T he jo yousMid-A utumn Fest ivalwas c elebr atedon th e fif teent h day of t he ei ghthmoon, arou nd th e tim e ofthe a utumn equi nox(秋分). M any r eferr ed to it s imply as t he
"F iftee nth o f the Eigh th Mo on".
Th is da y was also cons idere d asa har vestfesti val s incefruit s, ve getab les a nd gr ain h ad
be en ha rvest ed by this time andfoodwas a bunda nt. F ood o fferi ngs w ere p laced on a n
alt ar se t upin th e cou rtyar d. Ap ples, pear s, pe aches, gra pes,pomeg ranat es(石榴), me lons, oran ges a nd po melos(柚子)might be s een.Speci al fo ods f or th e fes tival incl udedmooncakes, coo ked t aro(芋头)and wate r cal trope(菱角), a ty pe of wate r che stnut rese mblin g
bla ck bu ffalo horn s. So me pe opleinsis ted t hat c ooked taro be i nclud ed be cause at t he
ti me of crea tion, taro wasthe f irstfooddisco vered at n ightin th e moo nligh t. Of allthese food s, it coul d not be o mitte d fro m the Mid-Autum n Fes tival.
煮熟的芋头(芋头)和水ca ltrop e(菱角),一个马蹄型水牛类似黑角。有些人坚持认为,煮熟的芋头,因为在设定的时间内,芋头是第一食品在夜间发现了月光。在所有这些食品,但不能忽略中秋节。
Theround moon cake s, me asuri ng ab out t hreeinche s indiame ter a nd on e and a ha lf
女性晚上心悸心慌失眠in chesin th ickne ss, r esemb led W ester n fru itcak es in tast e and cons isten cy. T hesecakes were made with melo n see ds(西瓜子), l otusseeds(莲籽), almo nds(杏仁), m inced meat s, be an pa ste,orang e pee ls an d lar d(猪油). A g olden yolk(蛋黄)froma sal ted d uck e gg wa s pla ced a t the cent er of each cake, and thegolde n bro wn cr ust w as de corat ed wi th sy mbols of t he fe stiva l. Tr aditi onall y, th irtee n moo n cak es we re pi led i n a p yrami d tosymbo lizethe t hirte en mo ons o f a "compl ete y ear," that is,twelv e moo ns pl us on e int ercal ary(闰月的) m oon.uUlsd a E
T he Mi d-Aut umn F estiv al is a tr aditi onalfesti vityfor b oth t he Ha n and mino rity
natio nalit ies.The c ustom of w orshi pping themooncan b e tra ced b ack a s far as t he
an cient Xiaand S hangDynas ties(2000 B.C.-1066 B.C.). In theZhouDynas ty(1066
B.C.-221 B.C.), p eople hold cere monie s togreet wint er an d wor shipthe m oon w henev er th e Mid-Autu mn Fe stiva l set s in. It b ecome s ver y pre valen t inthe T ang D ynast y(618-907A.D.) that peop le en joy a nd wo rship thefullmoon. In t he So uther n Son g Dyn asty(1127-1279 A.D.), ho wever, peo ple s end r oundmooncakes to t heirrelat ivesas gi fts i n
exp ressi on of thei r bes t wis hes o f fam ily r eunio n. Wh en it beco mes d ark,theylookup at thefullsilve r moo n orgo si ghtse eingon la kes t o cel ebrat e the fest ival. Sinc e the Ming (1368-164
4 A.D. ) a nd Qi ng Dy nasti es (1644-1911A.D.),the c ustom of M id-Au tumn
Festi val c elebr ation beco mes u nprec edent ed po pular. Tog ether with theceleb ratio n the re ap pearsomespeci al cu stoms in d iffer ent p artsof th e cou ntry, such as b urnin g inc ense(熏香),plant ing M id-Au tumntrees, lig hting lant ernson to wersand f ire d ragon
danc es. H oweve r, th e cus tom o f pla yingunder themoonis no t sopopul ar as it u sed t o benowad ays,but i t isnot l ess p opula r toenjoy thebrigh t sil ver m oon.Whene ver t he fe stiva l set s in, peop le wi ll lo ok up at t he fu ll si lvermoon, drin kingwineto ce lebra te th eir h appylifeor th inkin g oftheir rela tives andfrien ds fa r fro m hom e, an d ext endin g all of t heirbestwishe s tothem.
庆祝节日。自明朝(1368-1644年),清(1644 - 1911A.D。)的中秋习俗中秋节庆祝活动变得前所未有的欢迎。随着庆祝似乎有在不同地区的国家,如烧香(熏
Mo on Ca kes
T hereis th is st ory a boutthe m oon-c ake.durin g the Yuan dyna sty (A.D.1280-1368)
Chin a was rule d bythe M ongol ian p eople. Lea dersfromthe p reced ing S ung d ynast y
(A.D. 960-1280) we re un happy at s ubmit tingto th e for eignrule, andset h ow to
coor dinat e the rebe llion with out b eingdisco vered. The lead ers o f the rebe llion, kno wingthatthe M oon F estiv al wa s dra wingnear, orde red t he ma kingof sp ecial cake s. Ba ckedintoeachmooncakewas a mess age w ith t he ou tline of t he at tack. On t he ni ght o f the Moon
Fest ival, therebel s suc cessf ullyattac hed a nd ov erthr ew th e gov ernme nt. T oday, moon cake s are eate n tocomme morat e thi s leg end a nd wa s cal led t he Mo on Ca ke.
F or ge nerat ions, moon cake s hav e bee n mad e wit h swe et fi lling s ofnuts, mash ed re d
bea ns, l otus-seedpaste or C hines e dat es(枣子), wr apped in a past ry. S ometi mes a cook ed eg g yol k can be f oundin th e mid dle o f the rich tast ing d esser t. Pe oplecompa re mo on
ca kes t o the plum pudd ing a nd fr uit c akeswhich areserve d inthe E nglis h hol iday
seaso ns.
"Zh ong Q iu Ji e", w hichis al so kn own a s the Mid-Autum n Fes tival, isceleb rated on t he 15th da y ofthe 8th mo nth o f the luna r cal endar. Itis atimefor f amily memb ers a nd
lo ved o nes t o con grega te an d enj oy th e ful l moo n - a n aus picio us sy mbolof
ab undan ce, h armon y and luck. Adu lts w ill u suall y ind ulgein fr agran t moo ncake s ofmanyvarie tieswitha goo d cup of p iping hotChine se te a, wh ile t he li ttleonesrun a round with thei r bri ghtly-litlante rns.
"Zh ong Q iu Ji e" pr obabl y beg an as a ha rvest fest ival. Thefesti val w as la ter g ivena
myt holog icalflavo ur wi th le gends of C hang-E, th e bea utifu l lad y inthe m oon.
Acco rding to C hines e myt holog y, th e ear th on ce ha d 10sunscircl ing o ver i t. On e day, all
10 s uns a ppear ed to gethe r, sc orchi ng th e ear th wi th th eir h eat.The e arthwas s avedwhen
a str ong a rcher, Hou Yi,succe ededin sh ootin g dow n 9 o f the suns. Yistole theelixi r oflifeto sa ve th e peo ple f rom h is ty ranni cal r ule,but h is wi fe, C hang-E dra nk it. Thu s
耷拉着脑袋sta rtedthe l egend of t he la dy in themoonto wh om yo ung C hines e gir ls wo uld p ray a t the Mid-Autum n Fes tival.
In th e 14t h cen tury, theeatin g ofmoonc akesat "Z hongQiu J ie" w as gi ven a new
signi fican ce. T he st ory g oes t hat w hen Z hu Yu an Zh ang w as pl ottin g toovert hrow
the Y uan D ynast y sta rtedby th e Mon golia ns, t he re belshid t heirmessa ges i n the Mid-Autum n moo ncake s. Zh ong Q iu Ji e ishence also a co mmemo ratio n ofthe o verth row o f the Mong olian s bythe H an pe ople.
Durin g the Yuan Dyna sty (A.D.1206-1368)China wasruled by t he Mo ngoli an pe ople. Lead ers f rom t he pr ecedi ng Su ng Dy nasty (A.D.960-1279) were unha ppy a t sub mitti ng to fore ign r ule,and s et ho w tocoord inate therebel lionwitho ut it bein g dis cover ed. T he le aders of t he re belli on, k nowin g tha t the Moon Fest ivalwas d rawin g nea r, or dered themakin g ofspeci al ca kes.Packe d int o eac h moo ncake wasa mes sagewiththe o utlin e ofthe a ttack. Onthe n ightof th e Moo n Fes tival, the rebe ls su ccess fully atta cked
and o verth rew t he go vernm ent.Whatfollo wed w as th e est ablis hment of t he Mi ng
Dy nasty (A.D. 1368-1644). T oday, moon cake s are eate n tocomme morat e thi s eve nt.
T he La ntern Fest ivalfalls on t he 15th da y ofthe 1st lu nar m onth, usua lly i n Feb ruary or M archin th e Gre goria n cal endar. Asearly as t he We stern HanDynas ty (206 BC-
AD 25), i t had beco me afesti val w ith g reatsigni fican ce.
T his d ay'simpor tantactiv ity i s wat ching lant erns. Thro ughou t the HanDynas ty (206 BC-AD 220),Buddh ism f louri shedin Ch ina.One e mpero r hea rd th at Bu ddhis t mon ks
wo uld w atchsarir a, or rema ins f rom t he cr emati on of Budd ha'sbody, andlight lant ernsto wo rship Budd ha on the15thday o f the 1stlunar mont h, so he o rdere d tolight lant ernsin th e imp erial pala ce an d tem plesto sh ow re spect to B uddha on t his d ay. L ater, theBuddh ist r ite d evelo ped i nto a gran d fes tival amon g com mon p eople and
its i nflue nce e xpand ed fr om th e Cen tralPlain s tothe w holeof Ch ina.
Tilltoday, the lant ern f estiv al is stil l hel d eac h yea r aro und t he co untry. Lan terns
of v ariou s sha pes a nd si zes a re hu ng in thestree ts, a ttrac tingcount lessvisit ors.
Child ren w ill h old s elf-m ade o r bou ght l anter ns to stro ll wi th on the
stree ts, e xtrem ely e xcite d. "G uessi ng la ntern ridd les"i s anessen tialpartof th e Fes tival. Lan ternowner s wri te ri ddles on a piec e ofpaper andpostthemon th e lan terns. If
visit ors h ave s oluti ons t o the ridd les,theycan p ull t he pa per o ut an d goto th e lan ternowner s tocheck thei r ans wer.If th ey ar e rig ht, t hey w ill g et alittl e gif t. Th e act ivity emer ged d uring peop le'senjoy mentof la ntern s inthe S ong D ynast y (960-1279). A s
rid dle g uessi ng is inte resti ng an d ful l ofwisdo m, it hasbecom e pop ularamong allsocia l str ata.
Peopl e wil l eat yuan xiao, or r ice d umpli ngs,on th is da y, so it i s als o cal led t he "Y uanxi ao Fe stiva l."Yu anxia o als o has anot her n ame,tangy uan.It is smal l dum pling ball s mad e ofgluti nousriceflour with rose peta ls, s esame, bea n pas te, j ujube past e, wa lnutmeat, drie d fru it, s ugarand e dible oilas fi lling. Tan gyuan canbe bo iled, frie d orsteam ed. I t
tas tes s weetand d elici ous.What’s mor e, ta ngyua n inChine se ha s a s imila r pro nunci ation with "tua nyuan”, me aning reun ion.So pe opleeat t hem t o den ote u nion, harm ony a nd
ha ppine ss fo r the fami ly. j oozom
In t he da ytime of t he Fe stiva l, pe rform ances such as a drag on la ntern danc e, aliondance, a l and b oat d ance, a ya nggedance, wal kingon st iltsand b eatin g dru ms wh ile d ancin g
wil l bestage d. On thenight, exc ept f or ma gnifi centlante rns,firew orksforma bea utifu l sce ne. M ost f amili es sp are s ome f irewo rks f rom t he Sp ringFesti val a nd le t the m off
in t he La ntern Fest ival. Some loca l gov ernme nts w ill e ven o rgani ze afirew orksparty. Onthe n ightwhenthe f irstfullmoonenter s the NewYear, peop le be comereall y
int oxica ted b y the impo singfirew orksand b right moon in t he sk y.