1. 亡羊补牢的英语小故事
Once upon a time, someone raised a sheep. One morning, he found a sheep missing. After careful examination, he found that the sheepfold had broken a hole. At night, the wolf came in and took one of the sheep. The neighbour advised him, "Repair the sheepfold and plug the hole!" The man refused to accept the advice and answered, "What's the sheep doing when they've lost it?" 小故事大道理读后感
The next morning, he found another sheep missing. Originally, the wolf came in from the hole and took a sheep. He regretted that he had not listened to his neighbour's advice, so he quickly blocked the hole and repaired the sheepfold. Since then, wolves can no longer get into the sheepfold to catch sheep.
《战国策》是中国古代的一部历史学名著。它是一部国别体史书(《国语》是第一部)又称《国策》。次要记载战国时期谋臣策士纵横捭阖(bǎi hé)的斗争。全书按东周、西周、秦国、齐国、楚国、赵国、魏国、韩国、燕国、宋国、卫国、中山国依次分国编写,分为12策,33卷,共497篇。
2. 求关于亡羊补牢这个故事的英语口语作文,100字以内,说的话大约
Once upon a time,there was a shepherd who kept some sheep.He herded them outside in daytime;at night,he drived them in the sheepfold which was inclosed by hays and pegs etc.
One morning,the shepherd went to herd sheep and found one sheep lost.He then discovered that the sheepfold had been broken,and the wolf must had thieved the sheep through the hollow.
"You'd better repaire the sheepfold and plug up the hollow as soon as possible!"Neighbours advised him.
"The sheep has been lost,why should I reparie the sheepfold?" He didn't accept the neighbour's kind suggestions.
The next morning,he went to herd and found another sheep lost.The wolf had again did it.
The shepherd now regreted for not taking neighbour's advice and taking remediations in time.So he stifle
d the hollow soon,and reinforced the whole sheepfold ,and made the sheepfold so substantial.
3. 英文版亡羊补牢的故事
There was once a farmer, raising dozens of sheep grazing day and night, herded into a straw, and wood piles and other items with the fenced in penOne morning, the sheep herders go and found a sheep less. Broke a hole in the original sheep pen at night from a hole in the fall in. wolf came in, put a sheep Diao away.
Neighbor advised him said: "The rush to pen a trim, to plug that hole in it."
He said: "The sheep have been lost, but also to repair the sheep pen do?" Did not accept well-meaning neighbor's advice.
The next morning, he went to sheep and found that less then one sheep. Wolf and from the original drilling holes where the sheep pen, then walked a sheep Diao.
The herdsmen are regret not recognized directly affected by the neighbor's advice, to take timely remedia
l measures. So he quickly stuffed that hole, and from the overall reinforcement, the sheepfold of cultivation firmly indeed false.
Since then, the herdsmen of the sheep will never be Wolf Diao gone through.
Herdsmen's story tells us: make a mistake, suffered a setback, it is a common phenomenon. Long as it can seriously learn to take timely remedial measures could have been avoided to continue to make mistakes and suffer greater losses