1.Sow an act,and you reap a habit. Sow a habit,and you reap a character.Sow a
2.When I l ook back on all these worries,I remember the story of the ol d man
who said on his d eathbed that he had had a lot of troubl e in his life,most of which had never happened.—Sir Winston Churchill 当我回顾过去有过的忧虑,我想起一个故事讲述一位老人临终说的话,他说自己这一生有过许多困难麻烦,只是它们大部分从未真正发生过。——温斯顿·丘吉尔
3.The fundamental cause of troubl e in the worl d is that the stupid are cocksure
whil e the intelligent are full of doubt.—Bertrand Russel 这个世界根本上的问题在于,愚蠢的人们都自信满满,而聪明的人们却总是充满了怀疑。——伯特兰·罗素
4.Drag your thoughts away from your troubl es……by the ears,by the heels,or
any other way you can manage it.—Mark Twain 把你的思想从麻烦事里面拖出来吧,拽它的耳朵也好,脚后跟也好,随便你想怎样都行。——马克·吐温5.I was seld om abl e to see an opportunity until it had ceased to be one.—Mark
Twain 我总是要到机会已经消失的时候,才能察觉到它。——马克·吐温6.Never pick a flight with peopl e who buy ink by the barrel.—Mark Twain 永远
7.Great men are seld om over-scrupul ous in the arrangement of their
attire.—Charl es Dickens 伟大的人物很少会一丝不苟地整治着装。——查尔斯·狄更斯
8.No grand id ea was ever born in a conference,but a l ot of foolish id eas have
died there.—F. Scott Fitzgeral d 会议很少能讨论出好主意,但是能消灭很多蠢主意。——菲茨·杰拉德
9.Where observation is concerned,chance favours only the prepared
mind.—Louis Psteur 根据观察得到的经验,机会只青睐那些有准备的人。
10.The“sane”person is not so much a person who has eliminated all
contradictions,but one who uses them and applies them in his
work.—Maurice Merl eau-Ponty 神志清醒人并非没有自相矛盾,而是把它们利用在了工作中。——毛里斯·庞蒂
11.One shoul d l ook l ong and carefully at oneself before one consid ers judging
others.—Moliere 一个人在开始评判别人之前,先要仔仔细细地审视过自己才行。——莫里哀
12.Time is that wherein there is opportunity,and opportunity is that wherein
there is no great time.—Hippocrates 时间里蕴藏着机会,而机会里面没有多少时间。——希波克拉底
13.A self-mad e man is one who believes in luck and sends his son to
Oxford.—Christina Stead 一个白手起家的人是一个相信运气的人,也是把儿子送到牛津大学去的人。——
14.Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.—Lord Acton
15.Cowardice,as distinguished from panic,is almost always simply a lack of
ability to suspend the functioning of the imagination.—Ernest Hemingway 胆小不同于惊吓,它基本只是缺乏停止胡思乱想的能力。——欧内斯特·海明威
16.In necessary things,unity;in d oubtful things,liberty;in all
things,charity.—Richard Baxter 在必然的事情上,我们要同心协力;在不能确定的事情上,要有自由思考;在一切事情上,我们都要有宽容之心。——理查德·巴科斯特
17.As I grew old er I realized that hurting peopl e through criticism was a form of
failure……One hurt them for things one hadn't d one oneself.—Cyril Connolly 随着年纪的增长,我发现用批评去伤害他人本身就是一种失败……一个人常因为自己也没能完成的事去伤害别人。——西里尔·康诺利
18.The price one pays for pursuing any profession,or calling,is an intimate
knowl edge of its ugly sid e.—James Baldwin 一个人从事任何专业或职业所要付出的代价就是要了解这个领域丑陋的一面。——詹姆斯·鲍德温
19.We d o not succeed in changing according to our d esire,but gradually our
外国名人故事d esir
e changes.—Proust 我们并非按照自己的意愿改变着环境,而是逐渐改
20.There are no extraordinary men……just extraordinary circumstances that
ordinary men are forced to d eal with.—William Halsey 不存在伟大的人物……他们只是被特殊的环境所逼迫的普通人。——威廉·海尔赛
21.To wear your heart on your sl eeve isn't a very good plan;you shoul d wear it
insid e,where it functions best.—Margaret Thatcher 把想法写在脸上不是个好办法;你应该把它们放在心里,也正是在那里它们才有用。——玛格丽特·撒切尔
22.All fixed set patterns are incapabl e of adaptability or pliability. The truth is
outsid e of all fixed patterns.—Bruce Lee所有的固定招式都无法灵活变通。真正的武术在于超乎定势之外。——李小龙
23.An error is the more dangerous in proportion to the d egree of truth contained
in it.—Henry Fred eric Amiel,Journal一个错误中,包含的真相越多,就越是可怕。——亨利·弗里德里克·阿米尔
24.Take care of the pence,and the pounds will take care of themselves.—William
Lownd es 照看好你的每一便士,英镑自然就不用你管了(小事留意,大事顺利)。——威廉·朗德士
25.The worl d is divid ed into peopl e who d o things and peopl e who get the credit.
Try,if you can,to belong to the first class.There's far l ess competition.—Dwight Morrow 这个世界的人分成两种:一种人真正地做事,一种人得到好处。如果可以的话,尽量做第一种人,竞争要少得多。——德怀特·莫洛
26.No guilty man is acquitted if judged by himself.—Juvenal每个有罪之人,让他
27.How can peopl e trust the harvest,unl ess they see it sown?—Mary Renault 人
28.Never trust anyone who wants what you've got. Friend or no,envy is an
overwhelming emotion.—Eubie Blake 永远不要相信那些对你的东西存有觊觎的人,无论他是否是你的朋友,嫉妒是能压倒一切的情绪。——尤比·布雷