老子原名3-4  文化差异Culture Difference
Settle down
For good
First and foremost
Long-stemmed rose
Vigor and vitality
职场培训Film postrer
Make sense
Give priority to
Altruistic dedication
Respond instantaneously
B小四喜牌型e obsessed with
Working ethic
Moral autonomy
Sing high praises
Communal harmony
Take precedence over
Global integration
Go bowling
The peony pavilion
A: 罗伯茨先生,您在中国生活两年了,还习惯吧?
B:I think I′m quite used to my Chinese life here . Actually I′m thinking about settling down in China for good .
B:This is a good topic and a broad topic , too . Let me talk a bit more about the film you mentioned . Actually , I have noticed  a very interesting dafference many Chinese and Americans in understanding the title of the film.
B:In some Oriental countries , the translation of the film′s title goes as something like A Beautiful Americian Lady , or even Beauty is Guily . While to most of the American , I am afaid the reaction towardf this title is mixed or confused, for they cannot decide what exactly the pharase might indicate . The flim fist and foremost refers to a type of rose bearing large , long-stemmmed purplish-red flowers. And the flowers usually remind people of romance , love , beauty in its abstract, sense, and vigor and vitality of a nation , etc . But this interesting image on the film′s poster has failed to make any sense to many
Chinese viewers .
B:Yes, absolutely . Such cultural differnces arise from the differences in region ,race, history ,environment , and in the levels of economic , scientic and technological development .
B:We wmphasize efficiency , competition and originality while your manmangement gives priority to careful planning and encourages close cooperation and altruistic dedication among team members . In daily contacts, we tend to be humorous and casual while some of you appear more derious and formal . In American schools , discussion is given top priority and seminar is the usual way of class . Good teachers are those who possess flexible and adaptable talents , and are able to respond instantaneously at any moment to
any question that might arise among the students. That kind of capacity makes a popular teacher in the United States. But Chinese teachers like to lecture in class ,and a lot of them are obsessed with examinations ; they spend long hours standarding and preparing lessons , and writing consistent and standardized teaching plans . All too often , they′re happy with bringing up identical and standardized talents.
B:Yes , in many cases , you′re right . American working ethic seems to be more individual-oriented . We ofen value the results and accomplishments of work more than its process.Central to Amerian political , economic and social thought is the concept of individual moral autonomy . If I am not mistaken , traditional Chinese philosophical systems are based on Confucianism , which sings high prises for individuals to uplift themselves for the benefit of commual harmon . That is , communal harmony takes precedence over individual freedom.
B:Yes . The global integration of economy and the speeding information revolution have brought the world closer than ever before . Chinese learn English , Americans learn Chinese ; we drink tea,you drink coca-cola ; we exercise Kung Fu , you go bowling ;we enjoy Peking Duck , you like  KFC; Titannic sailed into China , The Peony Pavilion has been performed on Broadway . Nowadays , easterners and westerners are walking side by side , talking face to face , living, working and studying in harmony . The whole world is becoming increasingly beautiful due to cultural exchangers.
A:是的,“中国丽人”和“美国丽人”走到了一起。 我想这个话题还有许多值得我们探讨的地方,由于时间关系,我们今天暂且谈到这里。以后我们再接着聊吧。谢谢。
B:My pleasure. Yes, we′ll do it some other time .
A:Mr·Roberts, you have been living in China for two years .How do you like it ?
A:I saw an American Movie a few days ago , which is entitled American Beauty. I didn′t quite the story . I don′t quite understand why this movie won the Oscar for the best picture of the year , either. Maybe the answer is the difference between the Chinese and American cultures. Or rather , it is due to the culture difference between the East and the West .
B:一些东方国家将这部电影的片名译成《一个美丽的美国女士》,甚至译成《美丽有罪》。大多数美国人对于这种片名的反应颇为复杂,他们颇感困惑,难以断定这些词究竟意味着什么。其实American beauty首先是指一种美国红玫瑰,一种生有长茎的紫红的大