
毕 业 论 文
题    目:  新闻一则温泉度假酒店营销策略分析         
学    院:          管 理 学 院             
专    业:        旅 游 管 理             
姓    名:        劳动                
学    号:      洗脸神器           
指导老师:                      栗子儿
完成时间:      2016年5月            
            摘  要

In recent years, with the improvement of national economic policies and the national economy, people's consumption level also began to shift from necessary consumption level for the enjoying type consumption patterns. Hot-spring resort h
otel is a new model of development to leisure, vacation, health-oriented, not only for people with a good leisure and entertainment, but also enable people to enjoy the pursuit of healthy and natural, deeply won the majority of the people's favorite. Hot-spring resort as a combination of hot spring and tourism resort in the marketing development combines the characteristics of hot spring tourism and show in a resort style, formed its own marketing.
Through research and analysis on China Hot-spring resort hotel marketing strategy, combined with the actual development of Luoyang Fengxiang Villa will study theory and reality combine, thereby expanding the scope of tourism research, hoping to make the spa resort tourism to have a deeper level of development.
This paper is divided into six chapters, four parts.
The first part includes the first and second chapters. Main analytic research background, significance, methods, as well as on the definition of the concept and
theoretical basis for research.
The second part includes the third and fourth chapters. Main resort marketing status quo and existing problems in China , and put forward the strategy of choice.
The third part is the content of the fifth chapter. It focuses on the basic situation in Fengxiang village of Luoyang and existing marketing strategy and analysis of problems in the course of marketing. Finally, put the appropriate marketing strategies.
Chapter VI is the fourth part of the paper. This article summarized, analyzed the papers deficiencies, also expressed on the future prospects of the paper.