十三号载人航天飞船 Differences on food culture between Chinese and The United States 【摘要】中美文化之间的差异造就了中美饮食文化的差异,而这种差异来自中美两国小同的思维力式和处世哲学,从中美饮食文化的差异着手,透过有关食物的烹饪历史、方式及不同的文化价值观,着重对不同的饮食文化内涵进行了一定的研究。而对中美饮食文化差异的研究可以增进双方的了解与沟通 1、中美饮食文化的差异 1.1感性和实用性 一个特定的人所拥有的知识、信念、行为和习惯成为文化。这些不是通过遗传得到的,而是通过学习得到的。文化是通过一代又一代的人不断的传递的。每个民族都有基于饮食和饮食习惯的文化。这些传统的风俗习惯便导致了主流文化的产生。 不同的民族和国家有不同的饮食习惯。不同民族丰富多样的文化是他们创造性的体现。中国和美国对饮食持有不同的态度。这种差异阻止了两国用正确的方式理解和传播另一国的饮食文化。 在中国,饮食是人们生活中非常重要的一部分。它几乎远远超过了其他所有的物质和精神形式,显然这也在人们的日常生活中产生了影响。七种所谓的日常必需品:柴、米、油、盐、酱、醋、茶,都和饮食之间有很密切的关系。人的一生都离不开吃。当一个婴儿出生的时候,爸妈会给他举办出生庆典,然后当婴儿满岁或周岁的时候,人们会继续以聚会的形式举办宴会。随着年龄的增长,会有生日聚会,结婚典礼,甚至是当人老去的时候由子孙后代准备葬礼宴会。当有客人到来时,他们会为客人准备正式的晚餐,这被成为迎宾宴。当他们乔迁新居时、或在所在公司升职、或者是解决了一个非常棘手的问题时,他们会邀请朋友来共进晚餐。这些表明中国人在很多情感下都喜欢聚餐,因为宴会为他们向朋友表示他们的爱意、交流信息提供了很多的机会。聚餐甚至使他们在感情困惑的时候冷静下来。在吃饭的这种形式的背后,有深远的精神和文化的影响,和人们对社会的理解和认识,这变产生里更深远的社会意义。吃饭不仅在地区有交流的功能,也转变成了对社会生活和处事哲学适应的过程。 在美国,吃饭被看作是一种交流的方式和必要的谋生手段。亚伯拉罕·马斯洛在他的需求理论中将人分为五个水平,吃饭被划分到第一个层次,是人类最低的需求水平。林语堂,中国著名的人类学学家,曾经说过:来自讲英语的国家的饮食概念和中国的饮食观念不同。他们认为吃饭仅仅是给身体提供营养物质,就像给一个给机器功能一样。只要他们足够健康去抵抗疾病,他们就很少关心其他问题。在西方人的思维中,吃在他们的生活中扮演的仅仅是支持生命的角。我们很清晰的看到美国人不会给吃饭分配更重要的时间,而中国人则会花费很长的一段时间来准备。 网络建设1.2复杂性和简单性 中国和美国关于宴会有最根本的区别。中国人对宴会本身和宴会的准备提供很大的注意力,他们会准备名酒和菜肴,包括传统的十道菜的宴会,除此之外,在传统的宴会进行中还会有甜点、盘碟、米饭或者面条。主人准备越名贵的菜肴,越能反映出主人的好客并显示出主人的社会地位。 在讲英语的国家里,当它仅仅是一个传统的宴会时,再大型的宴会不会超过六个菜甚至更简单。很显然,他为朋友交流和聚会创造了条件。他能使人们回忆起过去的友谊,为他们提供获取彼此信息的机会,在讲英语的国家聚会的重要性不在于盘碟的多少,而在于是自由多元化的形式。主人应该努力创造一种轻松、和谐、愉快的气氛,使客人能够尽情的享受自由的快感。一般来说,使客人享受自由的快感是讲英语的西方国家聚会的主要目的。 1.3不同的餐具:筷子和餐叉 餐桌礼仪在中国和美国尤为不同。不同的餐桌礼仪形成在不同的世纪因为不同的国家有不同的文化背景。一个出彩的解释着通常知道如何利用这些不同来使翻译更容易些。 在餐桌上,最重要的区别在于餐具的选择上,中国人用筷子夹米饭和菜,然而讲英语的国家用刀子切食物。显然,这些不同的消费模式不是偶然现象。自从古代开始,中国人就开始在进行耕种,延续至今,现在的大部分中国人仍然是农民。在这样的环境下,中国人的食物主要是以谷物为基础,更趋向于工作和生活相和谐,强调稳定的重要性,反对攻击和侵犯。然而,在过去来自讲英语国家的人都是猎人,他们的饮食是以肉类为基础的。为了在恶略的环境下生存,他们必须善于狩猎,并且还具有攻击性和侵略性。逐渐的他们形成了一种善于冒险的性格特点。因此他们的饮食生活的餐具和饮食习惯正是他们这种性格反映。 1.4守时和谦恭 守时是一个很普通的词汇,这个词汇被每个人所欣赏。但是来自不同文化背景下的人对这个词汇有不同的理解。一些人习惯性的不能守时。一个很著名的美国文学家爱德华T· 哈勒,一个交叉文化创立者,研究人类关系,时间也是一种消费的食物 ,能够以不同的方法被创造和使用。所以无论在任何情况下,来自讲英语国家的人都会很守时。然而,在中国,除了一些正式的和非常重要的宴会外人们更倾向于迟到。“姗姗来迟’经常用来描述一些去参加朋友宴会的客人到达的不准时。当人们参加宴会的时候,有很多原因会导致他们迟到。令西方人惊喜的是,主人接受他们的不准时,并且在其他的人等候的过程中为他们准备一些娱乐活动。主人和客人都感觉迟到很正常,不会感觉这很没有礼貌。与此形成对比的是,当一个被邀请去赴宴的讲英语的国家的人迟到的时候会被认为是对主任和剩余的其他客人不礼貌的。所以一个美国的客人在中国的宴会上等候时,当有中国人迟到时,解释者应该给出恰当的解释,以便来消除一些误解。 1.5座位准备的区别 座位的准备是展现人们社会地位和朋友关系的一种重要的方式。在不同的国家,座位的布局是不同的。哈勒曾经说过“空间讲话”来描述空间的角。在中国,被认为是最尊贵的客人应该坐到桌子的南面,普通的朋友坐到桌子北面的部分。当在古代的时候,来自讲英语的国家的人认为挨着主人的座位被认为是最尊贵的。另一个区别就是妇女的社会地位。在古代,中国的女人是没有社会地位的,是男人的附庸。尽管中国女人的社会地位已经提高了并且能够和男人坐到一起用餐。仍然有这样一种现象,女人坐到一张桌子,男人坐到另一张桌子。在中国有一句礼貌口号“女士优先”。在讲英语的国家里女人占有很重要的社会地位。男人和女人同桌就餐,并且他们经常坐到一起,这表明男女是平等的。 1.6文雅和营养 最大的区别也在于饮食的营养上。从古代到现代,中国的饮食文化已经发展了许多的分支,例如苏、湘、闽、粤、浙、回。盘碟优美显示在不同的分支里。这种饮食意识已经无意识的渗透到了整个饮食活动当中,选择材料、烹调、搭配、餐具的使用、甚至是饮食环境选择的过程,都强调盘子的优雅。与中国相比,讲英语国家的食物是很简单的,缺乏一种漂亮的气氛,而且,他们的烹饪技术和中国的相比是低等的,许多美国事物的分支是从其他国家引进的,但是从食物的营养价值来判断,讲英语的国家的食物讲究营养,并且试图让食物低盐同时维持各种营养的平衡。美国人认为吃饭是维持身体健康的一种方式。不管他们吃什么,不管他们吃得食物多简单,他们关注的仅仅是营养,有时甚至忽视他们的口感。 2食物跨文化的发展 2.1饮食在美国 饮食是流行文化非常重要的一部分,文化里的信念、习惯、风俗影响饮食习惯。流行文化包括由社会产生的想法和制度,包括经济、政治、文化和其他系统,也包括和社会有关的想法和目标的影响。 2.2饮食在中国 现在,在一个城市你可以吃到各种烹调工具烹调的食物。也有一些著名的城市他们的荣誉是因为他们的饮食文化获得的,比如香港和纽约。对于曾经参观或在居住在美国城市的国家,想忽视曾经用各种烹调工具烹调食物的中国城镇是一件很困难的事情,尽管美国的食物比中国的便宜。对于美国人来说,他们已经开始接受其他的饮食文化,在相当长的一段时期内。许多美国人是中国食物的粉丝,尽管烹调方法可能不太适应他们的口味。许多中国人已经注意到了美国人喜欢吃糖,所以广东和上海的烹调方法在美国更受欢迎,因为喜欢吃甜食是他们的本性。 3总结 一种文化里的饮食文化是有可用的自然资源决定的。中国的食物多样性的形成是由于中国动植物资源丰富,并且在中国的陆地上繁荣发展很久。 一般来说,中国食物最普通的特是烹调方法,而美国都是他们吸收了各种不同的烹调方法。不管是地区和信念的不同。饮食文化的形成是如此坚实的依赖人们所生活的土地上人们祖先的起源。中国和美国的饮食文化是不同如此的明显以至于可以检测到他们在以上讨论的在烹调方面的不同。 中国和美国文化的不同导致了中美两国饮食文化的不同。差异来自于中美两国不同的思考方法和处世哲学。 来源于《科技信息》2012,(23)200-201 原文 Differences on Food Culture Between China and The United States 冯雪阳 (北华大学 吉林 吉林 132013) 【行棋无悔Abstract】Culture difference between China and America created the differences of food culture. The differences come from the different ways of thinking and philosophy between China and America. From the differences of food cultures between China and the U.S, the paper mainly Formulates the connotation of different food cultures, based on the cooking history of relevant foods, the cooking methods and the cultural values between China and America, which will promote the mutual understanding and communicating of the two countries. 【Key words】新邵县Chinese and American food ;Culture; Differences I The Differences on Food Culture Between China and the U.S 1.1 Sensibility vs. practicality Culture is defined as the knowledge, beliefs, customs, and habits a group of people share. These are not inherited behaviors, but learned. Culture is passed on from generation to generation. Each ethnic group has1ts own culturally based foods and food habits. These traditions have been influenced and adapted through contact with the mainstream culture (Luo12). Different peoples and countries have different dietary culture; richness and diversity of different nationalities are also the embodiment of their creativity. China and the United States have some different views and attitudes toward diet, and these differences might hinder interpreters from translating properly and spreading the dietary culture of the two countries in a better way. In China, food has developed to a very important part in people life.It is almost beyond any other material and spiritual forms, and this has been apparently reflected in people's daily life. The seven so –called basic daily needs: firewood, rice,oil, salt, sauce ,vinegar, tea, all have deep relations to food.. Eating goes through a man's whole life. When one was born, his parents would hold a birth celebration. Later when he was one month old or one year old, the family would get together and have a party again. When growing up, he would have birthday parties, wedding party and even funeral dinner held for him by his descendants when he passed away. When a visitor comes, he would prepare for the guest a formal dinner, which is called welcome dinner. He would invite friends to have dinner together when he moves into a new house, is promoted in his company or has solved a serious problem. All these show that people in China like eating with much emotions, for dinners have provided them lots of chances to show their love for friends, and exchange informations. Even some emotional confusion would be calmed down during the dinner time. Behind the form of eating, there is a profound psychological and cultural significance .as well as people recognition and understanding of society, which embodies a more profound social meaning. Eating not only has some original communication function, but also has already transformed into an adjustment of social life and psychology (Zhao 99). In the U.S., eating is regarded as a way of communication and a necessary survival means. American psychologist Abraham Mallow divided human's needs into five levels in his famous theory Law of Demand. Eating is classified into the first layer, which is the lowest level of human requirements. Lin Yutang , a famous Chinese anthropological scholar, once said, "The diet concepts of people from English countries are different from those of the Chinese. They think that eating is just an act giving your body nutrients, like injecting fuel to a machine ,to ensure its normal operation. As long as they are healthy enough to resist diseases, they care little about other problems. Therefore, in the minds of the western people, eating just plays a life-sustaining role in their life. We can see clearly that the American people would not assign more important missions to eating, which have been done by the Chinese people for a long time (Zeng 23). 1.2 Complexity vs. simplicity There is a fundamental difference between Chinese and the U.S. banquet concepts. Chinese people pay much attention to the dinner itself and its arrangement. They provide rich wine and courses, including ten main courses at a formal banquet, besides snacks, desserts, rice or noodles in the whole procedure of a dinner. The more luxurious dishes the host prepares, the better the host's hospitality and guest's social statures are reflected. In English countries, grand banquet is usually no more than six dishes and much simpler when it is only a kind of common dinner. Sometimes friends in the United States would all contribute to a dinner, which is called potluck, and means that each person has taken a dish for sharing. It is evident that it creates opportunities for friends to get together and exchange ideas. It can remind people of friendships in the past and provides access for them to get information. In English countries the most important thing of a banquet lies not in the dishes themselves but in the diversifying form of freedom. .The owner should try to create a relaxing, harmonious and cheerful atmosphere to let the guests enjoy the freedom of a wonderful time. Generally, that is the first purpose of a banquet in English countries. 1.3 Different tableware: chopsticks vs. forks 为什么电脑连不上无线网 Table manners seem to be especially important both in China and the U.S. Different table manners have formed during centuries because of different cultural backgrounds. An excellent interpreter always knows how to take advantage of such differences to make the interpreting process smoother. On the dinner tables, the most obvious difference is the choice of their tableware. The Chinese use chopsticks to clamp rice and dishes, while people from English countries cut food with their knives. Clearly, these different consumption patterns are not an accidental phenomenon. Since ancient times, Chinese people have been farming on land, and nowadays the majority of the Chinese are still farmers. In such a cultural environment, people usually live on cereal-based food, tending to live and work in peace,stressing the preciousness of stability, opposing aggression and attacks. While many people from English countries were hunters in the past. They lived on meat-based diet. In order to be able to survive in the cruel circumstances, they must be good at hunting, and be offensive, aggressive. Gradually, they have developed an adventurous character trait. These two cultural preferences are almost contrary to each other. So what is reflected in the diet tends to be the choices of their tableware and their eating ways. 1.4 Punctuality vs. courteousness Punctuality seems to be a common term that is appreciated by every person. But people from different cultural backgrounds have different understanding of this term. Some people habitually can't be punctual. A renowned American anthropologist Edward T. Hall, one of trans一cultural founders who study human relation thinks that time is a kind of commercial food, which can be treated and used in different ways. So no matter in what situations, people from English countries arrive on time. However , in China, people are prone to be late except in some very formal and very important dinners. "Shan- shan- lai -chi" is usually used to describe such guests who are going to attend friends’ party not on time. Various reasons cause people to be late when attending dinners. To westerners' surprise, the host accepts their unpunctuality, and has prepared some entertainment activities for the other guests during the waiting time. Both the host and guests feel it is common, not regarding it as impolite. In contrast, in English countries being late when one is invited to attend a dinner party is thought to be impolite to the host and the rest of the guests. So when an American guest is at a Chinese dinner, waiting, the interpreter should give proper explanations when some Chinese friends are late,、so as to eliminate misunderstanding. 1.5 Differences in the arrangements of seats The arrangement of guests' seats is also an important way to show people's social status and personal relationship. In different countries, the layout of scats is different. Hall once said "space speaks" to describe the role of space. In China, the guests who are usually respected most would sit in the south of the table. The common friends sit in the north part of the table. While in ancient times, people from English countries thought the seats beside the host were the most respectable places. Another difference is women's social status. In ancient times, Chinese women had no social status, being subordinate to men. Although Chinese women's social status has been promoted and women can have dinner with men now, there is still such a phenomenon that women sit together at one table, and men sit at another table. In English countries, there is a slogan called "lady first". In English countries women have taken important social places from a very early time. Women and men have dinner together and they usually sit together, which embodies that women and men are equal. 1.6 Refinements vs. nutrients Great differences also exist in diet ingredients. From ancient to modern days, Chinese dietary culture has been improved to various dietary branches such as Lu, Chuan, Min, Su, Zhe,Xiang, Hui. The dishes' exquisiteness has been embodied in every branch. This dietary consciousness has penetrated into the whole process of dietary activity in an unconscious way. The process of choosing the material ,matching, using tableware and even the eating environment, has highlighted the dishes’ exquisiteness. Compared with Chinese food, English countries' food is simple, lacking a kind of nice atmosphere. Moreover, their cooking technology is inferior to China's and many branches of American food were brought in from foreign countries. But judging from their nutrition value, English countries’ food emphasizes their nutrition, and try to make the food unsalted and keeps the balance of various nutrients. The American people think that eating is just a way to keep fit. No matter what they cat, no matter how simple the dinner is, they keep their eyes on their nutrition, and are sometimes ignorant of their taste. 2 The Cross-Culture Development of Food 2.1 Dietary in America. Food is very much a part of popular culture, and the beliefs, practices, and trends in a culture affect its eating practices. Popular culture includes the ideas and institutions generated by a society, including commerce, politics, media, and other systems, as well as the impact of these ideas and objects on society. 2.2 Dietary in China Nowadays, you can cat almost every types of cuisine in x single city. There are also some famous cities that have reputations for their varieties of food culture, such is Hong Kong, and New York City. For Chinese people who once visited and lived in a U.S. city, it is hard to ignore the Chinatown where you can enjoy so many types of Chinese cuisine, though it is more expensive than in China. For Americans, they have begun to accept other food cultures for relatively a long time. Many of them are fans of Chinese food, though the cuisine might not be fit for their taste. Many have noticed that the U.S. people are fond of sugar, so Guangdong and Shanghai cuisine are more popular in the U.S. because they are sweeter by nature. 3 The Conclusion The food style of a culture is certainly first of all determined by the natural resources that are available for its use. It is thus not surprising that Chinese food is above all characterized by an assemblage of plants and animals that grew prosperously in the Chinese land for a long time (Zhou 78). Basically speaking, the common feature of Chinese cuisine and U.S. cuisine is that both of them integrate many different kinds of cuisine, no matter how different districts or ethnic、are .The food culture is so solidly based on the origin of the people living on the land. The difference of food culture between China and the U.S. are so obvious that they can be examined as different in nearly every aspects of cooking as discussed above. Cultural differences between China and America created the differences of food culture. The differences come from the different ways of thinking and philosophy between China and America. |
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