Mother’s Story
When you came to this world, she held you in her arms and thought to herself that she would give you everything/all (that) she had(她所拥有的一切).
When you were 1 year old, she was busy doing housework. Then the moment came when you called her mama for the first time(你第一次叫她妈妈), and you made her cry with joy.
When you were 2 years old, she stood by the side of your little bed where/on which you were sleeping(你正在睡觉的小床边), singing songs softly.
When you were 3 years old, she celebrated your birthday and sent you the first birthday presents that delivered her deep love(传递着她浓浓爱意的第一份生日礼物).
When you were 4 years old, she gave you some crayons with which you can draw pictures(一些你可以用来画画的蜡笔. But instead, you colored your dining room with them.
When you were 6 years old, she walked you to school and left you at a school which is the best in your neighborhood(社区内最好的一所学校).
When you were 12 years old, she warned you not to watch those meaningless TV shows, but you didn’t understand the reason for which/why she did so(她这么做的理由)and closed your door in her face.
When you were 18 years old, she drove you to the railway station, but you got on the train excitedly, and didn’t even notice the woman behind you whose eyes were filled with tears(你身后那个噙满泪水的女人).
When you were 30 years old, she called you, asking about her grandbaby and offering the helpthatyou just needed(你正需要的帮助), but you didn’t even ask her health.
When you were 40 years old, she fell ill and needed your care, but you were busy with your work, complaining about the burden that/which parents had added to their children(父母为孩子增加的负担).关于母亲的文章
And one day, she left you forever. Gone are the days when she is with you(她在你身边的日子一去不复返了). The only thing that you can do is to remember the happiness (that/which) she brought to you(你唯一能做的就是记住她曾经为你带来的幸福).