摘 要:本文概述了主题句在英语写作中的重要作用。论述了主题句的三个特点,指出了拟定主题句三个应注重的问题和主题句措辞的六点要求,然后通过实例对主题句在段落中的三种位置的特点进行了比较,最后对应该如何处理好与主题句相联的两种问题进行了分析。
中图分类号:H315  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1008-7354(2001)03-0028-05
A Brief Analysis of the f unctions of Theme Sentences
in English Writing
WU Hai2ming
(Depart ment of Foreign L anguages,N anchang J unior college,N anchang330009,China)
Abstract:This paper gave a brief account of the im portant functions of theme sentences in English writing.It discussed the three features of theme sentences,pointed out three problems we should pay at2 tention to when drawing up theme sentences and six demands on the wording of theme sentences.Then it contrasted the characteristics of three positions of theme sentences in paragraphs with examples and finally analysed the two problems correlated with theme sentences we should handle well
K ey w ords:theme sentence,English writing
1、含有controlling idea.所谓controlling idea是指作者的态度。它可以是句子中的一个单词、一个词组或者一个句子,从而使段落始终围绕一个主题进行。如:
A dictionary is a useful book for a college student.
(句子划线部分即为句子的controlling idea)
 28 南昌高专学报 2001年第3期(总第42期) 2001年9月出版Journal of N anchang J unior College No.3(S um42)Sept.2001
(1)A person can look for a job in several different ways.
(2)A person can look for a job.
(3)Our classroom is the third building of this row.
作为主题词(1)句的范围及限度适中。句子中的主题范围是“look for a job”而它的controlling idea则限制“several different ways”因此,作者可据此进行相应推展。(2)句的主题范围过宽,这一主题的内容实际上包括“how”,“why”和“when”三个方面的内容。作者究竟要从哪个角度写方向不明确,也不宜在一个段中进行全方位的推展。(3)句实际上只陈述了一件事实,无展开余地。
3、要求简练。为了直接清晰地表达一个段落的主题,主题句应尽量使用清楚明确、结构简洁的句子。否则,会分散注意力,不利于读者掌握段落的要旨。十八世纪英国大诗人Alexander Pope说:Works are like leaves and where they most abound,much fruit of sense beneath is rarely found.讲的就是这个道理。如:In my opinion,my favourite movie is G one with the Wind.应改写成简洁明晰的主题句为,My favourite mouvis is G one with the Wind.又如:Mr James is,as it were,waiting for a chance.应改写成Mr James is waiting for a chance.既简洁,又清楚。
题,文章是否层次分明、逻辑严密、说服力强且富有新意,与段落的设定关系极大,所以,在拟定主题句时不宜立即进入主题句的具体措辞的斟酌,而应抓住题目,居高临下,深思熟虑,决定从哪些“视角”来讨论、剖析这个主题。“视角”即段落层次,以Pre2 venting students from cheating一题为例,可以出现以下的段落设定:
(1)Cheating in examinations is getting more serious and more difficult to find.
(2)Discussions have been held to analyze the causes of the phenomenon.
(3)Forceful measures should be taken to prevent cheating in examinations.
如此设定三个段落显得科学合理,第(1)段谈现象(more serious and more difficult to find),第(2)段分析原因(cause),第(3)段谈应该采取针对性的措施(measure)。三个段落缺一不可,由任何两个段落组成的文章在整体构思上都会失之残缺,在逻辑上都会失之疏漏。
2、主题句的设定不仅要考虑结构完整与逻辑严密,而且应出新意,有思想,这在某种程度上决定文章是否言之有物,是否有见地。试析:Health or wealth,which to prefer?
(1)Most people nowadays are aware of thd vital importance of good health in leading
a happy life.
(2)Of course,good health alone cannot ensure a happy life.
(3)I wouldn’t hesitate in choosing health because health ensures wealth but not vice versa.
树木盆景第(2)个主题句立意新,有见地,从而有效地充实了文章的内容,增强了说服力。该习作在第(2)题句后面这样写道:Actually one of the purposes of maintaining good health is to build up wealth,which,in turn,provides people with better living conditions,more deli2 cious food and more luxurious recreational fa2 cilities.第(2)主题句的拟定与续写拔高了全篇的立意水平,触及了人们容易忽视、但又十
3、应力求避免偏激观点而求科学辩证。有新意,有见地≠刻意标新立异,有这样一个题目:Opportunity and Success,这篇习作所立的主题句如下:
(1)Opportunities do not come often.
(2)When an opportunity comes,it brings
a promise but never realizes it on its own.
(3)The difference between a man who succeeds and that who does not lies only in gain or less of opportunities.
(4)The difference between a man who succeeds and that who does not lies only in the way each treats opportunities.
1、一个好的主题句必须完整(com2 plete),它包括句子的完整和主题思想的完整。如:
Fragment:How to read a novel.
Complete:Anyone can learn how to read a novel.
Complete:How to read a novel is a ques2 tion for a little child.
Unclear:To play a sport,one needs to know something about it.
Clear:To play a sport requires fair rules.
Clear:To play a sprot,one needs to de2 velop his good temper.
G eneral:Television is very important.
Specific:Television brings a vivid word.
农村电视剧大全Specific:Television can play an educa2 tional role in our daily life.
4、主题句应措辞洗炼,神情并茂,引人入胜,要做到这一点除必须善于观察生活,抓住事物或人物的特性之外,还要注意对英语精彩表达的模仿学习,即主题句要精彩(color2 ful)。
(1)The train passed the crossing.
(2)The express roared past the crossing. The local train rumbled past the crossing.
5、主题句应短小精悍,醒目简洁,避免臃肿,删去繁字赘词,即主题句要精练(lacon2 ic)。试比较:
(1)The conclusions that the committee of students reached are summarized in the news2 paper of the university that was published to2 day.
(2)The conclusions reached by the stu2 dent committee are summarized in today’s uni2 versity newspaper.
6、写好主题句中的关键词(key words)。我们必须注意以下两方面的内容:
Board:He can fix a bicycle himself.
Improved:He can fix a bicycle himself in several simple steps.
Improved:There are several reasons why he can fix a bicycle himself.
再如:Board:She tries many ways to im2 prove her looks.
Impoved:She tries many ways to improve her looks.
Impoved:There are some reasons why she tries to improve her looks.
Some people think that there is relation2 ship between automobile accidents and sui2 cide.Many accidents happen because the driv2er has been drinking.Many other occur be2 cause of speed or other reckless driving behav2 ior.Drivers could avoid all of these factors if they wanted to.Therefore,many people sug2 gest that such accidents are really self destruc2 tive behavior on the part of the driver.
Californains and new Englanders are both Americans.They speak the same language and abide by the same federal laws.But they are very different in their ways of life.Mobility-both physical and psychological-has made a great impression on the culture of Californi2 ans.Lack of mobility is the mark of the cus2 toms and morality of New Englanders.
第一、二句指出加利福尼亚人和新英格兰人的相同之处,第三句以转折连接词but 引出段落的主题,使读者有峰回路转之感,指出两者的生活方式非常不同,具体表现在加利福尼亚人的生活多变和新英
Some students refer a strict teacher who tells them exactly what to do.Others prefer to be left to work on their own.Still others like a democratic discussion type of class.No one teaching method can be devised to satisfy all students at the same time.
火锅鱼做法A good thesis deals with restricted bite2 size issues rather than issues that would re2 quire a life-time to discuss intelligently.The more restricted the thesis the better the chances are for supporting it fully.A good the2 sis is specific(Skwire,<David writing with a thesis>)
2、如何由主题句构成文章的段落,在确定了所要写的文章的中心思想及组成这个中心思想的各段的主题意思之后,我们就可以用各种形式的细节扩充主题句段落,使文章变得有血有肉,神形并茂,除以叙述(narrat2 ing)、描写(describing)、讲述(exemplifying)和因果(cause-and-effect)等方法以外,我们还可以用对比(contrast)、证据(evidence)、分类(classification)、定义(definition)、说明(illustration)等其它方法,扩充段落主题句,阐明段落的中心内容,其它的句子就围绕它而铺陈展开。因此主题句
Those who stayed in or moved to equato2 rial climates developed dark skin to portect them form the rays of the sun.Those who moved to colder climates developed light skin to take advantage of the sunlight for the syn2 thesis of vitamin.People in dry climates tended to become tall and thin,to dissipate heat.
这里的几个句子都是正确的,内容也新鲜有趣,但读了以后,人们不清楚这几句话是为何而发,作者究竟要说明一个什么问题,显然这段文章缺少一个主题句,如果我们给这段文字加一个主题句:Man adapted to the new surroundings into which he moved它就阐明了这一段的主要论点,从而也就赋予其它句子的内在联系。原来那些句子都是支持主要论点的具体例证,可见,有了这样的主题句,段落的脉落结构就清楚了,整段就成了有理论、有实据,有说服力的好文字。再如: The different kinds of pollution are all connected.What happens to the air affects the land.What happens to the land affects the wa2 ter around us and what happens to the water affects the air.