1. 恭贺新禧,万事如意!
Wish you good luck in the Year of the Rat!
2. 身体健康,万事如意!
Wish you good health and happiness!
3. 阖家幸福,和睦相处!
Peace and happiness for the whole family!
4. 新春快乐,幸福满满!
Happy Spring Festival and full of happiness!
5. 心想事成,家庭美满!
Wish your dreams come true and happy family!
关于春节的祝福语6. 事业有成,财运亨通!
Successful career and good fortune!
7. 阖家团圆,欢天喜地!
Reunite with family and joyous celebrations!
8. 祝福您在新的一年里,事业蒸蒸日上,财源滚滚来!
Wish you a prosperous new year and a bountiful harvest!
9. 愿您在新的一年里,开心快乐,心想事成!
May the New Year bring you happiness and success!
10. 愿新年为您带来无限快乐和美好的回忆!
May the New Year bring you endless joy and lasting memories!