21. Jack bought a _________ in a shoe shop yesterday.
  A.pair of shoes        B.pairs of shoes          C.pair of two shoes        D.pair of shoe
22. If you _________ at home and miss the lecture, youll feel sorry.
  A.stay      B.will stay        C.stayed          D. stays
23. _________ I go shopping with my mother on Sundays.
  A. Some time    B. Sometime    C. Sometimes      D. Some times
24. If you become rich, you will have a difficult time knowing ________ your real friends are.
A.that    B.who          C. which          D. what
25. —Remember, boys and girls. ________ you work, ________ result you will get.
—We know, Miss Gao.
  A.The better, the harder        B.The harder, the better
  C.The hard, the better          D.The hard, the good
26. —How long have you been skating today?
  A. Three miles          B.Thirty circles      C. Three feet        D.Three hours
27. Who can tell me _______ at the meeting?
  A.what he said        B.he said what            C.what did he say    D.how he said
28. Its polite to wait __________ line.
  A.on      B. in      C. at        D. to
29. I spent two hours _________ English every day.
  A. to speak      B. speak      C.on speaking    D.speaking
30. Doing it well can make my mother __________.
  A.happily      B.happy        C. sad        D. sadly
31. Most boys like to play _________ football, but he likes to play ___________ piano.
  A.a, a    B. 不填,不填      C.不填,a      D. 不填,the
32. Weve _________ room to store my books.
  A.ran out of    B. ran out      C. run out of      D. run out from
33. My shoes are worn out, I want to buy a new __________.
  A.one      B.ones          C. shoe        D.pair
34. —We are going to have a picnic tomorrow.Whats the weather like, Mike?
—Why not __________ the radio and listen to the weather report?
做手工纸花 A.turn on      B.turn off      C. take away    D.find out
35. —Can I ________ to Mr. Smith?
—Yes, this is Smith.
  A.say      B.tell        C.speak      D.talk
36. The weather in Australia is as warm as ________ in China at this time of the year.
  A.it      B.that      C.this      D.one
37. Sorry, but there is not enough ___________ to put your boxes in your room.
  A.ground      B.floor      C.places        D. room
38. Who will be the last person _________ the office?
  A.leave    B.left    C. to leave      D.leaves
39. People will get annoyed if you _____________.
  A.cut in line      B.get in line      C.stand in line      D. wait in line
40. My mother __________ going shopping to buy some New Year gifts.
  A.suggests        B.advises        C.minds          D.asks
    Once there was a king man whose name was Goldsmith. He had a kind heart. He was always ready to  41  others. He gave away so much to the poor  42  he was always poor himself. He was sometimes called Dr. Goldsmith for he had studied  43  .
One day a poor woman asked him to go to see her husband, who was very ill and did not
  44  .
    Goldsmith did so. He found that the family was in great need of  45  . The man had not
had work for a long time, but he was not ill. He looked  46  because there was no food in the house.
    Call at my room this evening, said Goldsmith to the woman, and I’ll give you some medicine  47  your husband.
    In the evening the woman called in, and Goldsmith gave her a little box that was very heavy. Here is the medicine, he said,   48  it and it will do your husband a great deal of good. Dont open the box  49  you get home.
    What are the directions for taking it?” asked the woman.
    You will find them inside the box, he answered.
    When the woman  50  her home, she sat down by her husband. They opened the box. It was full of pieces of money. On the top were the directions:TO BE TAKEN AS NECESSARY.
41. A.treat        B.help          C. fight          D. look over
42. A.though        B.when        C. which        D.before
43. A.language      B.food        C.medicine        D. metal
44. A.go          B.eat          C.smile          D.sleep
45. A.house          B.money        C.babies            D.medicine
46. A.ill          B.happy        C.thirsty          D.angry
47. A.on            B.about        C. with              D.for
48. A.Have        B.Get          C.Take              D.Buy
49. A.until        B.when        C.after            D.while
二月二龙抬头吉祥话50. A.got          B.arrived        C.reached          D.passed
  One day, a farmer was walking along a road with his son Thomas. The farmer said, Look! Theres a horseshoe(马蹄铁). Pick it up and put it in your bag. Thomas said, it isnt worth the trouble. His father said nothing but he picked it up himself. When they got to a nearby town, they had a rest. There the farmer sold the horseshoe and with the few pennies he bought some cherries(樱桃).