

高考作为中国高等教育入学考试,一直以来都是社会关注的焦点,但这种重要的 选拔性考试,还有许多问题需要我们做出科学的解释和回答。高考英语试题的效度问 题就是其中之一,效度一直被认为是衡量一项测试质量的核心标准。近年来国内外对 各类语言测试效度研究不断出现,但对高考英语试题效度研究很少。因此对高考英语 试题效度分析研究很有必要。
本研究旨在了解2008至2010年江苏省高考英语试题效度,主要采取定性分析和 定量分析相结合的研究方法来分析这三年的试题效度。分析选取的标准主要有两个: 一是英语测试基本理论一交际语言能力测试理论;二是近三年江苏省高考英语考试大 纲。主要研究过程:第一、对比试题中各类题型预定测试的能力与实际这三年试题各 类题型所测能力,分析试题表面效度。第二、把近三年江苏高考英语考试大纲规定要 考的语言能力与实际试题所考的语言能力进行对比,分析试题内容效度。第三、对比 交际语言能力测试理论中规定学习者应掌握的交际语言能力与这三年试题实际所测
通过研究发现,近三年江苏高考英语试题中,主观性试题表面效度比客观性试题 表面效度高。而且这些试题都是按照大纲规定来命题,内容效度都比较高。在结构效 度方面,各类题型的试题除了考查到考生的语法能力外,还考查到考生的语篇以及社 会语言能力,这与交际语言能力测试理论的内涵相吻合,因此具有较高的结构效度。 最后通过研究发现的结果给高考英语命题及中学英语教学提出了一些建议与启示。 关键词:高考英语;表面效度;内容效度;结构效度

As the entrance examination of higller education,National Matriculation’rest h弱 always been the focus of the whole society.But it is in this imponant selection examination that many issues need us t0 make scientific explanations.The Validity 0f National Matriculation En酉ish Test(NMED is one of the typical issues.Validity has been
conside陀d弱the corc st锄dard t0 measure the quality of a test.In reccnt years,Various
studies 0n the Validity of language testing emerged at home蛐d aboard,but therc a佗f咖
studies on the Validity of NMET.So it is necessa巧t0 study the Validity 0f NMET.
The 90al 英语专业论文题目0f this thesis is to find out the Validity of the NMET 0f Jiangsu pr0Vince 餐rom 2008 t0 2010.Tllle陀search method 0f this thesis is qualitatiVe锄d quantitatiVe 锄alysis.The st锄dards t0卸alyze the Validity of these pape璐arc the basic theory of
l锄gIlagc testing—.1meory of communicatiVe langIlage testing硼d the NMET syllabuses of Jiangsu provincc仃0m 2008柚d 2010.Tllle柚alysis proccss c柚be diVided into three pans. Firstly’comp撕ng the abilities that V撕0us question types intended t0 tcst with the abilities these ex锄pape璐aCtually test.Througll the C0mparison rcsuItS,the rcsearcher c加强alyze the facc Validities of these pape瑙.Secondly'觚a1)rzing the content Validities througll the comp撕son bet、Ⅳeen the NMET syllabus髓of Jiangsu provincc锄d the ex锄pape塔of
the靶ttlree yea飓.Finally’comparing the l柚gIlage C0mpeten∞s proposed iIl the tlleory of communicatiVe l锄gIlagc tcsting with the l锄guage competenccs tested in thesc ex锄
pape娼.So the researCher∞n judgc the constrIlCt Validities of these exam pape璐.
The study他sults他Veal that tlle face Validity of subjeCtiVe test is lligher than thc objectiVe tcst of the Jiangsu NMET pape璐f幻m 2008 to 2010.These pape飓are designcd according t0 the NMET syllabus,∞they havc high content Va“dity.In te腓s of constmct
Validity’most 0fthe pape掩test the黟aIIImatical,textual锄d pragmatic competences 0f the ex锄inees,which consistent with the essencc of communicatiVc I锄guage testing theo呼 Tlle陀f0佗,the JiangSu NMET pape玛觚lm 2008 t0 2010 have higll construct Validity. Finally’this lhesis will also o船r somc Valuable and constmctiVc suggcstions t0 the desi鲷 of NMET papcr锄d English tcaching in middle sch001.
Key Words:NMET;facc Validity;content Validity;constmct Validity