protection  in current process of ancient villages Nanxi river from the perspective of win-win in developing and protection.Then find the theoretical basis and effective solutions to solve the problemThe survey and suggestions  of protection and tourism development to  Nanxi ancient village which can provided to government to make decision about the development ,and afford the the operational theoretical basis. In addition,the meaning of this paper is to attract people's attention to note more other value than economic value, such as cultural and historical values, and strengthen people's awareness of protecting the ancient village.
Keywords: Nanxi river;ancient village;development;protection;value
1 绪论1
1.1 研究背景  1
1.2 研究目的与研究意义  1
中国新歌声第一季冠军2 楠溪江古村概述.    2
2.1 古村落的概念  2
男人信什么2.2 楠溪江古村落的特点  2
2.2.1 楠溪江古村落概况2
2.2.2 楠溪江古村落特点2
3 楠溪江古村落的保护5
3.1 保护的对象  5
3.2 古村落保护现状  5
3.3 古村落保护中存在的问题  6
3.3.1 保护观念得不到广泛认同  6
3.3.2 缺乏资金  6
3.3.3 保护体制不够完善7
4 楠溪江古村落的开发现状及存在的问题8
4.1 楠溪江古村落乡土文化的开发现状 8
4.2 楠溪江古村落旅游资源开发的目的 8
4.2.1 顺应市场发展趋势8
4.2.2 对历史遗产更好的保护9
4.2.3 促进当地社会发展,达到“旅游扶贫”的效果9
4.3 楠溪江古村落旅游开发与发展中存在的问题9
4.3.1 接待能力有限,基础服务设施滞后9
4.3.2 旅游产品,开发模式单一10
4.3.3 交通不便10
4.3.4 旅游文化庸俗化和商业化10
4.3.5 急功近利,盲目开发11
5 楠溪江古村落旅游保护与开发的具体建议12
5.1 楠溪江古村落开发与保护的关系及要遵循的原则12
5.1.1 楠溪江古村落开发与保护的关系12
5.1.2 楠溪江古村落旅游开发与保护的原则13
5.2 楠溪江古村落开发与保护的中的具体建议14
5.2.1 楠溪江古村落旅游保护第一14
5.2.2 楠溪江古村落开发的具体建议 14
醋溜包菜的做法5.2.3 楠溪江古村落旅游管理的具体建议17
1 绪论
1.1 研究背景随着人们生活质量的提高与观念的改变,旅游在人们的生活中的地位显得越来越重要,而随着城市化的进程,城市空气污染等一些原因更加凸显了乡村地区的独特魅力,也激发了城市居民对乡村原生态生活方式的向往,由此,全国各地掀起了一阵古村落旅游的热潮。古村落旅游作为一种新的旅游形