1  Introduction
    The film “Scraping Therapy” reflects the difference of value and culture views between western society and orient society. China society has been receiving impact of Confucianism for thousands years. Confucianism is known as paying regard to human relationship and ethic. Piety, courtesy and localism are most important ethic. But in Western culture which is more emphasis on individualism, independence and equality. So conflicts in culture and value are unavoidable. These conflicts have shown in the story.
    In Chinese culture, physical punishment is commonly used by Chinese family. They think this will help to growing up. But in western society it is absolutely forbidden. Any abusing children were viewed as illegal conduct. As to show respect to friends, Da Tong Xu punished his own son physically in front of friends. But this was misinterpreted as violence by his foreign friends. This is a misunderstanding in culture between East and West.
    In this film, grandpa who had living in China for many years treated his grandson with a widespread treatment in Chinese folk named “Scraping Therapy”. This is a very ancient Chi
nese medicine therapy, and is handed down from one generation to another which has thousands of years of history in China. In the United States, this is an unfounded treatment. When the child gets sick, hospital is the only correct choice. Scraping Therapy in the story led to great conflict and misunderstanding. There are many other culture and value conflicts performed in the film, such as conflict between Chinese traditional culture and Western industrial civilization, conflict of the education of their children’s daily habits and so forth.受代
    How to avoid the tragedy of the story? We must strengthen the East-West cultural exchange and learning, and only with respect to different cultures and inclusive will it be possible to avoid the culture and values of conflict.
2  Comparison of Chinese and American values based on the movie
亭台楼阁意思    Chinese and Americans possess different values about success. At the beginning of the movie, XU Da-tong is rewarded as the best designer of video games by the company. When he is requested to make a short speech, he mentions that he would especially exte
nd thanks to his boss and all of his colleagues. This is a typical Chinese speech made after being successful. They attribute their success to other’s help and cooperation. It is what Chinese people usually do on that occasion. In China, relationship plays a critical role in people’s lives. Many Chinese people get ahead with the help of their family background and friends. Therefore, they are used to extending their gratitude to other people even though their success has little to do with some of them. They seldom say that they succeed because of their own ability and hard work. Nevertheless, Americans hold different values in this aspect. Americans are more likely to express pride in themselves and their accomplishment rather than to express pride in their group, company, family or hometown.
青春手抄报3  Family Education Conflict
  3.1. Chinese Family Education View
    In China, when children do something wrong, parents will scold and beat children as a punishment. Chinese family education is famous for strictness. There are Chinese old sa
yings can show the strictness, such as “to feed without teaching is the father’s fault”, “spare the rod, spoil the son”, just as the words Datong’s father said: “打是亲,骂是爱(to scold and to beat a naughty boy is due to love)”. It is also common for parents, especially parents in the rural areas, to leave their children alone at home, Chinese parents are always busy with their jobs or farming, and there is not enough time for them to take care of their children, so they have to leave their children at home. It is not surprising at all in the rural areas to find children lying on the floor with fly flying around them. Nowadays, with the popularization of the television, it is safer and more convenient for parents to leave children at home. 
  3.2 American Family Education View
    In America, parents never hit their children for their mistakes .They do not think it will do any help to scold and beat them. It will be more useful to encourage them to stand up again than to scold and beat them, which will only discourage their confidence. And most importantly, it is illegal to beat children. In America, it is also illegal to leave their children alone at home.
  3.3 The Reason for Their Different Views
    The reason for the differences between Chinese parents and American parents is that they each have different role orientation. Chinese parents consider their children as their own property. They think the children are affiliated to them. The children can only grow up under their control. Most of the Chinese parents play the role of arranging children’s fate. This kind of relationship is obviously unfair. However, American parents regard their children as free and independent individuals since their children are born. They put their children in an equal position. They pay much attention to the equal communication and respect children’s ideas and needs. In the process of their children’s growth, they give them guidance and help.1 Hence, Chinese parents have rights to scold and beat the children when they do something wrong and to leave them alone at home, while it is illegal to do such things in America. 