【篇一:a memorable birthday party难忘的生日会】
a memorable ...
you are required to write a narration (记叙文) about a place, a person or an even which is important to you. dont forget to use details in your essay.
suggested topics:
a memorable birthday party
a memorable examination
a memorable extracurricular activity
a memorable teacher / friend ...
作文号:224333 教师:沈婉芳字数:100~500 满分:100
  a memorable birthday party
several days ago, my family held a birthday party in our house for me to celebrate my 20th birthday.we had quite enjoyable time during the small party, not only because we our classmates gathered together, but we had much delicious food. it will be one of the happiest birthdays in my life.
the party went for about 2 hours, starting from 7 o’clock when all the guests had arrived. before that, i as a hostess should show my friends around our house, especially my room when waiting for other guests. many girls showed so much interest to my piano that i was pleasured to play a song called ‘kiss the rain’ for them. later then, my mum told me that the cake and all the palatable food has already prepared and we can start the party.
all of us surrounded the table and every one smiled when seeing the candles lightened. at the moment, the whole lights were turned off. in the dark, my friends and my parents altogether sang the song ‘happy birthday to you’. my eye socket was filled with tears right now whenfeeling the warm in the song. i knew their love to me and i was quite honored that i can have them in my life. after the song, i made my little wish in the candle light and blew out the candles excitedly. i strongly believe that no matter how difficult my life will be in the future, i will be happy to welcome it with the love i felt today.
we also enjoyed the food, especially those my mum cooked. at the end of the party, i
opened the presents that my friends gave to me and expressed my thanks to them, including my parents. the party ended up with happy atmosphere that night.
nowadays, when i remember the party, i can’t help smiling for what we did. it left a deep
impression in my mind. thanks for the god to give me so much happiness and i must treasure it as the gift he lefts.
队知识>中元节的禁忌大全 他们每个人都带着为我精心准备了生日礼物,有布娃娃、手套、蛋糕、还有有手表,最让喜欢的还是小晶送我的布娃娃,这个布娃娃有一双又黑又大的眼睛,??有神。身上穿着一件粉红长袍,脚上穿着一双红火火的高跟鞋,最特别的是这个布娃娃会录音,我按了一下这个布娃娃肚子上的按钮,可以听到全班同学祝我生日快乐的祝福语。
剩下的奶油摸到手上,一下子摸到小杰脸上,大家都知道我要玩什么游戏了,就把奶油摸到这个人身上又摸到另一个人身上,来来回回跑来跑去,直到我们把奶油摸光为止就回到自己的位置上,每个人都成了花猫,顿时大家都笑了,有的眯着眼微微一下,有的捂着嘴哈哈直笑,有的捧着肚子哈哈大笑,还有的笑的前俯后仰眼泪都笑出来了!  这真是一个有趣的生日。
  对于我来说,我今年9岁生日是一次让我终身难忘的生日。  那天,爸爸问我:想不想得到生日礼物?想想想!我已经迫不及待的想得到生日礼物了。那你就去你房间的火箱里吧。他带点神秘地说。  我满怀兴奋的去房间里我的生日礼物。可我只发现了一张小纸条,上面写着:  欧阳睿文小朋友,我就是你老爸给你的生日礼物。不过,第一次见到你,我有点害羞哦,所以我就躲起来了。你来我吗?我躲的地方大大的、长长的、长方形,你小时候很喜欢用,现在很少用了,我在那里哦!  看来要得到这个礼物还不容易呀。关键时刻我灵机一动,想起了浴室的浴缸。于是我跑到浴室,不出我所料,我的玩具下压着一张纸条。上面说要说出五个带国的成语。,其中一个还要带有庆。  我到爸爸那轻而易举地说出了五个带有国其中一个带有庆的词语。然后撕开纸,里面写着:下一个地点:厨房微波炉上面。  我匆匆忙忙赶到厨房,在微波炉上面了又,翻了又翻,就是不到。后来才发现,它被压在一瓶醋下面,那上面说要说出三种从瓶子里取珠子的办法。我直接说出了三种办法,然后前往下一个地点:院子。  我风风火火的赶到院子里仔细了起来,不放过院子里的任何一个角落。但我依然不到,正当我准备向妈妈求助时,我终于发现了空调上的小纸条,我皱着的眉头顿时舒展开来。这次是个关于天蓬元帅的问题
蜷缩怎么读戒在凡间是什么?我眼珠子咕噜噜一转,说:在下是猪!爸爸哈哈大笑,我猛的意识到我说我自己是---猪!我火冒三丈。  下一个地点是鞋柜里,我一会就到了。这是个字谜,爸爸说这是最后一关了。我绞尽脑汁得想也无济于事。妈妈说这会不会是书柜?我马上以风一般的速度爬到书柜顶上,果然,那书柜上放着一台---psp!  对于我来说这真是妙不可言的一天。湖南怀化舞水小学五年级:447508634红河哈尼梯田